War With Iran - The Wheels Are In Motion

Discussion in 'The Political/Current Events Coffee House' started by D3VIL, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. matthewchris Guest

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    Iran is a constant and growing threat to Israeli security. Pedro is completely right, they haven't been shy when it comes to the issue of Israel's existence. I think their nuclear capabilities are certainly justification for said missiles, if only to continue to strengthen us, in the face of a possible war with Iran. Also, you need to brush up on your Israeli history D3vil, if you think that we are the constant aggressor.

    Anyway, Iran is a tyrannical government, who constantly treads international law. Under certain provocation, I would completely support Israel in a war with Iran, especially if we could take out the theocratic dictatorship that they call a government. Hell, their support of Hamas is sufficient reason to go to war, as they are essentially backing Israel's biggest enemy, costing us thousands of lives.

    I know that in case of a war with Iran, I am going to be the first one to reenlist. The world won't miss it's current form, and neither will it's own citizens. Don't get your panties in a bundle though, Israel and Saudi Arabia could sufficiently handle Iran, leaving NATO in strictly a supporting role, and with no need to put boots on the ground.
  2. Benerfe Well-Known Member

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    Mecca is in Hedjaz, now it is in Saudi Arabia.

    I'm implying that the tensions of Christianity and Islam could get out of control.

    Biblical war..
  3. D3adtrap www.twitter.com/d3adtrap | Mr. Choc: Coco Fruits

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    One, who supports the war should be also the one, who fights in it. My respect for Matt rose by buhzillion percent.
  4. matthewchris Guest

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    Why the hell would (basically a theocracy) Iran, bomb it's holiest city, regardless of who occupies it? That's just retarded, and you make absolutely no sense.

    Thank you.
  5. Benerfe Well-Known Member

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    Why would Iran bomb Mecca? I did not say anything like that.

    I said some people could bomb Mecca, and blame the west. Think of 'some people' as the variables.
  6. matthewchris Guest

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    That still doesn't make any sense. No Muslims is going to bomb Mecca, and the West isn't even going to come close to it, if they get involved at all. I don't think you understand the significance of the city, no one is dumb enough to use it as a tool.
  7. Benerfe Well-Known Member

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    Mecca is the birthplace of the Prophet Mohammed of course it could be a tool.

    I'm not saying Muslims, are going to bomb Mecca.

    I'm implying Biblical thought, (of which I despise so much every time I visit my crazed uncle) that Iran is a key to WW3, then Mecca, then people of the North (Russians) then million man army (China) all gets thrown into the situation. Focusing around Israel and everything else.

    And if nothing of that really happens just call me crazy. Just throwing my two cents... Of 'What if'
  8. matthewchris Guest

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    Well no shit it is, but it's so holy, that no one would think about using it, knowing that the outcry from the Muslim world will be enormous. And I don't know what the fuck the rest of that was about.
  9. Benerfe Well-Known Member

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    I just wanted to point out Mecca's use in someone's new world order so to speak, and the rest was just really hogwash.

    Sorry I'm done lol.
  10. D3VIL Well-Known Member

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    Obviously I do not regard Israel as a constant aggressor and I apologise if that was what I said. I was mainly referring to the US. I see the Gaza War as Israeli aggression but I accept that Israel has been under threat from its neighbours. I don't see why Iran is a threat though. As stated many times, 270 years since its last invasion. It's stance is deterrence. I do not see this changing any time soon. Israel is the country illegally occupying territory, using its military and threatening Iran with military action.

    In other words just keep doing the sanctions. You don't need to attack them.

    Don't even bother starting the international law argument. One word - Israel.

    'Certain provocation'? What is that? Is that Iran attacking Israel or not?
  11. slydessertfox Total War Branch Head

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    I would be legitimately terrified if Iran obtained nuclear weapons. Talk about Iran only using them for defense is complete utter bullshit. Iran is lead by a fucking madman. I would not put it past Iran's leaders to nuke D.C. or London. And to call Israel potentially attacking Iran warmongering is absolutely preposterous. Israel has every right to attack Iran.
  12. Kalalification Guest

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    I'd still be willing to bet Observer's life that no war is on the horizon.
  13. D3VIL Well-Known Member

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    By the way, Saudi Arabia has a worse score than Iran on the Freedom House Freedom in the World chart. And they are your best buds.

    He's disposable so that doesn't count for anything (joke). But seriously you might be right Kalal now that the cat's out of the bag.
  14. matthewchris Guest

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    Israel's occupation of the West Bank is a entirely different beast, and not relevant to them being labeled as a aggressive country. Iran is a consistent threat because they continue to act like one. They threaten Israeli security, build weaponry in the face of international treaty (Israel is also guilty of this), and are extremely erratic in their foreign relations.

    I didn't say anything about attacking them, but if they continue to fund and aid or enemies, and hinder Israel-Palestine peace negotiations, well, something more than sanctions will have to occur. Not necessarily war, but it's clear Iran isn't cleaning up it's act.

    Israel has a terrible record as well, but that doesn't make Iran's any better. It just makes both awful. Does that make this theoretical war any less justifiable? I don't think so.

    Iran increasing support of Hamas and Hezbollah, or taking otherwise offensive action against Israel.
  15. Artismoke Well-Known Member

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    I doubt they would randomly bomb a Western nation. He can't be that mad if he is leading a nation. One of their missiles (which I don't think can reach farther than France) would be met with potentially thousands of ours. An Israeli counter-strike alone could melt most of Iran into glass and the molten skin of its citizens. The nukes would probably be a deterrent and symbol of power for the most part. Keep people out of their sphere and stop any attacks on them, I don't see them holding back on the WMD's if they were attacked and were going to lose anyway. A parting "fuck you".

    I can understand why Israel would want to attack; their dominance of the Middle East could be called into question when the have to bring Iran as a nuclear power into the equation. A simple bunker buster on the nuke sites would cause some uproar, but keep things much simpler in the future.
  16. D3VIL Well-Known Member

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    He sums it up much better than I ever could.
  17. LeonTrotsky Well-Known Member

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    I have always calmed myself when I realize that the US and Russia's nuclear capabilities dwarf everyone else's. Iran should not be allowed nukes. They are way to aggressive, and if they use nukes it will mean the end of them.
  18. slydessertfox Total War Branch Head

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    This man is not sane. This is the guy who basically made it his life goal to destroy Israel. Think about it from the perspective of a madman leading a country. If you were insane, and you knew that sooner or later your country was gonna be attacked, would you not rather want to turn Washington D.C. into a wasteland to risk a nuclear war? Now remember he is a lunatic. Also, I am honestly not so sure he believes NATO would fire back. Its almost like Hitler in World War 2. The allies were hesitant to risk war. In this case, Iran might believe that we would be hesitant to risk complete nuclear fallout by launching another nuclear missile.
  19. pedro3131 Running the Show While the Big Guy's Gone

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    Interesting you'd bring up Gaza considering where the primary source of Hamas and the other paramilitary organizations in Gaza (who are still launching rocket attacks into Israeli villages, not military installations, but villages, almost daily). The source is Iran. Iran has funded these groups for years who have conducted near daily attacks against Israeli civilians. Israel has thus far TALKed about taking MILITARY action. They would have to blow up a few suicide bombers in Tehranian nightclubs to get on Iran's level.

    And yes, when a country who has a history of expressing the desire to wipe you off the face of the earth attempts to acquire nuclear weapons, it is a major cause for concern. Israel for all its might, is a small country, and just a few nuclear detonations would cripple, if not completely obliterate her. Why not take a defensive posture against a leader who is arming himself with such weapons, and has expressed the desire to wipe you off the face of the earth?

    @ Your links...

    More sanctions... I didn't realize sanctions were the same as invasion plans
  20. ComradeLer Proud Anti-Patriot

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    According to leaked cables on Wikileaks, the Australian government does not consider Iran to be a 'rogue nation' or a threat. We are a hell of a lot closer to them too, plus we are an American puppet, with something like 60 US Military bases on our soil. I'm not usually one to follow what the government says, but in this case, I believe Iran is nothing of a threat. Plus I don't believe Iran are stupid enough to start throwing missiles at Israel. If they did, they would have America, and all of it's allies at their throat. And those who argue that China/Russia could intervene - Very much possible. Which is why the war is far less likely to occur, as China/Russia would have them on a leash.

    Edit: America is a far larger threat to global security. As Dtrap said, when was America's last war in which they were not the aggressor? I'm sure if Kali lived in Iran/China, he would be telling us all about the 'Evil Americans' and how are they are going to destroy the world. (Clarification: Americans are not evil. Just their system.)

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