Medieval Lord game.

Discussion in 'Roleplaying Games' started by Romulus211, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    Lord fey, you are a simple man, you do not follow my wishes, I am afraid that my patience with you has run thin, Your punishment is as followed: Take a Legionary force of 120 Barborum, and patrol our borders and try and convince nearby barbora, to join our land, If you fail me and if your host is destroyed, I am afraid it is death for you.
  2. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    At the city Rome

    Diplomat Gregory has just passed through the city gates and was amazed at the beauty of the city. Marble fountains and buildings made of wood and decorated stone.

    Gregory:Wow I've never seen a place like this in my entire life.

    Gregory's mission was to make contact with the leader of the city and negotiate a possible trade agreement. When he went up towards the castle the guards stopped him and checked him. Gregory gave him his silver dagger to the guards and showed them his Diplomat's seal and the Baron's seal. They let him in and showed him to the kings throne room. As he was walking there, he saw a man sitting in a chair weeping. This man looked very important with his armor and cape. The man looked up at the diplomat and said:

    The Man: The king is not in the throne room today.
    Gregory: Well where is he.
    The Man: You can speak you business to me. I am Lord Fey.
    Gregory: I am Gregory, and I come Greenland in the far north. I am here to set up relations and possibly trade with your nation.
    Lord Fey: Well you tell me about your nation and its trade and I'll see to it that I talk to the Count about this.
    Gregory: Great! Well our nation........
    They talked for hours and a slight friendly relationship was developing
    Gregory: Sorry but I must ask, why were you weeping earlier.
    Lord Fey: Keep this a secret, I failed my liege too many time and I'm afraid he might sack me.
    Gregory: That's horrible, is there anything I can do?
    Lord Fey: You coming here to negotiate may help me from getting sacked, if I tell him about Greenland and possible trade, he might give me one last chance. I thank you dearly for coming to Rome.
    Gregory: Well, I better go and bring this news to my baron.
    Lord Fey: Goodbye friend.

    Gregory's first mission was a success. He negotiated trade and relations between Greenland and Rome and he made a friend.
  3. slydessertfox Total War Branch Head

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    Ok. I call them the Rommel reforms. Every soldier will have his equipment paid for by the government. Every soldier will be so for 20 years. Once retired, he will be granted a plot of land whereer he chooses. Auxillaries will fill the ranks of the cavalry/
  4. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    ((Someone still needs to put up the stats or whatever of me attacking that one guy's barbarian barony.))
  5. slydessertfox Total War Branch Head

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    Lord Fey I do not think Romulus has given you a fair chance. I am going to take the chace of overruling Rom and giving you 2,000 of my now 10,000 drafter legionarries for your patrol. This will allow you to use more force in your negotiations. I am afraid however that this is all I can give you. I the meantime I will give you a seperate mission to go along with your current one given by Rom. Go to the nearby rogue barbarian tribes and see if you can gather up allies to use as a bargaining tool in the mission Rom has given you. I wish you the best of luck.

    Meanwhile, I await Romulus for further orders.
  6. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    Conscripts are here in the Horde! 10,000 new horsemen. Grant it, they may not be the best trained or the most willing, but they're soldiers none the less.
  7. Skyicewolf City States Godmod Patrol

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    (Guys, first, you can't finish a battle by yourself, FeyBart. Thats godmodding. You have to wait for the other side to say there losses and there response to your attack.

    And seriously, Slydesertfox, Romulus, and FeyBart. THE ENTIRE FORCE OF ROMULUS IS ROUGHLY 400 MEN! YOU HAVE TWO SMALL CITIES! You can't gain a population of 10,000 every time one of you posts. Seriously, it's starting to piss me off.)
  8. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    ((This is true. Let's say Romulus has about 700 soldiers total, I have 400, and Fey has 400. Everyone is enacting mass recruitment, so I'm glad to see we're all on such great terms.))
  9. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    OOC: Wait, I can't remember who is the barbarian Barony. Am I the barbarian Barony or is someone else? Also, If you are going to address me and my nation, use Greenland.
  10. Skyicewolf City States Godmod Patrol

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    (Sorry for the outburst. Kind of annoying. Anyways. Rom has 700, but FeyBart is a vassal of Rom. So total they have 700, kay? You have 400, and i have 400. Alright? So instead of getting 10,000 more horsemen, say you got, say, 30 more horsemen, and 70 infantry? I think that the military population should always equal a third of the total population, right? So my army is 400. That means that my total population should be roughly 1200 people, correct? Not including slaves, of course.
  11. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    OOC: Oh sky your the barbarian Barony.
  12. Skyicewolf City States Godmod Patrol

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    Lord Fel had gone out on a mission.

    Not a mission of diplomacy, nor a mission of war, simply a patrolling of the area around the city, especially after that recently failed attack, which succeeded in emptying out about 30 pounds of sand from a part of the wall. Most of the men who were killed were killed by arrow fire.

    But that was not the point currently. The point was to go to the extreme edge of the country, especially near the Roman's below, with about 100 men. The men were split up into a few groups. Group one was on point, it consisted of 5 infantrymen, 5 knights, and 20 Archers, only two of them veterans. Meanwhile, Group 2 guarded the flanks and back, and consisted of a total of 10 veteran archers, 20 young archers, and 10 infantrymen. The main body, of course, was made up of 20 knights, and 10 of the Royal Fulguard's Elite, guarding Lord Fel, who himself, was clad in Iron armor, with shoulderplates that rippled, partly covered with rabbit pelts. Along with this, he had a hunting bow on his back, and a thin steel Rapier, along with a small quiver of 25 arrows.

    The men on point had recently spotted some movement in the underbrush, and had sent a few archers to look .From the looks of it, a force of roughly 120 men, all of them quite inexperienced, and all of them infantry. This would help massively.

    The terrain was fairly simple. The Roman men, as they seemed, were walking on a hunting path commonly used as a patrolling path as well. Due to the hills on the border, the path was surrounded by two fairly steep cliffs, almost completely covered in brush, and a few trees before the dense trees at the top of the hill.

    It was here the ambush would take place.

    The Men moved into positions ordained by the Lord Fel, and, far away enough not to be seen, slowly started to encircle the group. None of them came within 30 feet of the road, except for the knights, who were at a small knoll, in the dense part of the forest, ready to charge down at the cue from troops farther down the road.


    At the same time as this, an Envoy, and a group of 15 of the Fulguard, were sent to the other nation next to them, who had also seceded from aggresion and ignorance that was the Romans. The deal was simple. A Road, Cobble, would be built between them, a part of it in the northern part of Roman territory. Trade could flourish, and the two cities would become richer, as well as have mutual protection, as part of this deal would be a solid military alliance, on top of the trade deal. This was a fairly Good deal.

    (Karakoran, that's you.)
  13. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    Status on the city of Bremen.

    The walls are completed made of hardwood from the forest nearby but the walls cannot hold the population it contains. We were surprised by how many peasants surged into the city. The population of Bremen is currently 2000 people in the first 2 months! We are already building new stone walls the surround Bremen so it can contain its growing population. The walls are 500 feet from thee old walls. The old walls are being refitted with stone. The plan is to make a ringed design for the city. nobles, government officials, and artisans will live in the inner ring while peasants and other lower class citizens will live in the outer ring.

    The army has grown since the surge of population in Bremen. Peasants were conscripted into spearman regiments. 14 year old boys were sent to train to be berserkers. Archers and siege equipment has developed and number with 100 archers and 4 ballistas.

    Danish ring fortresses are currently being built along our borders to prevent invasions. The Rangers have been successful at defending the borders from barbarians and a few have been asked to go through with further training to become Baron Wolfgang's personal bodyguards.

    We have raided a few barbarian villages near our borders and we have captured 200 slaves total. They are sent to work on our ring fortresses and walls. The spearmen have proven their worth as useful soldiers, only 50 died from barbarians.

    We have sent diplomats to Skyice Barbarian Barony to establish trade and a Coexistence Pact.
  14. Skyicewolf City States Godmod Patrol

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    The population had had a recent boom. With the Romans doing constant raids on nearby villages that stayed independent, the city of Fulgur looked like an excellent choice. Sure, there was slavery, but that made life easier, and besides, they were men mostly from villages who had stayed independent, but let Rome become there master. They were practically all men from villages who were protectorates of the dreaded enemy of Rome, to the south. But, of course, they didn't live a hard life. They did hard labor, but masters were not allowed to beat the slaves to death, or to being crippled. The most you were allowed to do was hit them with a willow switch a centimeter across, and a foot, to 2 feet long. It did not hurt along, and before you were allowed to own a slave, you were subjected to being hit with them across the back 3 times, if you seemed like someone who would mistreat a slave, so that they would understand the pain being inflicted.

    But this was not the point of the boom. The point was that there was a population boom. This meant that the population rose from 1200 free people, to over 1600. A 400 person gain, mostly from people fleeing from the reign of Romulus, or people who saw Fulgur as a bastion against the rest of the world. The Recent victory against the Romans had solidified that.

    Added to that, were another 150 slaves, resulting in over 500 slaves surrently working in houses as guards or butlers, out in the fields as farmhands, or working for the state, as over 200 did, by rebuilding and improving the walls, as well as putting cobblestone from the quarry nearby on the roads, letting wagons travel to and from the city gates faster.

    Speaking of which, an envoy from the north had recently come down, not being let into the city before he stated his business and were he had come from.

    When he stated that he came from a powerful nation from the north, the guards simply snickered, and taunted him.

    This had to be broken up by Sir Pier, the Commandant and Head of the army, who quietly ushered in the man, to the keep, and then the main hall.

    The main hall was probably the oldest structure, the support beams, made of a hardwood.
  15. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    Diplomat Gregory entered the city of Fulgar with Fulgar guards escorting him to the main hall. Gregory was confident after his last successful mission, he was sent here to establish trade and a Coexistence Pact.

    Gregory: Hello, I am a diplomat from the nation of Greenland to the north of you. We wish to establish trade with your city. We trade mainly food as we produce a large surplus of it. We would trade it for iron ore, cloth, and clay.
    I am also here to establish a Coexistence Pact. This pact is a means of increasing relation between both of our nations. I will be waiting for you reply.
  16. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    I am very upset with Lord Fey not only did he attack barbarians without my consent, he got all of my valuable Legions, Sly Are forces number only 700 trained legionarries, I gave Lord Fey his punishment, he will carry it out or face the wrath of a Just king, I'm sorry that it had to come to this , but disobeying me is not an option, We are brothers and I treat you as my kin, I trust you but when you go behind my back to further your selfish goals I must intervene for the sake of the people in my County.

    (OOC: were not Romans were ROMULANS, Jesus christ people...)
  17. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    Has Lord Fey told you about the trade agreement? I spoke to him about it.
  18. Skyicewolf City States Godmod Patrol

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    "Hmmm..." Said Sir Pier. He was currently acting as minister of state while Lord Fel was off, as last message said, about to ambush a large bulk of Romulan forces. Around 30 Veteran Swordsman were sent, along with 10 pikemen, and 10 veteran archers, to back them up in case they were in over there head. But since that was an ambush, and so far, the Romulans were encircled, chances were the entire force would be destroyed. Meanwhile, the cities guards were on high alert, and citizens and slaves in the fields around the city were being recalled to the inner city.

    "We found out about your population. Quite interesting that you could support 2,000 people with that huge amount of food you have. But you don't seem to be a very warlike nation. You seem to be mainly farmers. We could add a sort of... protection.... to this deal of ours. We simply want your cooperation... and maybe a few other things. Trade agreement? Done. But your people will have to contribute to paving the road with cobblestone on your half of the road. We also accept your coexistence pact. But back to protection. Your group of people is not very warlike, as it seems, and your economy would be ruined simply by a pestilence, or a small rampaging army in the hills. Because of this... We need a sort of... Insurance. We want a tribute, to be paid either as 50 healthy slaves a month, or in other terms, such as actual citizens of your population. Or perhaps we can finish with this and jump straight to your city becoming part of the Fel Empire."

    The guards were trained to expect any reaction from these demands, and were ready to see a silver knife at any time.

    (Pretty much, korean poet, i'm forcing you to either become a vassal state, which wouldnt be so bad really, or you can give us a hefty tribute of 50 healthy slaves a month, or 50 actual citizens from your towns. Yes, this is a threat, take it as such. If you have questions, Start a conversation with me.(MEssage me.)(
  19. Aloysius Well-Known Member

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    Well scratch Carthage if i have to be in Europa. Actually ill be in Poland. Time to start the reign of Suavek in Warsaw. After a civil war finally a leader rises in Warsaw. How ever the prominent city of Krakow is still not under Suaveks control. If rule is to be established over the Vistula river. Krakow must be taken. 300 men stand guard in Warsaw. They are Veteran warriors and eager to fight.
  20. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    I accept your offers besides coming your vassal, however we will give you slaves and citizens. However, citizens sent to your city must have equal rights to your citizens. The stone will be hard to come buy because we don't have many masons to carve stone. We request 30 masons from your city to help us build the road and other structures. Protection will be great because our elite warriors are still training and won't be ready in a few years.

    You seem to confuse us with being a peaceful civilization. Although we don't have a proper army, we are not afraid to get our hands bloody. But we only attack when necessary and mainly fight defensively.
    I am glad you accepted the Coexistence Pact. I guarantee that our nations will become closer.
    50 slaves are already on their way towards Fulgar.

    Wolfgang Hobekost

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