Europa Barbarorum

Europa Barbarorum
  1. the marxist rommel
    @Mobmaster No it isn't. Romani: Romans
    Sep 19, 2012
  2. Achtung Faschisten!
    So Toast's wish really did come true.
    Sep 19, 2012
  3. Zemlyane
    Extended Cultures is definitely a way better mod than both EB and RS.
    Sep 19, 2012
  4. Mobmaster
    The Roman faction's names wrong, just sayin, :P
    Sep 19, 2012
  5. freeman12
    If the people who made Roma Surrectum and Europa Barbarorum teamed up and combined the two mods together. It would hands down be the greatest mod ever made for a total war game. Hell maybe the best mod ever made for a game period.
    Sep 18, 2012
  6. Carlins6
    I think this looks and sounds better then roma serectum but more content in roma serectum is a deal breaker
    Sep 18, 2012