Let’s Play Crusader Kings II – Part. 12

Let’s Play Crusader Kings II – Part. 12
  1. UnitRico
    I don't know if you've done it yet, but it might be a good idea to change your succession laws. Gavelkind (which is what you have, I believe) means you divide all your titles among your children, meaning you can lose a crapload of land once you die.
    Mar 18, 2012
  2. lesha1129
    y hold 2 many dutches give it to ur vassal's!!!
    Mar 18, 2012
  3. Dreagon
    STALIN FOR PRESIDENT!!! Or prime-minister or whatever the top job is in Canada.
    Mar 18, 2012
  4. Clockworks
    Is* sorry for bad grammar.
    Mar 18, 2012
  5. Clockworks
    You should research the bulgarian history.Before volga bulgars and bulgarians there was one country called "Velika Bulgaria" but it got overruned by the mongols and their monarch had a few sons.They all went into diffrent places and made their own countrys.Volga Bulgaria os one of them.Bulgaria on the balkans is another one of those countrys.
    Mar 18, 2012
  6. The Evil Major
    @Clockworks Volga-Bulgars aren't the same thing as Bulgarians
    Mar 18, 2012
  7. Jackamatack1
    Hello stalin fans, I have been a long time viewer, Going back to the ottoman campaign of etw.
    I stopped watching for a few months after getting tired of visiting youtube, then your site, then going back to youtube ect.
    But I noticed that you made a new channel, so then I just decided to get off my lazy ass and create this account. So thank you for the years of epic videos!
    Mar 17, 2012
  8. DocSpyder
    Hey Stalin, I just noticed that you own every single duchy of the kingdom. That is responsible for the majority of the disent towards you. I know I hated giving my vassals that kind of power but you need to. Almost every person with a negative opinon of you will be happy even if you dont give them the duchy
    Mar 17, 2012
  9. ivantheterrible60
    You should some day run for Prime Minister. I would move to Canada and become a citizen and vote for you.
    Mar 17, 2012
  10. Clockworks
    Hey bulgarians aren't stinky.>:(
    Mar 17, 2012
  11. Clive
    ahh logistic advert... how I missed you. I prefer the original song but damn! They're so awesome!!!! oh and good vid too :L
    Mar 17, 2012
  12. Lordinkdeath27
    ah this is why im awake
    Mar 17, 2012