Let’s Play Mass Effect 3 – Part. 2

Let’s Play Mass Effect 3 – Part. 2
  1. Calico117
    the Thermal clips are used to get rid of the heat generated when firing, and immediately be able to fire again instead of having to wait for your gun to air cool. My only problem is that you don't have the air-cooled method when you run out of thermal clips. Other than that, it makes perfect sense.
    Mar 10, 2012
  2. myrondudu
    In all honesty Stalin, ammo still exists in the universe. They're just pellets shaven of a large block of metal, located inside the gun. When the gun fires, it causes friction and heat, forcing it to cool off after much use. The only reason you could fire infinitely was because of upgrades to your gun. They did change that. For the better, I think. People seem to think they shoehorned it in, but they could have said ''Welp, you have finite ammo now''. Instead, they opted for a bit of a backstory behind it, involving the geth and their techniques.
    Mar 8, 2012
  3. Sokol-1
    Those Cerberus soldiers troops were idiots they believed a radio transmission without atleast asking for authentification.
    Mar 7, 2012
  4. Gibberygoon
    @Lewk, it explains later why Liara is there. It makes perfect sense, just be patient.
    Mar 7, 2012
  5. vicioustyler87
    Is the voice of Illusive man (sp?) Martin Sheen?
    Mar 7, 2012
  6. StephenColbert27
    By the way, did you ever do Jacob's loyalty quest? I'm seeing someone doing it right now, and it's pretty interesting, if nothing else.
    Mar 6, 2012
  7. Lewk Watever
    makes no sense how lyria could be there when in the shadow broker dlc she becomes the shadow broker
    Mar 6, 2012