Let's Play Darkest Hour - Part. 25

Let's Play Darkest Hour - Part. 25
  1. StephenColbert27
    Where is General Winter when you need him....
    Jan 18, 2012
  2. pottman
    It's called Tsaritsyn in this mod.
    Jan 11, 2012
  3. ivantheterrible60
    i wonder if this will be like the german invasion. YAY WE ARE KICKING THE CRAP OUT OF THEM RUSSIA WILL SOON BE OU... wait they are attacking our capital...
    Jan 11, 2012
  4. Sokol-1
    I kept thinking why don't the Russians just evacuate Leningrad rather than waste men and resources trying to hold.
    Jan 11, 2012
  5. RedDavo
    Start redeploying some of these troops... OH NO!!
    Jan 11, 2012