1. Cael
    If you're looking for work as an English teacher and need a change of scenery, South Korea is a strong choice as learning English is a crucial part of their education system, in addition to having the best internet connection on the planet as a country.
    All the best
    Oct 2, 2012
  2. Wester42
    Also Come to Australia
    Oct 2, 2012
  3. Wester42
    I'd like to see a weekly mod spotlight maybe you could call it something along the lines of "The Weekly Mod Show" or "Weekly Mod Spotlight"
    Oct 2, 2012
  4. noelsoong
    Honduras is fine i guess.
    Oct 2, 2012
  5. Daniel
    I think that mod suggestion you made about you doing it once every week was a great idea! Hope someone agrees with me!
    Oct 2, 2012