Suggestion: The Right to a Fair Trial

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Karakoran, Aug 20, 2011.

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  1. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    Prolong it? We summed this up in a day or two. If you had put it aside I'd be bringing it up every time we had a question of forum justice.

    Blah blah blah, Che stuff.
    The enemy of my enemy is my friend, more so when I'm already outgunned. I'd rather not have people who can work with my forum-based beliefs all banned perminantly. Especially someone like Che who has actually helped the community a lot. Not like you could ever get anyone to admit it.

    Anyway, 1) Apparently you didn't pay attention to the, your motivating me to defend Che part and 2) The causing of shit is motivated by the actions of the government. If you guys did almost nothing and just let the forums members sort out their own problems then things would be fine and dandy. Che was so discredited I'm amazed anyone took him seriously, if the mods hadn't acted he just would've been ignored.

    In other words, your actions are unnessisary and only prevoke more civil strife. Our actions are responses to yours, in case you didn't notice.
  2. Chelsea366 Retired Moderator

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    1, Che isn't your friend, he hates you just as much as anyone else, you are his enemy too. 2, you might as well suggest no mod staff at all. You are suggesting that we ignore rule breakers and let the users handle it.
  3. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    It must take some awfully odd eyes to see the world in Black and White.

    We may disagree politically, but where there is common ground we can work together.
    And yes, I wouldn't mind having almost not modship. Obviously someone has to clear the Birthday Ticket and stop spambots, but we certainly don't need as large a modsip as we do now. And yes, you almost got what I said there. They would not be rule breakers because the rules would be cut down and no one really puts porno on the site.

    Thus, they would just be extremists. The users themselves would reject said extremist's political beliefs, but still use their helpfulness in other, non-politics related fields.
  4. Dr.House New Member

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    London,England or if your dumb the UK.
    Kara your the only person on these fourms who wants this you my good sir have no supporters what so ever.
  5. Chelsea366 Retired Moderator

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    Che wishes the death of those who disagree with him politically. Politics is all he cares about, that is what he has said himself. You basically want the entire forums to be the Lord of The Flies thread and that thread is pretty much a mess, a good example, not a good one for you.
  6. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    Does that make me wrong? I think not.
    The only instance in which mod intervention was ever nessisary was the European Imperialism threads, and only then because Stalin was involved.

    Other than that the forums would've been just fine without the modship. And even then the forum wouldn't have suffered a huge blow from Stalin perma-banning me.

    So don't consolt him on a political basis. Is this so hard?
    Friends who want to stay friends never talk about politics or religion, I just figured none of you wanted to be Che's friend. If you note, I rarly ever talk to Che about politics.

    In case you didn't notice, people aren't beig serious when they're on the Lord of the Flies thread. They're just pissing around. Not to mention there's no topic at all. It's the most off-topic thread imaginable, and there's not even a set of serious rules. So yes, it's a disaster.

    It's like when you turn 18 and you figure out you can do whatever you want all the time, so you eat Jelly for every meal. But a few painful shits later you figure out that was a bad idea and you never do it again. I was unaware people still posted in that Thread, it killed itself on its terribleness.
  7. Chelsea366 Retired Moderator

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    -_- 1, do not double post and 2, you just don't get it Kara. At all. Che has made it painfully obvious that his views on politics are his views on everything and he hates all those who oppose them to the point of death. And how would you know what turning 18 is like? You're 13 right? I don't know many 18 year olds that just ate jelly. My point still stands, a forum with no rules is destined to become a shithole with lots of spam and undesirable mess. Users can't solely moderate themselves, it wont work. The amount of maturity here is obviously not sufficient for that either.
  8. Lennins Beard Well-Known Member

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    chelsea is a meanie! how dare you try to control the forum! your just jealous that che has a boyfriend! and che was also going to give us minecraft! your a nazi!
  9. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    A bit extreme, don't you think?
  10. Dr.House New Member

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    London,England or if your dumb the UK.
    Get a life mate and dont post stupid shit here.
    Also Kara this is what would happen without mods stupid shit.
  11. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    1) Fixed for your amusement.
    2) Not really, your over-asuming his extremism. He's easilly able to put aside his differences with people, better than most actually.
    I have a vauge idea of what it will be like. And ya, they didn't just eat Jelly because they had any incredibly painful shit the first time they tried. I don't know who goes around telling people of the time they had diarriha from eatting a ton of Jelly.

    And yes, there must be some rules because it's a forum and there will be spambots that members can't delete. So we need some mods to regulate that kind of stuff. But we could remove most Tier 1 rules and be fine.
  12. Chelsea366 Retired Moderator

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    I'm not assuming anything, I am looking at his posts and what Che himself has said. It's not assuming if you have this much evidence.
  13. Lennins Beard Well-Known Member

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    Get a life mate and dont post stupid shit here.
    Also Kara this is what would happen without mods stupid shit.[/quote:2t0ov5rq]
    Twas a joke Napoleon.
  14. Dr.House New Member

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    London,England or if your dumb the UK.
    Get a life mate and dont post stupid shit here.
    Also Kara this is what would happen without mods stupid shit.[/quote:3jz2988t]
    Twas a joke Napoleon.[/quote:3jz2988t]

    Who? Why do you all keep calling me this "Napoleon character?"
  15. Lennins Beard Well-Known Member

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    Get a life mate and dont post stupid shit here.
    Also Kara this is what would happen without mods stupid shit.[/quote:1biz4an6]
    Twas a joke Napoleon.[/quote:1biz4an6]

    Who? Why do you all keep calling me this "Napoleon character?"[/quote:1biz4an6]
    What are your views on gay people?
  16. Dr.House New Member

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    London,England or if your dumb the UK.
    Get a life mate and dont post stupid shit here.
    Also Kara this is what would happen without mods stupid shit.[/quote:3alhulng]
    Twas a joke Napoleon.[/quote:3alhulng]

    Who? Why do you all keep calling me this "Napoleon character?"[/quote:3alhulng]
    What are your views on gay people?[/quote:3alhulng]

    I think their pretty cool have a couple of gay friends.
  17. Chelsea366 Retired Moderator

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    Lennins Beard, if he was Napoleon (note that I don't believe he is at all) why would he say he hates gay people again?
  18. Lennins Beard Well-Known Member

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    Twas a joke Napoleon.[/quote:1rx60a09]

    Who? Why do you all keep calling me this "Napoleon character?"[/quote:1rx60a09]
    What are your views on gay people?[/quote:1rx60a09]

    I think their pretty cool have a couple of gay friends.[/quote:1rx60a09]
    I think your clean.
  19. Dr.House New Member

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    London,England or if your dumb the UK.
    Ok that was weird now let's get back on topic.................what were we talking about again kara treating the fourms like a country correct?
  20. Lennins Beard Well-Known Member

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    Kara wants Che back so he can have a Minecraft server. He'll then try to kill Che as often as possible on the server.
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