War With Iran - The Wheels Are In Motion

Discussion in 'The Political/Current Events Coffee House' started by D3VIL, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. D3VIL Well-Known Member

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    I'm pretty sure a war against Israel (and maybe the US + the UK) would unite the Iranian people behind him. Especially if Israel struck first (which they almost certainly would, Iran has no reason to strike Israel).

    This is why I find it baffling that people justify attacking Iran so they can remove the madman President. The last election was rigged meaning that he doesn't have the support of the people. So if you want regime change just provide help to the opposition.
  2. Big J Well-Known Member

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    Yes, technically they were civil wars, but there are two types of civil wars. The first kind is "between organized groups within the same nation state or republic," which are the type that nobody has any business in intervening with. The second type is "between two countries created from a formerly-united nation state." In the second type, these are two independent governments with their own laws, alliances, etc. America had an alliance with both South Korea and South Vietnam, we were obligated as allies to intervene to protect their independence. So yes, it was very-much our business to help our allies. Just because the two warring states at one point used to be a united country doesn't change the fact that they are completely separate entities, with established governments, both having equal rights to independence. I just don't see how they automatically lose their ability to oblige their allies to help them fight just because they used to be part of the country that's attacking them.
  3. D3adtrap www.twitter.com/d3adtrap | Mr. Choc: Coco Fruits

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    Maybe because you made an alliance to go to war with norths (duh). You fail to remember that there was no "South" Vietnam or Korea before the civil war >.>
  4. mdhookey Well-Known Member

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    Big difference between now and Iraq. During Iraq, 9/11 was still very fresh in peoples' minds. The Bush administration could use things like WMD and sell it successfully to the public as an alibi. That's simply not the case now with Iran. 9/11 may still be on peoples minds, and the public may not have so much love for Iran, but the concern doesn't reach astronomical levels. Yes, there is concern, but I don't see it at a breaking point.
  5. Artismoke Well-Known Member

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    I'd like to see Israel get rid of all its nukes along with Iran (if it successfully builds them). Will never happen though, the two nations are too scared shitless of each other to get rid of weapons they should never have.
  6. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    There's no reason to jump to conclusions just because NATO+Israel is showing a little fore-sight.

    If the next President is not Obama they probably wont either for the same reason. But if the next President is Obama he might, but he doesn't seem like a very imperialistic kind of guy.

    You know Israel probably wouldn't exist now if it didn't have nukes.
  7. Artismoke Well-Known Member

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    Why do you think Israel be unlikely to exist if it didn't have nukes?
  8. l8onfc Active Member

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    The only reason the arab states haven't attacked israel in a while is because if they started to win, israel sends the nukes flying and ends it all there and then
  9. D3VIL Well-Known Member

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    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-15635476 or alternatively for people who like sensationalist press (lol Pedro) http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/nov/08/sarkozy-obama-netanyahu-gaffe-microphone
    Looks like old Netanyahu isn't very popular at the moment. "For several days there was media silence in France about the exchange - a decision had been taken not to embarrass the French president, our correspondent says." Hmm... not a big fan of media censorship to cover up political embarrassment.
  10. matthewchris Guest

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    Netanyahu is a fool, and a liar. I don't particularly blame them for not liking him, I certainly don't.
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  11. Viking Socrates I am Mad Scientist

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    In a cave,watching shadows (Plato reference)
  12. D3adtrap www.twitter.com/d3adtrap | Mr. Choc: Coco Fruits

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    Its kinda weird that US right wing is more eager for war, than Israeli right
  13. Byzantium's Revenge Well-Known Member

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    Ahmadinejad? A madman? Whether or not, it is of no consequence, as he does not rule the country. Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, is quite definitely not a madman, and is undoubtedly intelligent enough to know that the launching of a single missile would result in a thousand raining down upon Tehran in return.
    Iran will talk and talk of destroying Israel, but they have no hope of achieving this as long as America exists. Even with a nuclear deterrent, Iran would surely not be so foolish as to initiate a nuclear war it could never hope to win.
  14. D3VIL Well-Known Member

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    I agree.

    I'd be very surprised if Israel didn't strike although some are saying they would require US help in order to pull it off. I mean, just look at the lengths to which Israel has gone to maintain nuclear superiority.
  15. SPQR Well-Known Member

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    Which is why I love the pope, a child molester gets to be head a state for life, he dies, they elect a new child molester, he dies, and that has been going on for about 2000 years
  16. slydessertfox Total War Branch Head

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    Yup guys. You have to do everything we tell you to do. :rolleyes:
  17. D3VIL Well-Known Member

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    We are economically aligned; we have an extradition treaty; we were a major ally in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya; we abstained in the Palestinian UNESCO vote (wouldn't want to go against the US would we?); we give them fucking islands to wage war from:
    I think it's fair to say we are in the United States' pocket.
  18. SovietEmpireUSSR Well-Known Member

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    I wish it wasn't recognized as a state to be frankly honest and it goes to show who the pope is actually taking orders from...hmmm Satan? (Sarcasm)
    Nah pope palpatine is so epic! xD

    I wish the British government just snubbed you guys at the very start. The British army should not be in Afghanistan and i would say the same about the American troops, but no question though your only there to maintain the American empire position as global hegemony. On a side note, Libya has fallen under Al Qaeda control, so it was a little funny how this civil war in Libya played out, in it?

    If the American empire attacks Iran, then you will suffer the consequence from Russia and China.
  19. matthewchris Guest

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    I think it's cute that you guy's think hat China or Russia would support Iran. First off, Russia could care less about Iran, and would rather be a friend than a enemy to America any day. That would be pissing on one of their biggest trade partners, and Russia's number one priority at this point is to do some home building. Now China, that's a good one. China is looking to expand it's geopolitical influence, but it's not dumb. They aren't going to destroy their economy by going to war with America. Also, China is kinda a paper tiger when it comes to warfare. Logistically speaking, it would be a absolute nightmare fr them to deploy to Iran, and if they were at war with America, it wouldn't even be able to get boots on the ground.

    It's ok to debate this theoretical situation, and I know you commies still have a hard on for Russia and China, but the fact of the matter is that it's in their best interests right now to stay friendly with America, and unlike you, they aren't particularly interested in ending America's global influence.
    l8onfc and thelisener like this.
  20. SovietEmpireUSSR Well-Known Member

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    Ever heard of the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) you might want to check it out because that is another big reason why Russia+China would be close with Iran.

    Iran has been a good ally to Russia and China. Oil revenue has been a key factor for both the Chinese and Russians, i mean especially China. Also, to extend that with a lot of economic agreements between the three as well. Russia today is always victimized by the Americans, even though the country broke away from Socialism 20 years ago, it still gets treated as some threat to global security, that is why the Americans want to establish the missile defense shield in Eastern Europe. Not to forget about the blatant intimidation by the US/NATO by also establishing bases around Russia and Western satillites hovering above orbit over Russia.

    Your probably right about the fact China wouldn't go to war with anyone, especially America that is. Even if that was to happen, the Chinese bubble economy would just pop and then the state and society will come toppling down as well. But, the Chinese economy has suffered from American imperialism though. All the Chinese firms that were in Libya all got shutdown, not to forget some of the businesses in Africa have also gone into jeopardy over war being waged. So, as China being the economic geopolitical player it is sure benefiting more people across the world than the United States and NATO. China brings industry, infrastructure, etc to Africa. US/NATO brings aggression and imperialism to Africa.

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