Penn State Scandal Results In Joe Paterno Being Fired

Discussion in 'The Political/Current Events Coffee House' started by slydessertfox, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. slydessertfox Total War Branch Head

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    For those of you who have no idea what the hell I am talking about let me sum up the scandal by posting a link.

    Last night a Penn State board of trustees fired the President of Penn State as well as their iconic football coach of 44 years, Joe Paterno. However, who they did not fire was the person who SAW Jerry Sandusky rape a 10 year old boy and instead of stopping it or calling the police, walks away and tells Joe Paterno of what he saw, the wide receiver coach Mike Mqreery.

    Joe Paterno had done everything he was supposed to do. He went and told the President, which was all he had to do. Now many people might say well he should have called the police. He never saw it occur, and if he had went to the police and found this not to be true, he would be facing charges against him on trying to destroy Sandusky's character. So he did everything he was supposed to do and left it alone. However the president of Penn State did nothing after being told this by Paterno.

    Personally I think it is fucking ridiculous that Paterno (who had announced he was retiring at the end of the year) be fired but the person who saw it happen and do absolutely nothing gets to stay on the team. If they were going to fire Paterno then they should have fired Mqueery as well. In my opinion if you fire one of those then you fire both of them.
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  2. CubaLibre Member

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  3. The Shaw Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second

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    Rape is bad, mkay?
  4. Imperial1917 City-States God of War

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    No. It was an illegal activity. He had an obligation to report it to the police, both morally and legally. And the school policies/proceedures be damned if they say that. They themselves would be illegal if they required hoops to jump through to report illicit activites.

    He was fired based on morality. He SHOULD HAVE reported it to the police. This is a matter of principal. He had an obligation to report it, even it he thought it only a rumor. If he was wrong and he was fired for 'seeking to destroy Sandusky's career' so what? He could have at least slept soundly at night knowing that nothing was wrong. Now he will live out his remaining time with nightmares of what his imagination can conjure of what those boys faced since he didn't go... not even the nine yards. Not even the first yard. His hesitation cost the boys dearly. The argument that he should not have gone on the grounds that it may have been a false rumor is just ridiculous.

    As for his superior who he reported it to... he should be and probably will be [don't keep up with this, so by this posting he already may have been] fired. His neglegence was even worse than Paterno's. He failed to report it when he knew what was going on and was informed by Paterno, who could have had no other intention than that it should be carried up the latter to the police and beyond if necessary.
  5. Vendredi8 Member

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    This. There was so much more he could have done and it needs to be said.
    Like this guy.... however I am concerned for his well being
  6. pedro3131 Running the Show While the Big Guy's Gone

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    Pro tip, it's not illegal to not report an alleged activity. Think about it. I could walk up to my boss tomorrow, say I saw another coworker molest someone. They then go to the police, fire that co worker and the police press charges only to find out that nothing happened. The company then gets sued for wrongful termination, and slander against the accused. Why would it be Joe Paterno's personal crusade to see this thing out? He had no involvement in the actual event, so all he was obligated to do was pass the information on for someone more qualified to investigate. If anyone Mcquery should be the subject of all this public backlash. Not only did he stay with the program, and not go to the police, despite personally witnessing him anally rape a child, he accepted numerous promotions.
  7. CubaLibre Member

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    Just because it isn't illegal doesn't mean he's not a cowardly, craven, disgusting shell of a man.

    Saying it is inconsistent to fire Paterno but not McQueary is not an argument for not firing Paterno. It is only an argument for firing McQueary. I happen to agree.
  8. Imperial1917 City-States God of War

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    Either way, Paterno would have ended up fired once it came out. Morality holds, even in the sports arena. Trusting one's child to another is one of the most sacred trusts that can ever be delt out. By failing to do what was clearly the moral thing, legal bound or not, Paterno has permenately scarred both himself and the history of Penn. State. If they kept him, things would have become much worse. Now it is a 'one down, one to go' thing. If Penn. State wants to salvage some of its dignity in this, they will fire the other guy too.
    If you heard that one of your friends was raped and killed by someone who you were informed of by another, would you not want the matter looked into?
  9. Kalalification Guest

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    Paterno isn't at fault for this situation. His institution is to blame, if anyone should take it. The AD was very clearly trying to cover the incident up, and when that fell through a 'righteous fury' descended upon a whole hell of a lot of people.
  10. CubaLibre Member

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    Of course he's at fault. Each individual person who knew about this and didn't take it to the police is each individually responsible for his own reprehensible behavior. Each is, as they say in the legal world, jointly and severally liable, in the moral sense anyway.
  11. slydessertfox Total War Branch Head

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    You guys dont understand what I am trying to say. What I mean is I would be perfectly fine with them firing Joe Paterno if they also fired Mqueary, the person who saw one of the rapes take place and just walked away without trying to stop it or call the police himself.
  12. CubaLibre Member

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    I understand perfectly, and I reiterate that that is only an argument for firing McQueary, not an argument for not firing Paterno.

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