Medieval Lord game.

Discussion in 'Roleplaying Games' started by Romulus211, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    (Make up a country.... Its not based on historical events... but if that is what you want your fictional country to be named go for it.)

    Count Romulus: I can't believe this, Why, why do my vassals act out against me.

    Triste: maybe your not just enough my lord, the lords obviously need some sort of military compesentation.

    Count Romulus: True Triste, Very true, Now if I Institute new names for my lords, to make them sound more... Er whats the word I am looking for?

    Triste: Prominent? Mi'lord?

    Count Romulus: There, that is a good idea triste, now I will give my lords finer titles maybe it appease there Furious spirit, Triste send a Letter to Consul Fox and let him now of his new title, And send a letter to Consul Fey and let him now as well, and also let Fey know that i forgive his crimes against my County.

    Triste: yes Mi'lord will that be all?

    Count Romulus: no, there is one last thing send a Legatus to Krakow, Capital of poland, and send a Legatus to Bremen I wish to speak with the Rulers, on bussiness of trade and diplomacy for the good of Forumland.

    Triste: Aye Mi'lord
  2. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    Daniel: Sir, we have a Romulan Legatus in the meeting hall and he wants to discuss trade and diplomacy.
    Wolfgang: Good, I'll speak to him myself.
  3. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    Legatus Trivian: I am Trivian Diplomat of the Romulan people, I come bringing the promises of trade and Friendship, we would like to build roads between our cities, Mi'lord wishes to ask you if you can pay a mere 30 Ducats for your end of the road, while we will pay 70 Ducats, we also send you this gift, a Spear made from the strongest tree in the Romulan groves, what is your answer Mi'lord?
  4. Skyicewolf City States Godmod Patrol

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    A young diplomat sent by Lord Fel to keep watch at Bremen was appaled at what he was seeing, as were his guards. A Romulan Envoy, accepted at the gate of Bremen? Obviously these simple minded men had no idea of a war going on currently between Romulan lands and the Fel Empire. Either the Bremen were fools, or were trying to play both sides.

    "Let's go in and teach them something they will never forget." Said one of the guards, and the rest nodded in assent, with the envoy agreeing wholeheartedly.

    They walked to the door in a menacing, marching fashion, with the envoy at front, each of the guards with hands on there weapons, and the envoy holding his Blood wood staff, which had an iron end, staff at an almost defensive position.

    "What is the meaning of this! You accept a coexistence and trade pact, and then deal with our enemies!"

    As he said that, three of the veteran swordsman surrounded the Legatus from the Romulan lands, each with there swords outstretched, and shields defending there core, while the two others stayed with the envoy, ready to jump to the legatus, or to fight off the Bremen's guards, if necessary.

    "You send us gifts and then deal with others behind our backs? How dare you not kill him as soon as he entered your lands. IF you won't we will."

    As he said this, he did a swift to and fro motion to his soldiers, all three plunging there swords inward, while closing in, which made it almost certain he would be pierced, and then crushed by the shields.
  5. Aloysius Well-Known Member

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    Due to the possible threats from barbarians An elite force of Cavlary is formed. The Winged Hussars. They are heavy lancers and the best of all the cavlary in Eastern Europe. There are only a mere 50 at first. They serve as royal guards for diplomats and other important political figures. In the future other leaders will be able to hire them as personal guards.
  6. Skyicewolf City States Godmod Patrol

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    A new envoy is sent to Warsaw, a small city. The Envoy is well versed in eastern languages, as well as customs. He also travels with a bodyguard of 5 knights.

    The deal made with (Aloysius) is to have a military alliance, and for Warsaw to give soldiers to the Fel Empire. Unless, of course, they wanted to have a war with the Fel Empire, in which they would lose.
  7. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    (OOC: You see that's the kind of stuff I didn't want to see happen in this game, you can't just go off an declare war Willy nilly OR murder a Diplomat, I'm sorry mr Skyicewolf But I didnt want warfare in this game anyways, You cant make other barondoms this whole thing was supposed to be political and Economic based, not warfare based, But as Creator of the game I am going to ask nicely please no warfare, alliances work and skirmishes are okay but warfare in this game is Useless. )
  8. Aloysius Well-Known Member

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    The remark about losing the war is taken as an insult. however King Suavek is willing to forget the insult. Suavek would agree to this deal if the Fel Empire helps take Krakow. It is the only other fortress city on the Vistula river and Warsaw's only rival for control of the river. Elements of the Winged Hussars will be sent to the Fel Empire if they commit men. Upon competion of the storming of Krakow and installing Warsaw rule more Hussars will be sent once a sufficient number is raised to be used as a Lancer unit in battles. Such units are key for making holes in enemy formations and exploiting any gaps.
  9. Bart (Moderator) NKVD Channel Maintainer

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    How is it godmodding to lose an attack? This was just for the plot, not the stats.
  10. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    (Meh Screw it then We'll fight for the freedom of our PEOPLE!!)

    Triste: MI'lord!! The barbarians killed our diplomat!

    Count romulus: We have always had bad relations with our neighbors, I really wanted to see peace in this land but, It is time for the romulan empire to fight for its freedom!!, Triste!! Mobolize our Citezen guard how does it stand?

    Triste: we have 200 archers on the walls of Rome and 300 Infantry.

    Count romulus: Triste I want you to send word to Consul Fey and Consul Fox and mobilize the defense forces of Secunda Our current garrison of 150 archers and 200 men is not Suffecint, Secunda is our Hope that Romulans and Barbarians to co- exist!! Now triste ready my Praetorian guard

    Triste: Sir your praetorian guard numbers only 30 men!!

    Count Romulus: send my praetorians to Guard and scout the roads between Secunda are safe

    Triste: yes sir!!

    Count romulus: May the gods watch over us, I am nothing without my people they are my castle, without them I am nothing!!, I swear on my life I will protect this county from the ravages of war!!
  11. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    Letter to Romulus

    Count Romulus,

    Before your diplomat was brutally murdered the savage Barborum, we accepted your trade agreement and have started construction on the road. 30 masons from barborum have started construction of the road although I am afraid they might run away back to barborum at any moment. Thank you for the gift, one of my personal guards shall use it to protect me. We've noticed that you have been fighting with Barborum and I want you to don't get too fiesty, be cautious and make sure you preserve men for each battle. I will help supply you with food but I will not fight with you. May God be with you my friend.

    Wolfgang Hobekost
  12. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    Baron Wolfgang has announced the "Defense Act". This act will arm all peasants with shortspears for protection. This also encourages people to become mason to build strong walls and defensive forts. The spearmen in the army will begin further training to help better defend the nation and will be renamed "Forsvarere".

    Seeing as the Barborum has broke the Coexistence Pact which states "There will be no violent or aggressive actions taken on Greenlandic lands by the other nation and so forth unless there is a military access agreement made", Wolfgang banned Barborum from Greenlandic lands beside Barborum diplomats. And any agreements made between Barborum and Greenland are null and void. The Coexistence Pact between Barborum and Greenland is null and void.
  13. slydessertfox Total War Branch Head

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    Consul Fox orders for his 1st and 2nd legion totalling 300 men along with 20 auxillaries and his 5 trusted praetorian guard to go on a raiding mission west of Rome, directly opposite of the area where skyice's encampment lay. This seems like a suicide mission to the leaders of Rome but sly insists. Skyice gets wind of this. Now could be his chance to decimate the 300 man garrison of Rome.
  14. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    Sends a letter to sly,

    I am at Secunda training and encouraging the garrison there, The walls of rome should be able to last 3 days should an enemy attack, I will be back to rome when I am done here

    XOXOXO Count Romulus
  15. slydessertfox Total War Branch Head

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    Consul Sly looks at the message. And then again. He could not for the life of him figure out how to decode the message hidden in XOXO.
  16. slydessertfox Total War Branch Head

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    It finally hit sly. He now understands the message completely only explaining it to his most trusted centurions.
  17. Skyicewolf City States Godmod Patrol

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    (Sure, I'll bite.)

    Lord Fel was on one side of a small yet surprisingly deep and cold stream. It was roughly 5 feet deep in the middle, and had a fairly fast running current.

    Lord Fel and his army of roughly 175 men, all veterans, and even an added corp of 25 knights, were encamped there. They had erected a small wall where the stream was, as well as a wall around the rest of the encampment, made of sharpened stakes, aligned in a stockade. The men inside were in small tents, with all of them in combat gear at roughly the whole of the time.

    Meanwhile, around 3 fires were made in the encampment, as well as a long row of them around the edge of the inside of the wall, so that fire arrows could be shot. There were roughly 30 men on the small stockade at all times, and were quite densely on the wall, with all of them having either a basic experience in archery, as all infantry had, or were primarily archers, with the veterans making up a majority.

    Lord Fel learned of troop movements through a few trappers, who had been hunting for beavers in the cold river nearby. An army of about 300 men were marching through, and were going to patrol the area around the encampment. The fools. As soon as an archer even got in sight of them, across the grassland and fairly thin brush that was all around them, on the horizon, he would signal, and the entire army would be assembled and ready for combat before the other army was there. So it would be of no matter. But just in case, he sent out a runner with one of the fastest horses, back to Fulgur, to call for around 100 more men, all to be mounted, to come to the stockade as quickly as possible, and through a certain route laid out by Lord Fel before this.
  18. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    Count Romulus looks at the poor soldiers of secunda, All of them scared,

    Legionary: Sir its hopeless the barbarians, are to strong we'll never be able to face them.

    Count Romulus: Soldier, I am your shield , I will protect your people and your family, now the time for Justice is at hand.

    Civilian: but Mi'lord we should attack them before they strike here!!

    (I stand on a Platform ready to make my speech)

    Count Romulus: Soldiers, Civilians, Romulan and Barborum alike, I will protect you, I have vowed my life to keep you safe, right now Consul Fox is scouting our enemy, we will not attack them, we will defend our land we will defend our people, I will not send Romulan Soldiers to die needlessly, Our strategy for this war is defense, We will defend our lands, I do not wish to kill anyone, not even our enemy. We will protect our lands our Legions stand ready to defend us, you are my castle, you are my sons and daughters, you are my people, and by my spear, by my shield, by my soul, not a single Romulan will die, My honor and pride tell me to attack and kill these barbarians, but my hearts says TO DEFEND OUR HOME. NOW I CALL YOU WILL YOU HELP ME PROTECT, OUR, FREEDOM!!!!!


    Count Romulus: Thank you friends, we will protect our land!!
  19. Frederik Von Stebun Active Member

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    Alas! a Noble Vassal is seeking for a liege worthy of his services.
  20. Skyicewolf City States Godmod Patrol

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    Lord Fel heard from the communications line that a new person worthy of vassalage had risen up. He had no history insofar as we no, and he does not make details about himself and his army known. Nevertheless, he should be recruited.

    Lord Fel sent Sir Pier, with a detachment of 2 knights, to investigate.

    After a small while, they found him, and began to talk to him.

    "We hear you are in need of vassalage. State Your history, your current status, the status of your army. To get to be a vassal, you get a gift of 5 slaves, as well as your own room in the keep. Answer!"

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