Black And White 2

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Vamuke, Nov 3, 2011.

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  1. Vamuke Member

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    Stalin shall be god... Literally

    I've been playing through it and the improvments over the first are tremendous, they've taken a few steps back in my opinion with the amount of creatures but the actual gameplay more then makes up for it

    ps. Yes I know this is an oldish game but i'm very slow when it comes to getting pc games, xbox games on the other hand... Skyrim already pre-ordered and a proud owner of that other shooter game that recently came out that wasn't BF3 or MW3 (Even though MW3 isn't out yet im listing it shush, i'm australian, im also awesome so i can say what i want >.> ) Gears of War 3, which kind of makes it's own genre with third person shooter (GTA doesn't count) Anyway imma stop ranting now and ask, who else would like to see an lp of Black and White 2? And if any other lp'ers want to do it... Please let me watch :D
  2. Gibberygoon Member

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    First Black and White was better (larger spell and creature pool) and you were against a God rather than just men in the second one. It just felt like you had an unfair advantage, being a God and all.
  3. BRC98 Well-Known Member

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    I think that Loinhead Studios needs to get back to epic games and put Fable down in 2012, after they finish the one that is already mostly completed, and make Black and White 3 by combining the goods from the first and second; as well as adding a whole lot more.
  4. Gibberygoon Member

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    Bangor, Wales
    BW3? That would be what, Medieval Ages aprox.? So a bunch of dudes on horses and guys with crossbows. But yeah, Creature selection needs to be more varied. I miss my sheep creature... :'( A cow just doesn't compare to the complete uselessness of the sheep.
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