Nazi Victory, Was it really possible?

Discussion in 'Historical Events Coffee House' started by Sokol-1, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. Viking Socrates I am Mad Scientist

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    In a cave,watching shadows (Plato reference)
    Yeah we diden't go full blown isolationist like in world war one.
  2. Crusher123 New Member

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    of course they would have one if not for those damn japs getting to paranoid, for realsies, if i was prez, i'd say fuck those colonies, guess what, they were land we took from imperialism, which is something america at the time was trying to distance ourselves form. and as everyone (intelligent at least) the english couldnt had last out forever. sure the supplies from america were helpful, but supplies aren't the only thing that win wars.

    people do. if those people refuse to fight, then geuss what. your done. then you know what germany (and I GEUSS italians) had to do to be unchallenged on the continent and soon, undoubtedly, the world, defeat the sovjets. the one power that could steam roll its way through them.

    then boda-bing boda-boom, "sie sprechen deutch".
  3. Bart (Moderator) NKVD Channel Maintainer

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    The US?! Trying to distance themselves from imperialism?! In which world do you live?!
  4. Crusher123 New Member

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    The world where im the prez. Duh. which one do you live in. the one where im not the prez. sounds gay.
  5. SovietEmpireUSSR Well-Known Member

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    Nazi victory wasn't highly achievable. Even though the Nazis were to occupy most of the world, uprising would of sprung up immediately.
  6. matthewchris Guest

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    When you have a policy of genocide and ethnic cleansing, it's going to make it hard to rule anywhere. Even if they had won WW2 it wouldn't have lasted as a state. It would be torn apart from the inside.
  7. SovietEmpireUSSR Well-Known Member

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    Well, Germany itself was pretty viable, a lot of people actually followed Hitler on his conquest. The conquered territory would of easily revolted, depending on where though. I mean for crying out loud you had French resistance causing a stress for the Nazi occupiers. So, yeah the structure would come rapidly falling down, but i wouldn't necessarily say that the Germans would of revolted since they got treated like actual Human beings, anyone that was inferior got exterminated.
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  8. siv95 Member

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    If the Nazi's would have focused on conquering Europe before they invaded Russia and if they would have used all the advanced technology they had at their disposal (such as the jet fighter) than they would have had a shot. Also if Hitler would have let his military experts make the big decisions instead of him that would have helped.
  9. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    So basiclly if they had a jet fighter and did everything right, they would've won.
  10. SovietEmpireUSSR Well-Known Member

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    They would have to wait until 1944 when the actual first-generation jet fighters got into service. The Third Reich should of focus all it's manpower and resources on the British Isles, eventually Britain would of capitulated pretty easily.
  11. Imperial1917 City-States God of War

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    Um... last I checked, the jet fighter wasn't that great. The armor was thin, the fuel was literally in the compartments around the pilot, and it had just enough fuel for a max of something like 5-10 [actually think it was 2] min flight, tops. It WAS a great achievement, but even with proper backing, I'm not sure if they could improve it in time for use.
  12. matthewchris Guest

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    Your going to want to check your timeline on that one. That was several years away, and the early ones were total shit.
  13. Viking Socrates I am Mad Scientist

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    You underestimate the British, the RAF was doing wonders against the Luftwaffe (or however you spell it) and there was still a matter of even getting a foothold on the island; which the German navy at the time was nothing compared to the British (although that's because Hitler thought Navy was the weakest point of an empire and needed no attention) Next you must take into account that unknown to the Germans at the time, but the British had cracked there "coded" messages (there an entire report on this, sorry for not having it ready) and knew where the Germans where going to bomb, Ultra being the name. Which is credit by Churchill as being one of the reasons we won the war. Next you have to take in to account that the Nazi forces had to invade the Soviet union because the few supplies that the Germans where getting, mainly from Romania (Which was a far better allies to German then the Italian) so the entire reason for attacking the soviet union is to get the supplies needed to carry out the invasion of Britain which there was no guaranteeing it would work or even get a beachhead.
  14. SovietEmpireUSSR Well-Known Member

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    I may of underestimated the British a bit, yes we are fighting people in the end. RAF nearly got defeated though in the early stages of the Battle of Britain. Well, there was enough British fighter planes, but limited on pilots, so in the end all ends of the British empire gathered up in Britain to get enlisted as a pilot to defend the British Isles (Even the Polish helped, but they were not part of the empire). Luftwaffe was pretty powerful in its time, had around 3,500 to 5,000 planes involved in the Battle of Britain which was a lot compared to the British.

    Adolf Hitler was stupid, so we can't question that, nah i think the navy is pretty useless, but that is me being a complete douche saying that the British Empire was absolutely terrible because it had the most powerful navy in the world. So, yeah i might be underestimated the usage of the navy.

    I know the whole phenomom when the British cracked the coded messages which turned out to be decisive in the end, and of course the British Empire had radar stations situated on the British Isles, so that did play a big part in defeating the Germans in the Battle of Britain.

    Nazi forces invaded because of the whole Hitler's theory of Lebensraum. Hitler was hoping to see the Soviet Union collapse in a matter of weeks and then eventually the death projects would of started up. The extermination of the Slavic people. Resources in the Third Reich weren't considerably low, but it did rely on Romanian exported oil, that in which came to the whole point on were Hitler wanted the Caucasus real bad. But I highly doubt Germany would of been depleted on resources trying to invade Britain, i mean for crying out loud the whole German military (Weather that be troops on the ground, the airforce, or navy) was at its peak by 1941, it had the courage and will to invade Britain.
  15. siv95 Member

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    I was just using the jet as an example, but otherwise that pretty much sums it up. It's kind of hard to do everything right when your leader is a madman though.
  16. Achtung Kommunisten! Well-Known Member

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    My opinion is that it was all Hitler's fault; he put Germany into a two-front war by not ensuring the surrender of Britain (which surely would have been forthcoming if Goering had the sense to keep bombing the airfields and that warmonger Churchill wasn't appointed PM) and decided to invade the Soviet Union just as it made peace with Japan, which of course allowed Japan to attack the US (on the same day the panzers caught sight of the Kremlin, on December 7th). That and the failure to follow Guderian's advice in 1940, which would have saved the lives of many of the veterans of the preceding years of conquest. Oh, and the whole genocide thing - people genuinely did welcome the Nazis as liberators to start with, after all, who wouldn't prefer the Germans to a Soviet state which had just spent the last decade murdering perhaps more people than the Nazis ever did? So, therefore I blame the racists.
    I think Karakoran was being sarcastic. I mean, you could argue that SpongeBob SquarePants could've won WWII if only he did everything right.
  17. Viking Socrates I am Mad Scientist

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    Hell yeah spongebob could have won world war 2. Well Japan wanted nothing to do with the Soviet union (as evidenced by the fact in previous battles the Soviet union had made a fool out of the Japanese Miltary) the Surrender of Britain would have been extremely difficult without the use of a extensive navy (which the Royal navy at the time outclasses the German navy) there's also the matter of the Ultra, as well as i don't believe that FDR was ever going to let Britain fall; he would have found a way into the war eventually. Next you got to keep into account the Soviet Unions grand size even if the Nazis forces had won in taking Moscow or even Stalingrad they still have another like what 75% of the country to go; the Soviet high command would have fled and continued to attack the Germans from behind the Urals. Next if all else failed the Soviets could have called on the Siberian divisions. You are right about the Liberator part, many of the people in the soviet union (especially in the Ukraine) considered the Nazis to be forces sent by god to save them (until they started committing genicode) so yes Germans Rascist views made it lose the war; tough there was way too many variables that are required for them to win. Next i like to point out that Germany had too many fronts and was losing in Africa; who knows maybe the British and the Americans could have done a full scale assault of either Italy or France that way (but that's speculation on my part)

    I often wonder if the flee from Dunkirk, what if the Nazis happened to kill them.
  18. Toast Well-Known Member

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    Regarding the Battle of Britain, the Brits were very lucky to have kept their radar stations unharmed. They also hid their airfields from German recon planes. We were crafty bastards. However, there was a big strain when it came to actually producing the planes. With Germany controlling most of Europe at the time it was only a matter of time before the British were completely overcome by bombers. The Blitz would have crippled us.
  19. KCL202 Member

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    I believe if Germany didn't Ally with Japan, the USA would have not had the support from the general population that they did after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Not saying The USA won the war, but they deffinately helped turn back the Nazis in France, with all the fresh troops.
  20. Leutenant_Germany Active Member

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    in 1940 america was neutral so there would be no american anything in England at the time plus the british had lost most of their army equpment at dunkirk plus the fighting in africa had also sucked their military strength so hitler counld have done it plus Stalin had no intention of invading Germany in 1940 he knew his army was way to outdated to be any effective against the German war machine so yes it was very possible but Hitler was stupid and didnt capitalize on his Airforce supirority

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