Canon Ending To New Vegas

Discussion in 'Games' started by slydessertfox, Nov 22, 2011.


What will be the Canon Ending

Legion Winning Hoover Dam 13 vote(s) 31.0%
NCR winning Hoover Dam 16 vote(s) 38.1%
Courier helping Mr. House 5 vote(s) 11.9%
Courier taking over New Vegas with Benny 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Courier taking over New vegas with Yes Man 8 vote(s) 19.0%
  1. thelastbeluga Member

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    I agree with what you said but I will bring in a couple more points. 1) This may be true about them not having control but the courier in the game is the main X factor. IF the courier helps the legion by getting aid from the boomers, great khans, enclave etc.... it could shift the power balance. This is a huge if though but with their help it could work. 2) I will say again that the NCR is too thinly spread. Their main base I believe is in New Reno but that is a decent treak away from Nevada. If the Legion takes the dam and pushs forward, not giving the NCR time to recover, they could uterly destroy them.. I say that for a couple of reasons, mainly that their general either fled the battle field or more likely died at the hands of the courier/Lanius. Plus aaron climball (the presedent) is dead, leaving the NCR in great disarray. A lose at Hoover Dam would most likely mean the end of the NCR...
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  2. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    I don't think the Legion would be able to completly destroy the NCR. California itself is simply too far away. Lines of communication would get shotty, and Caesar is either dead or about to die no matter what ending you pick. They would have a greater shot if they worked with local tribes, but the Legion's policy of killing everyone and forcing conformity would stop that from happening. I think once the tribes that work with the NCR in California realized how horrific the Legion acts, they would do everything to stop them. Or maybe they'd surrender very quickly. I'm not entirly sure.

    Either way, it would be intresting. Especially since in some ending the Powder Gangers and Great Khans merge and settle the Wyoming wilderness.
  3. thelastbeluga Member

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    This is true but as seen before the legion has its ways of working out..somehow. Regarding Caesers sickness, as part of the story you can cure him and if you really dont want to go to vault 3 (i think) to fix the auto doc you can always sell arcade gannon to be caesers personal medical slave.... It is true about their brutality though, that would be their weakness ironically, but the NCR's is general "wait and see" (Oliver btw). NCR doesnt act fast enough, or harsh enough for me to say they can win the fight, that is why I said they cant figure out what to do, they would rather wait it out. This is proven with the problems in Freeside, with the Powder Gangers and with the Fiends (who end up attacking during the battle for Hoover Dam).
  4. theteremaster Well-Known Member

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    well they just need to create different storylines. all they need to do is differentiate the NPCs and tinker the quests and it's a brand new starting story.
  5. matthewchris Guest

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    You never play as the same character twice in Fallout. You may have some relation to a past character, but I guarantee that you won't be importing your character.
  6. MrUnclepeanuts Well-Known Member

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    Obsidian has confirmed that the courier did actually take over New Vegas as his own empire(with the help of Yes Man) that is the actual canon.
  7. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    You must all feel stupid now.
  8. Lucent Member

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    Source, please?
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  9. Imperial1917 City-States God of War

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    If you are going to make the claim, back it up.

    @ Kara
    You are in the same boat as the rest of us.
  10. Demondaze Xenos Scum

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    Of all the endings that could be canon, I think we can all agree that the House ending is least likely. It would essentially be the along the same lines as if the Calculator (Or whatever the fuck its called.) won in Tactics.

    Also I suggest you guys discard the idea of Fallout ever leaving North America, as that would do away with the overall VaultTec theme.
  11. Lighthouse Well-Known Member

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    I think the NCR would win because they got alot of manpower and also I would like to see a Fallout in Georgia or Hawiia
  12. Imperial1917 City-States God of War

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    Donno about Georgia, but Hawaii would be interesting to see.

    Personally, I'm rooting for either a sequel to the Tactics storyline or a sequel to the Shi's story.
  13. thelastbeluga Member

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    They dont really though, as I explained in my post, they way to sprad out amongst their terriotory, even back in New Reno they werent that strong so in my opinion Caeser's Legion has stronger army, not necessarily more troops just NCR is too spread out.
  14. matthewchris Guest

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    Debating the logistics of the varying empires is a fairly pointless exercise, seeing as whenever there's a major conflict, your playing a part in it. Seeing as your character (regardless of the game) has the ability to crush empires and such, it's always going to be dependent on who they decide is canon, rather than who makes sense. To be honest, I think House would be the most interesting person to see as canon, seeing as he had some pretty big plans, and it would be cool to see them come to fruition.
  15. Demondaze Xenos Scum

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    It's exactly those big plans that put him on the same level as The Calculator and thus make his triumph unlikely in canon.
  16. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    The Couriour + Yes Man would be the most intresting as it causes the maximum amount of turmoil in the region. If you remember, New Vegas is plunged into Chaos for a few months, and then finally brought up through martial law and such. Not to mention the NCR and Legion being crippled.

    Yes, that his ambitions are too high to be reasonable in the sequel.
  17. Imperial1917 City-States God of War

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    Maybe I missed part of the story for Yes Man and the Courier, but I am under the impression that they only meant to free the NV area, right? Wouldn't the NCR and the Legion only be driven back from the NV region, not destroyed?
  18. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    If by "free" you mean "take over" then yes. Also I meant crippled in the Nevada/Arizona/California border region. It would also be crippling to the NCR in that they needed the power from Hoover Dam in order to supply their growth. Without it they would need to find alternative sources, which are few and far between in the Fallout Universe.

    Irrelevently, what exactly is the economic base of Caesar's Legion? It seems like supplies and manpower just falls out of the sky.
  19. Imperial1917 City-States God of War

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    Yeah, I did mean take over.
    I'm sure that they will just try to steal new power sources from the Western BOS and get into ANOTHER war.

    Donno. The Legion's workings are a question mark for the most part. NV didn't say much about their workings, just that they conquered and assimilated tribes.
  20. Kalalification Guest

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    They're big fans of slave labor. I imagine that any agricultural and manufacturing work that gets done in the Legion's territory is done by slaves.

    Also I'm fairly certain that the canon ending with the Shi is the one where they're overwhelmed by radioactive plants, as they, just like House and that Tactics BS, would fundamentally alter the entire FO universe. That they aren't even mentioned in NV seems to confirm that the Shi are no longer relevant.

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