Skyrim, First thoughts and experiences?

Discussion in 'Games' started by Vamuke, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. BattalionOfRed Mr. Fred Battaliono

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    Alright, I'm in a little trouble with a couple of dragons atm, one of them has died and is laying on the ground and I cannot absorb his soul because he hasn't burned off his scales and turned into a pile of bones. The second one has never even touched the ground yet, and is flapping one wing at a time instead of flying normally. It looks rediculous. That particular dragon is also flying at three times the normal speed of a regular dragon, and hasn't even stopped flying to hover over the ground, instead he is just circling me, so I cannot hit him, at all.

    It seems like the dragon is teleporting or some shit like that, zooming from one point to another, turning and zooming by again.

    What's the biggest load of crap you've ever seen from a dragon fight? I am certain this will be at the top of my list for a while.

    Edit: I went a few miles to shoot at the flying dragon but no luck, so I returned to the dead one in hope that I will absorb his soul now, but he's gone. I know I'm in the right place because it's one of those walls with words on them and one of the words are glowing, I killed the dragon right beside it.

    One more Edit: Just after ending the little scuffle with the retard dragon and the lazy dragon, I found this tiny bend in a river which seems to be missing a large portion of itself. The water physics are still there, but when viewed above and below the water, the blue shade over the water level is glitched, there is a triangle like shape and it's about twenty metres of the river, 20 metres in width at the most.

    Check if you have it, it's in between a tiny village named Karthwasten and a place called broken tower redoubt. Nearest the far western portion of Skyrim The river precisely in between those two points is the spot where I found the glitch.
  2. Imperial1917 City-States God of War

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    Wait, what patch? What did it do? Or more accurately: What was it supposed to do? And do I need to patch immediately when I get back into the game?
  3. pottman Well-Known Member

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    Likely it's already patched and broken.
  4. Imperial1917 City-States God of War

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    Cynical. Proof?
    And it didn't really provide the information that I asked for...
  5. pottman Well-Known Member

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  6. Imperial1917 City-States God of War

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  7. BattalionOfRed Mr. Fred Battaliono

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  8. Imperial1917 City-States God of War

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    I believe that it said that the patch would appear on PS3 first, but has since [on Wednesday] been released for the PC and the Xbox 360 as well. But then, PS3 and Xbox360, you can always disconnect the internet to prevent it from downloading. Steam customers have no such luck I think, but I don't know.
  9. BattalionOfRed Mr. Fred Battaliono

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    Yeah, I've already done it, the game had prompted me to do so after putting in the disc while online and if I didn't I'd be signed out.
    No big deal, since there are no multiplayer features.
  10. Imperial1917 City-States God of War

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    Yeah. I'm hoping that it hasn't auto-patched on mine yet [I'm on PC]. The whole affair seems **** to me. I NEVER had any of the issues that it was 'addressing', so I shouldn't need the patch. I hope that I can stop Steam from downloading it. I REALLY don't want to restart. And if Steam is still posting the 'patch' after so many complaints so help me...
  11. Vamuke Member

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    I don't believe you will need a restart from just a patch

    Cause if you do all 80 hours of gameplay within the first two weeks are kind of waisted... And 80 hours is actualy impressive seeing as i'm doing a course which goes from 9:30am-3:00pm five days a week... Really need to get my social life back on track, I wonder if Lydia will come to Markarth with me? I'll go smith her a nice golden necklace if she does
  12. Chelsea366 Retired Moderator

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    First off the dragons were fucked up by the patch for some people. It is also glitched for my BF on the PS3.

    Secondly the patch was supposed to fix the crippling lag later in the game for a lot of PS3 players so we had to have it. It's supposed to make dungeons and bodies clear and respawn correctly instead of everything staying and adding up to the point where it lags your system, I believe.

    After reading it helps some but didn't help everyone. So I figured a new char where things hadn't gotten to the point of lag would possibly work better.

    I also don't consider my time wasted as it's an insanely fun game with warehouses full of replay-ability.
  13. Vamuke Member

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    I consider this post succesful for my first one made appart from my introduction... Yay Vamuke?
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  14. Chelsea366 Retired Moderator

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    Yay Vamuke, indeed.
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  15. JJ12354 Well-Known Member

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    I wonder if you can go through the whole game with an iron sword if you continually improve it. BTW, met my first frost troll on the way to the Greybeards, it kicked my poor Level 4 Breton's ass. Luckily it was so slow that I could run past it.
  16. Chelsea366 Retired Moderator

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    Maybe, it'd be hard. A legendary iron sword isn't that great but if you put a badass enchantment or two on it then perhaps.
  17. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    Fire works great. I made a Fire bow recently and I enjoy shooting phoenixes out of the sky.
  18. Kalalification Guest

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    I still haven't run into a single glitch or bug during the entirety of my time with Skyrim, which according to Steam comes in at 59 hours played. I've also not experienced anything negative from patches, had any lag that wasn't attributable to my running another game in the background, or had a single graphical glitch. Skyrim is unbelievably stable compared to any Bethesda release I've ever played, and I can't see any reason for all of you lot's whining about instability and errors. The only exception would be for the console version gamers, who have their own separate issues to deal with, but for Steam users the only reason you have problems is because of your system, not Skyrim.
  19. Vamuke Member

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    Oh Kali... Completly unrelated but seeing as this is my thread... What ever happened to your Lp's? Was pretty intrested in the DF one and it just kind of... Ended
  20. Kalalification Guest

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    Well originally my recording software was rendered unusable on my laptop. I've got a new PC since then, though I haven't bothered downloading any recording/editing software since then.

    I've been considering starting up again but the save file won't be usable since I'm on a new PC and DF is on a new version.

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