Star Wars: The Old Republic?

Discussion in 'Games' started by JosefVStalin, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. JosefVStalin El Presidente

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    So I was wondering if anyone had the chance to play this game yet. I was over at a friends house and he let me check it out for about an hour, and my first impressions were really strong.

    I usually don't like MMOs but the Old Republic really grabbed me like no other MMO has, at least at the start. In any case I was thinking of picking it up and if I did I was wondering if there was anyone else out there that would has it and would play with me. We could start a guild, maybe I might do some videos on the game to try attention to it etc.
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  2. UnholyKnight800 Well-Known Member

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    That house
    I'm playing as the Sith warrior and this game is awesome. Also if you do start a guild I wouldn't mind joining.
  3. PantherFan15 Well-Known Member

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    I want this game...I hav seen ppl play it and it looks good
  4. LampRevolt Well-Known Member

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    i'll be getting it within the next week. pick a server stalin, we'll start a clan mwah. Sith of course.
  5. ComradeLer Proud Anti-Patriot

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    It's not really an MMO. It's an extremely heavily instanced. What I understand, you basically go into this big lobby, get a mission from an NPC, and go into an on-rails scripted instance with up to two/three of your friends. I think PVP consists of a 'Battleground'/arena, where you basically line up in a que, and get put in a big room with a bunch of other players for half an hour.

    Deep down, I kind of want to try it. But I don't at all consider it an MMO. An MMO, in my mind, takes place in a large open worldspace, with thousands of other players, and where you can actually effect the world around you with your actions.

    I've played a lot of MMO's, and in my opinion, this isn't the type of game you play more than 3 months. Server merges within 6 months, if I had to bet.
  6. Omandel Active Member

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    an 8 bit world
    I would have got it but in EA's "wisdom" they think that ppl in Oceania should play on there own servers and delay the game till march:confused:
  7. Kalalification Guest

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    I got it two days ago but haven't been home to play it.
  8. persian Well-Known Member

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    I think that an Old Republic Lets play would be great and even better if you can do it with other people like PoM
    But I dont think that there is a Gree, umm I mean Macedonian class
  9. Marshal Well-Known Member

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    Despite lots of bugs and lag problems, It has been such an addicting game for me. I can't stop playing.

    So far the Sith Inquisitor class has an excellent story.
  10. Skyicewolf City States Godmod Patrol

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    Pfft, Imperial Agent Guys.

    Believe me, biggest Star Wars Fanboy right here.
  11. Darth Rabidus Member

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    This depresses me, when the first announcement of SWTOR came out I was deadset getting it, I even bought a new computer last year.
    THEN I found out that they were not going to release it in Australia. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! I am a dedicated Star Wars fan and can't believe that they wouldn't bring it out here. And from what I've heard, they have no intention of it either.
    SAD FACE :(
  12. Omandel Active Member

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    an 8 bit world
    They are going to release it but in march
  13. LampRevolt Well-Known Member

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    FFFFFFFFFFF. can't wait to get it this weekend. can't get to a store till then. would get it online but i can get it free in the store ^.^
  14. Kalalification Guest

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    I had relatively low expectations of this game when I got it, envisioning a Star Wars-themed WoW, but I was pleasantly surprised. Probably the coolest aspect of the game is the storytelling and the way that it handles group storytelling. Basically you compete for the conversation and while everyone can get their own 'canon' choice, the one that actually happens to your group is decided by a dice roll. Also, the factions/class you play as don't restrict your morality. Jedi can be bad, Sith can be good.

    My character is a big douchey pompous Jedi Knight (pretty much exactly like Bastila from KOTOR I actually), my friend's is a goody two shoes Republican trooper, and there are always great interactions in the story because of the way that the characters conflict. My authority as Jedi is not questioned, but I always opt for the cowardly, arrogant, or downright mean course of action, so that can screw us over unless my friend takes the reigns and plays it all naive and heroically (due to the competency of the writing, this is equally prone to screw you over, however).

    There are cons and pros to all the actions you can take, and there are a LOT of quests, instances, 'flashpoints,' and other material that can keep you entertained for a LONG time. The gameplay is the least exciting feature, being standard MMO fare, but it's not bad by any definition of the word. The combat animation is the best I've seen in any MMO ever, so fight scenes actually play out rather epically and a large battleground is entirely believable. All of the classes are very unique, and even the supposed counterparts (Inquisitor/Consular, for instance) have entirely different playstyles.

    If you liked KOTOR or KOTOR II, definitely, definitely get this game. You will not be disappointed at all; the storytelling is different (being less focused on one uber-mega protagonist hero) but it's still very well written and it's the first and only time I've seen multiplayer storytelling turn out well (hell, it turned out GREAT in this game). If you're a fan of MMOs there's no reason not to pick it up since the underlying mechanics of the game rely on that structure and the game plays on new elements that are positively unseen in any other MMO.
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  15. SovietEmpireUSSR Well-Known Member

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    The Old Republic didn't disappoint me in the slightest. The only major problem I encountered on the game was lag, but obviously that is problem with my connection, not the game of course; in the past I've actually had problems playing MMORPG, simply because my connection can't withstand the big servers.

    My first impressions of the game were not terribly bad, I guess its on par like most games including Skyrim, I didn't felt to excited about the game, and when playing through it I didn't thought this game was in anyway going to be the best game of the decade, or even more absurd, the best game of the century. But anyways getting back onto the Old Republic. I kind of found the game incredibly hard to play, especially every time I kept on dying against those pesky raiders or whatever. Of course I'm no Darth Sidious or Darth Vadar, just an amateur Sith warrior doing his own business in trying to complete the most frustrating quests, not frustrating, maybe me over over exaggerating at most. This game is definitely repetitive, and at times it was most definitely tedious to play. But overall this game wasn't bad, it did cost a bit of money to play the game for a month at least.
  16. LampRevolt Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the review though, i feel very reassured of the purchase i'm making this weekend ^.^ all though we'll be on opposite sides of the veil probably, looking at sith inquisitor right now.
  17. UnholyKnight800 Well-Known Member

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    Pfft, who listens to British communist these days anywho. Go TOR, GO Sith Empire!
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  18. Marshal Well-Known Member

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    Anyone playing as Bounty Hunter? What do you think of it? I would like to do that class next.
  19. LampRevolt Well-Known Member

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    Apparently smuggler and bounty hunter are very similar play style DPS focused characters. I generally don't play them but I really wanna be Han Solo/boba fett.

    I think I'm going to play as either a madness spec'd sorcerer sith inquistor or a telekinesis spec'd sage jedi consular. SOOOO HARD. Almost glad i can't play it till monday morning cause I can't make up my mind.
  20. zemdu Member

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    It's got that too :)

    btw I've got it and I would really like to play with u stalin PM if interested plz!

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