Wargame: European Escalation

Discussion in 'Games' started by melis256, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. melis256 Member

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    If you haven't already noticed, a new game popped up on steam (yesterday?) and I think you guys might be interested:
    And it is apparently from the same devs that made R.U.S.E.

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  2. lazerBAR Active Member

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    I've had my eye on this for a few months might think about getting it if infantry combat is good.
  3. chargers1783 New Member

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    If they take out the thousand of bazookas that infantry can shoot while hidden it should be good. Freaking Germans destroyed 20 of my tanks in about 1 minute with 2-3 infantry in R.U.S.E
  4. Schiztypal New Member

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    That small dot in Asia.
    I'm really looking forward to this game. It'll be like a modern day version of R.U.S.E and I loved that game.
  5. wolfblitz1 New Member

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    game looks freaking good i have to say
  6. Omaha Member

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    Comes out tomorrow.. it's gonna be amazing.
  7. Cover Well-Known Member

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    So, Did anyone actually get this game, and how good is it?
  8. Schiztypal New Member

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    That small dot in Asia.
    I got it, but I've only played till the third mission. So far I've only got to play as NATO, specifically West Germany. It's very R.U.S.E. like so far, but only that you've got limited numbers of each units to deploy, like right now I have a limit of 14 Leopard 1A1's but 8 Leopard 1A4's. Each unit death is final, not sure if they're replaced by a new, inexperienced unit. (I keep replaying the mission the instant one of my units die, but I'm getting over it).

    You can group them, but it's capped at four vehicles per group and for some reason you can't group vehicles that aren't the same type/variant, so I can't have a group of two Leopard 1A4's and two Anti-air guns. Kind of annoying for me, since I keep leaving my mobile AA back at the last FOB. Resupplying might be a bit tiresome until you get the Chinook from the Brits (As well as they're snazzy Chieftain Mk IIs and Mk Vs for more dakka), but logistics has never been my strong point.

    Oh, and infantry isn't that godly against armored vehicles. Their ATGMs can miss a stationary target, but I guess it's for balancing purposes because when they do it, tankmen will cry. Infantry can have either an anti-tank missile launcher or an SAM launcher. There are recon infantry, but I haven't used them yet. I stick to the armored recon units for now until I can unlock the recon helos.

    Oh yea, speaking of that, every mission you have objectives. You get stars based on how many objectives you complete and I think how fast. Those stars are used to unlock units. I think multiplayer runs on the same system, but I haven't checked that out yet. For multi, you start with a starter 'deck' of NATO or Pact units which you can upgrade as you earn more stars.

    What I like about this game is that, well, it takes place in modern day, it features factions beyond Germany, USA, UK and the Soviet Union (There's Czechoslovakia and Poland for the Pact, France for NATO). The resupply mechanic really appeals to my need for realistic gameplay, even if it does get quite tedious. Speaking of realism, you'll have to get used to getting your tanks into a position with direct line of sight. Sometimes ordering them to just attack causes them to run straight into a T-62 at point blank range.

    What I don't like? Well, I've played only three missions, so my only complaint right now is that the Pact tanks are horribly painful. They first roll out the T-34/85 and T-55s, which aren't so bad. The Leopard 1A1 and 1A2 can easily take them. Once they start rolling out the T-62 and T-72, they start laying the hurt. Their armor is tough as hell from the front, but flanking attacks usually kill them quick. The problem is just to get into a flanking position. Their guns will hurt even a Leopard 1A4 and Chieftain Mk V if it gets you in the flank.

    Another thing I don't like is how my Tank Destroyers can't destroy tanks even when I give them guided missiles.

    Anyway, all in all, it's a good game. Hell, I think the faults I find with it is just because I've yet to fully figure out the pros and cons of each unit. All I have so far is that reading from the unit cards, Pact tanks have woefully little ammunition compared to NATO tanks but Pact tanks have more armor protection than the corresponding NATO tank.

    Hope this helps you out. =)
  9. Cover Well-Known Member

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    Nice write up Schitzypal.
    I've got some more questions though...
    Is there artillery, and how good is it?
    Also: Do many people play the online multiplayer?
  10. Schiztypal New Member

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    That small dot in Asia.
    Yes, there's artillery, but so far not in campaign. I only tried it out in a battle against the AI. It's good for attacking ground, like all arty should be good at, but so far I only have the first tier standard West German arty so it leaves quite a lot to be desired when it comes to actual impact.

    Like I said, I haven't tried multiplayer, but I assume there will be quite a lot of people there, since the beta multiplayer was released earlier and in my honest opinion, this game seems a lot like it's geared towards multiplayer. For one, a human opponent actually has to worry about running out of ammo and units, while the AI just keeps pumping them out like they're made in China. XD

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