New Minecraft Server?

Discussion in 'Games' started by pedro3131, Feb 10, 2012.

  • by pedro3131, Feb 10, 2012 at 2:34 PM
  • pedro3131 Running the Show While the Big Guy's Gone

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    Tempe, Az
    So Ler's server was a lot of fun but it hasn't been up much lately, and I just got a big paycheck and wanted to give something back to the community.

    I'm looking at a 1-24 person minecraft server, hosted at daddyCheese .... Not to sure what kind of mods or plug-ins (I play Vanilla) but I liked the idea of factions from Ler's server.

    What I want to know from you guys is will you play it? Also if there's anyone willing to donate a few bucks (small contributions, $1-5) to help get this thing started. I'm willing to do it either way, but if people are willing to donate it helps me get a sense of how motivated people are, in addition to helping with some of the financial costs.

    So that's it, let me know if you guys want to get some minecraftin' goin down!


Discussion in 'Games' started by pedro3131, Feb 10, 2012.


Would you be interested in a new MC server?

No 9 vote(s) 16.4%
Yes 38 vote(s) 69.1%
Yes, and I'd be willing to donate a few dollars to get it started 8 vote(s) 14.5%
  1. Romulus211
    Lame, not cracked, looks like i am going to have to buy it.
  2. Eridian
    Sure I'll play, I might even bring some friends along too. We've been looking for a server to subjugate.
  3. Benerfe
    Well, I did some work this night and built my house, it currently trumps everybodies houses ( that I know are built) at the moment just outside the town near spawn. We should probably convert that town to something lol, herd the villagers into cages and make a prison lol.

    Anyway's shouldn't we make a legit thread now? Comment section it bit hard to see your IP address to the server and such.

    Also we need to start to make a nice welcoming spawn point, I suggest a big ole sickle and hammer. With colored wool or the sort.
  4. Surfusa
    Im already working on it, and its not gonna be communist
  5. pedro3131
    Yea I'm in the process of figuring out how to implement the factions mod. The original spawn should be neutral towards capitalism or communism, and then have mine carts or a tp to the various town centers
  6. D3VIL
    1# I don't have Minecraft. 2# I don't want Minecraft. 3# The server would probably in a different region to me.

    But well done trying to get the community together!
  7. pedro3131
    I don't think the region is a big issue. It's being hosted in Phoenix (Arizona, USA) and both Uni (England) and Ler (Australia) have been on and seemed to be playing just fine
  8. Alsanu
    Not to mention, me. I've been on for a short time to test, and it went all fine. And I'm Belgian.
  9. Benerfe
    We should totally meet up IRL for us Arizona folk.

    Surf, Pedro, Me and.. The others..
  10. Surfusa
    There's a lot of fans from Arizona... Don't forget kar
  11. peterxx
    come on capis come on I'm all alone :p
  12. pedro3131
    Yup... Anways, I just got an actual support ticket for some of the questions I'm having getting the mods set up so hopefully we can formally implement factions soon
    peterxx likes this.
  13. peterxx
    awww yeeaahhhh
  14. Markt4
    We should get a Vent going with different closed channels for the factions + public one
  15. Romulus211
    I think Team speak is Cheaper. or the Free Skype.
  16. Cover
    Hey guys what happened to my crafty center of craftyness?
    Actually, what happened to the whole starting area?
    Everything is destroyed :_:
  17. Nacon
    Hi, i was on yesterday and helped build the bunker with Benerfe and 2 others. Now it says im not whitelisted.

    Any chance i could make it on the whitelist?
  18. Markt4
    Ops, forgot it costs money haha. And yes let us use Estonia's greatest invention... Skype :)

    War is upon us.

    and could I also be added to the white-list. I am white and have proof of my identity.
  19. peterxx
    I'm not on the white list either I think everyone isn't because Pedro installed some mods
  20. Uberotaku001
    Whitelist I needs it!

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