Wurm Online - Epic is released!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by ComradeLer, Jul 12, 2011.

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  1. EpicFail Well-Known Member

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    I'm still waiting for you to transport me there, if you take any longer I might as well build a small rowing boat myself and travel to the new world in it
  2. ComradeLer Proud Anti-Patriot

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    Alright, I'm available again. Might be doing some transports later. When I do, I will post in this thread.
  3. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    I'm going on.
  4. Bfgordon New Member

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    Im going on now. im still under the colossus at port eminence.
    Edit: me and epic found a boat bridge that leads to Deliverance thanks to our Great Leader Ler.
  5. Uberotaku001 Well-Known Member

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    There's a boat bridge to Deliverance?
  6. Bfgordon New Member

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    Yeah it is at the bottom of the peninsula that is west of eminence Island. Epic and I made it to the village.
  7. ComradeLer Proud Anti-Patriot

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    Bad situation averted. Turns out it was just some f2p recruits acting up. If you notice them doing anything strange, report it to me, rather than avert to hostilities.
  8. Uberotaku001 Well-Known Member

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    I'm heading towards the boat bridge if anyone's on to pick me up PM me ingame.
    Edit: Almost to Eminence Island and just realized I have no clue where the village is in Deliverance.
    Edit 2: The boat bridge isn't set up now I'm stuck at the bottom of Independence.
    Edit 3: It is set up but I didn't notice till now, but it doesn't matter cause I got someone to bring me on his boat.
    Edit 4: Made it to Deliverance, but no clue of where to go from here.
    Edit 5: At a deed called Hills Deliverance Outpost with no clue of where to go, but with enough food and tools to survive for quite a while.
    Edit 6: Wandering the coast hoping to find the village.
  9. EpicFail Well-Known Member

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    after you arrived at hills deliverance, you should have started heading west and just followed the coast in that direction
  10. Uberotaku001 Well-Known Member

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    I did that for a little bit then decided I was going the wrong way and went east for about an hour. YAY!
  11. Chelsea366 Retired Moderator

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    Had a bit of a problem, posting the chat log because Kara asked me to.
    [spoiler:1swhooze][18:53:21] <Oddchelsea> Stop dropping dirt out here
    [18:53:34] <Kbk> where else can we put it...
    [18:53:40] <Kbk> we have too much
    [18:53:47] <Kbk> its a bad omen to have too much dirt
    [18:54:39] <Oddchelsea> I am asking you to stop. If you talk to Ler and he says it's ok then I will stop.
    [18:55:35] <Kbk> it adds character
    [18:55:37] <Kbk> to the landscae
    [18:55:40] <Kbk> landscape
    [18:55:47] <Kbk> we can call it dirt mountain
    [18:56:08] <Oddchelsea> I am sure there are places on your side of the mountain for your dirt
    [18:56:13] <Kbk> no
    [18:56:15] <Kbk> nowhere
    [18:56:18] <Kbk> its terrible
    [18:56:51] <Kbk> i will be back
    [18:56:54] <Oddchelsea> You want me to believe there is nowhere on the other side of the mountain, not anywhere.
    [18:57:16] <Oddchelsea> Don't drop more dirt here
    [18:57:25] <Kbk> ok i wont drop dirt there
    [18:57:39] <Kbk> ill be back
    [19:10:34] <Kbk> SO MUCH DIRT
    [19:11:02] <Wolfenlord> do you know the way to twin lakes
    [19:11:16] <Oddchelsea> How would you guys have liked it, if we went over to your side and dropped a bunch of dirt?
    [19:11:31] <Kbk> youd just be putting dirt in an ocean of dirt
    [19:15:37] <Kbk> wouldnt it be cool
    [19:15:43] <Kbk> if the mountain was made of sand
    [19:15:52] <Kbk> we could call it sandmountain
    [19:22:02] <Oddchelsea> STOP DROPPING DIRT NOW
    [19:22:11] <Kbk> Whoa! Calm down! : )
    [19:22:20] <Oddchelsea> Do you really want a problem with us>
    [19:22:36] <Kbk> wow
    [19:22:41] <Kbk> thems fighting words
    [19:22:44] <Oddchelsea> Do you?
    [19:22:49] <Kbk> what are you going to do, drop dirt on me
    [19:22:56] <Kbk> please dont
    [19:23:06] <Oddchelsea> I don't see why you guys are trying to start a fight
    [19:23:14] <Kbk> im a pacifist
    [19:23:52] <Oddchelsea> Do not drop more of anything on our side of the mountain, please.
    [19:24:05] <Kbk> ok
    [19:24:08] <Kbk> i havent been
    [19:24:14] <Kbk> i havent even dropped anything on your perimeter
    [19:24:17] <Kbk> it just fell there naturally
    [19:25:07] <Oddchelsea> I don't care
    [19:25:17] <Oddchelsea> Don't drop it to where it will fall like that please
    [19:25:24] <Kbk> did that fall on you
    [19:25:28] <Oddchelsea> Stop, now
    [19:25:33] <Kbk> im trying to make a path
    [19:25:38] <Oddchelsea> Stop it
    [19:25:40] <Kbk> damn wtf
    [19:25:49] <Oddchelsea> Dude, just stop
    [19:25:52] <Kbk> why cant i make a path here
    [19:26:20] <Oddchelsea> Stop scarring the mountain
    [19:26:33] <Kbk> IM NOT
    [19:26:41] <Oddchelsea> STOP IT NOW
    [19:26:46] <Kbk> this dirt looks good on you baby *strokes mountain*
    [19:27:02] <Oddchelsea> This will be brought up with your village mayor
    [19:27:14] <Oddchelsea> And you are destroying the relationship between our villages
    [19:27:19] <Oddchelsea> This will cause problems
    [19:27:22] <Oddchelsea> Stop now
    [19:27:24] <Kbk> you kos'd all of us already im sure
    [19:27:32] <Oddchelsea> I haven't yet
    [19:27:36] <Kbk> and theres nothing wrong with terraforming the land a bit
    [19:27:36] <Oddchelsea> But I can
    [19:27:41] <Kbk> im scared
    [19:27:51] <Kbk> youre going to make me poop
    [19:27:55] <Kbk> and my poop is dirt
    [19:34:06] <Kbk> i have irritable bowel syndrome
    [19:38:46] <Kbk> hi elendile
    [19:39:15] <Elendile> hey kbk
    [20:18:03] <Kbk> do you guys think the name dirty mountain is a good deed name
    [20:18:28] <Lune> are you on a dirty mountain?
    [20:18:41] <Kbk> well we're right next to one
    [20:18:52] <Lune> well it's a good name then ;D
    [20:18:58] <Kbk> awesome
    [21:00:25] <Kbk> nice wall
    [21:00:31] <Kbk> whos is it
    [21:01:39] <Oddchelsea> So you built it, eh? Good to know you're the kind of person to wall off our mine.
    [21:01:58] <Kbk> thats called slander
    [21:03:23] <Oddchelsea> We didn't build it. And you come up here in our mine talking about it. Not saying it was without a doubt you. But you aren't welcome in this village anymore.
    [21:03:33] <Kbk> i dont really care
    [21:03:55] <Kbk> coming up and talking about a wall doesnt mean i built it
    [21:06:37] <Kbk> i did make that sign though do you like it
    [21:10:10] <Kbk> it looks better now like a reverse walloff
    [21:11:03] <Oddchelsea> Please help me tear this down dawn
    [21:11:12] <Kbk> dude
    [21:11:17] <Kbk> thats my hard work
    [21:11:21] <Kbk> im making a fence for you guys
    [21:11:31] <Kbk> so you can climb in securely from bears, spiders, etc
    [21:11:36] <Oddchelsea> Stop walling off our mine!
    [21:11:44] <Kbk> just bash it down
    [21:11:48] <Kbk> your people are violent anyways
    [21:11:52] <Kbk> you bashed down our mine doors
    [21:13:52] <Kbk> i cant place a mine door here now, whoever made this stone wall is an idiot
    [21:16:05] <Kbk> grinding masonry
    [21:16:16] <Kbk> how is this possible without a chisel
    [21:16:56] <Oddchelsea> Stop improving that wall. You are doing nothing but trying to block off our mine.
    [21:17:10] <Kbk> youre not my mom!!!!!!!!!
    [21:17:22] <Oddchelsea> I'm glad
    [21:17:29] <Kbk> lol i bet you are
    [21:17:30] <Justinmcole> lol
    [21:19:42] <Kbk> hi
    [21:20:02] <Kbk> 7.5 masonry
    [21:20:13] <Kbk> pretty good
    [21:20:17] <Oddchelsea> I really do hope you never have to come to our deed for anything
    [21:20:30] <Kbk> why would i ever have to go to your deed for anything LOL
    [21:20:31] <Oddchelsea> KoS permanently
    [21:21:22] <Justinmcole> theres a way around kos
    [21:22:11] <Kbk> i really hope you never have to go through this low stone wall for anything
    [21:22:15] <Kbk> its quality is skyrocketing
    [21:22:22] <Kbk> its going to be so resilient to decay
    [21:22:26] <Kbk> like you would not believe
    [21:22:33] <Justinmcole> yea a whole 7ql
    [21:22:38] <Justinmcole> lol
    [21:22:57] <Kbk> this wall will be legendary
    [21:23:03] <Kbk> people will go to your deed to visit this wall
    [21:23:05] <Justinmcole> haha
    [21:23:09] <Kbk> and you will make tons of money from tourist fees
    [21:23:09] <Oddchelsea> You know I have been talking to dawn this whole time? He's not too happy with you
    [21:23:23] <Kbk> i know, i doubt hes going to do anything
    [21:23:36] <Kbk> why would he kick someone who helped make like a fourth of the village
    [21:23:54] <Kbk> just because our neighbors whine like little girls to the slightest provocation
    [21:24:07] <Oddchelsea> Well, he already sounds very unhappy with you.
    [21:24:15] <Kbk> dont worry about me darling
    [21:24:18] <Kbk> i will be fine
    [21:24:18] <Justinmcole> my main has 78 fight skill i can take any noob in my local
    [21:24:27] <Kbk> i will live with justin
    [21:24:33] <Oddchelsea> He's asked me to tell him anything you say.
    [21:24:37] <Kbk> his main has 78 fs
    [21:24:44] <Oddchelsea> I'm so scared
    [21:25:12] <Justinmcole> u should be theres a 60fs cap really hard to exead
    [21:25:36] <Oddchelsea> Come at me bro
    [21:25:45] <Kbk> wow
    [21:26:14] <Justinmcole> ur such a noob
    [21:26:30] <Kbk> chelsea can you bring me some water
    [21:26:41] <Kbk> its hard work improving this stone wall..
    [21:27:04] <Oddchelsea> I honestly don't care if you could kill my char
    [21:27:31] <Justinmcole> good ill kill all ur gards too
    [21:27:35] <Kbk> bad news, i cant improve the fence anymore.
    [21:27:52] <Kbk> i would start a new one but that would be griefing
    [21:27:54] <Justinmcole> that sux
    [21:27:59] <Oddchelsea> Just keep giving me things to tell Dawn
    [21:28:04] <Kbk> ok
    [21:28:24] <Justinmcole> ok but u told us toand really r u like 5 dude
    [21:29:04] <Oddchelsea> Don't insult someone's age if you can't spell the whole thing out.
    [21:30:03] <Kbk> hi firstdawn
    [21:30:57] <Firstdawn> Hey.. I will be afk.. jsut here to get some chatlogs.. so i dont stand there without proof
    [21:31:07] <Kbk> ok
    [21:31:14] <Kbk> we'll stop talking so you dont get any evidence
    [21:31:23] <Kbk> ty for the warning
    [21:31:33] <Kbk> i was laying down some sexual harassment on oddchelsea but im going to go dig now
    [21:31:41] <Oddchelsea> I am sending it all to him anyways
    [21:31:48] <Kbk> Oh no! :(
    [21:32:01] <Justinmcole> dude again like 5
    [21:32:49] <Kbk> you should try to find out who built this low stone wall
    [21:34:01] <Kbk> oddchelsea
    [21:34:04] <Kbk> did you build this
    [21:34:11] <Kbk> all the tracks lead to you
    [21:35:45] <Kbk> youre wounded
    [21:36:00] <Kbk> is it better now
    [21:36:13] <Kbk> OH NO I WAS SPIT ME IN THE FACE
    [21:40:45] <Kbk> i feel uncomfortable when you stand there and stare at me, chelsea
    [21:40:49] <Kbk> can you stop
    [21:41:06] <Oddchelsea> Well I have reason to stare at greifers
    [21:41:21] <Kbk> if you think im griefing you should take it up with a CA instead of complaining
    [21:41:29] <Kbk> then maybe youll find out i havent built this stone wall
    [21:41:35] <Kbk> and ive done nothing wrong
    [21:42:02] <Oddchelsea> Except improve the crap out of the wall blocking our mine.
    [21:42:10] <Kbk> lol whats that supposed to do?
    [21:42:14] <Kbk> im getting free masonry
    [21:42:33] <Kbk> quality just slows down decay afaik
    [21:42:39] <Kbk> and its not against the rules to improve it
    [21:47:26] <Kbk> stop looking at me :((((
    [21:49:20] <Kbk> juked
    [21:53:04] <Kbk> i have to go check something but i will be back
    [21:53:07] <Kbk> dont worry about me
    [22:11:12] <Kbk> hi
    [22:12:12] <Firstdawn> well now we all cant get our anymore.. fun.. right ?
    [22:12:27] <Kbk> what are you talking about
    [22:13:58] <Firstdawn> The normal way..
    [22:14:05] <Kbk> lol...............
    [22:14:11] <Kbk> this is
    [22:14:14] <Kbk> the normal way for me
    [22:14:22] <Kbk> because im always kos listed there
    [22:14:36] <Oddchelsea> Yep, you always will be.
    [22:14:41] <Kbk> lol
    [22:14:48] <Kbk> again dont care
    [22:15:31] <Oddchelsea> At least you see what Kbk is really like, Dawn.
    [22:15:42] <Kbk> Oh no!
    [22:16:07] <Kbk> uncaring towards people who take freedom server way too seriously :(
    [22:16:50] <Oddchelsea> Well I don't like greifers, so I guess we're even.
    [22:17:36] <Kbk> lol
    [22:17:40] <Kbk> griefers
    [22:17:43] <Kbk> and thats funny
    [22:17:53] <Kbk> because i havent griefed you
    [22:18:07] <Firstdawn> ...You are an griefer no discussion
    [22:18:30] <Kbk> it's "a griefer"
    [22:18:33] <Kbk> and no, not really
    [22:19:50] <Oddchelsea> You're trying to say you didn't build the wall, yet you tried to build more to further enclose our mine right in front of us.
    [22:20:00] <Oddchelsea> That's just as bad
    [22:20:07] <Kbk> lol i put unfinished ones down
    [22:20:12] <Kbk> and made no attempt to further construct it
    [22:20:36] <Bfgordon> but the action is just as bad
    [22:22:21] <Kbk> It's not actually
    [22:22:27] <Kbk> That's a very simplistic way of thinking
    [22:22:38] <Kbk> It would be just as bad had I put a completed stone wall down
    [22:22:45] <Kbk> But two unfinished stone walls do not obstruct movement
    [22:22:48] <Kbk> Therefore, you are wrong
    [22:23:02] <Oddchelsea> So who put down this wall?
    [22:23:18] <Bfgordon> its finished
    [22:23:29] <Kbk> I have no idea
    [22:23:32] <Kbk> I didnt put that wall down though
    [22:23:45] <Kbk> why dont you contact a gm?
    [22:25:01] <Kbk> out of what
    [22:25:06] <Oddchelsea> You can get out Gordon
    [22:25:08] <Kbk> did you fall into the mine? are you serious?
    [22:25:10] <Kbk> just climb up
    [22:25:24] <Bfgordon> i have tried
    [22:25:39] <Kbk> you may need to drop weight so put it in the piles while you climb
    [22:25:44] <Kbk> to free up stam
    [22:26:01] <Bfgordon> I HAVE FULL STAM, WATER AND FOOD
    [22:26:20] <Kbk> follow
    [22:31:18] <Newkarakoran> Who is under attack?[/spoiler:1swhooze]
  12. Demondaze Xenos Scum

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    Sounds like you should introduce your neighbors to the concept of total warfare.
  13. Uberotaku001 Well-Known Member

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    So is the village in the southwest or something cause I've been walking on the west coast for a long time.
  14. Chelsea366 Retired Moderator

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    Yes it is.
  15. Uberotaku001 Well-Known Member

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    More walking then.
  16. Chelsea366 Retired Moderator

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    I sent all of the info about our current issue that I could to Ler on messenger. So check that Ler.
  17. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    LOL I came across this thread and after reading alot of the stuff from this thread it makes me want to play again I will just be mindless labour since by now we already have a different member with good fighting skill.

    quick question though HOW THE FUCK DO I GET TO THE NEW VILLAGE :(
  18. xXxLKxXx Well-Known Member

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    And I was such a griefer for staring at a horse. Such rotten standards you have Chelsea, I mean all the guy did was drop dirt and build a nice, legendary, and resiliant wall so all the neighbours could check it out. :p
  19. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    I will try and get their somehow...

    Ohgawd where do I go I have no idea where the island is or where I am supposed to go...

    EDIT: WHY!!!!


    I died.
  20. EpicFail Well-Known Member

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    so I was just online and now those guys from the other side of the mountain were spreading slanderous lies about us, so I took a couple of screen shots
    I guess this is him not being a griefer
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