Last activity:
Feb 19, 2012
Jun 29, 2011
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May 20, 1994 (Age: 30)
Melbourne, Australia
Defying conformity

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Member, Male, 30, from Melbourne, Australia

Happy valentines day nerds and nerdets <3 Feb 14, 2012

Vamuke was last seen:
Feb 19, 2012
    1. Vamuke
      Happy valentines day nerds and nerdets <3
    2. Vamuke
      Only my third thread... As off topic as off topic could be, welcome to Vamies rant space (Should check it out, it's in the offtopic section)
    3. Vamuke
      @Jack118, I used to be a skeptic like you... But then I got an arrow in the knee
    4. Vamuke
      Finished my 5 week course... Turns out I may now be returning to the school I dropped out of earlier this year for something to do next year
    5. Vamuke
      Don;t think I have anything better to do then go to sleep... Goodnight people of the world
    6. Vamuke
      "Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?"
    7. Vamuke
      "M'aiq's father was also called M'aiq. As was M'aiq's father's father. At least, that's what his father said."
    8. Vamuke
      Your arguments are invalid, I have Skyrim <3 Australia releasing a day early
    9. Vamuke
      My fantasies are... Somewhat similar, just replace the money with copies of Skyrim
      1. Chelsea366 likes this.
    10. Vamuke more popular then Facebook?... One day Comrades :D
    11. Vamuke
      @Pedro, your problem begins with the fact your using Vista... Right click go properties and play with the compatibilty options, mightnotwork
    12. Vamuke
      @Madprince, or as Josh Thomas said, A Christian telling an Atheist that he's going to hell's like a hippy saying he's gonna punch my aura
    13. Vamuke
      Loving this status thing... I suddenly feel a part of something :D
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    Fight for those you have lost... And for those you don't want to lose - Claymore

    "M'aiq's father was also called M'aiq. As was M'aiq's father's father. At least, that's what his father said."


    May 20, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Melbourne, Australia
    Defying conformity
    I'm the person that once you see you will never forget

    Just ask me if you want to know more because I really do not know what else to put in this little box... Also if you have a suggestion for something to go in here please proceed