Anyone Else Getting Assassins Creed: Revelations?

Discussion in 'Games' started by BRC98, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. BRC98 Well-Known Member

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    I've always been a huge fan. Anyone else one, and/or buying it for the counsels when it releases?
  2. Romulus211 Proconsul

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  3. UnitRico Well-Known Member

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    I don't even have Brotherhood yet, and started at II (after playing a bit of I at a friend's), but I still might get it some time.
  4. JosefVStalin El Presidente

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    I'll wait a year and hope that they sell all 3 in a pack for $50 because I haven't played any of them.
  5. BRC98 Well-Known Member

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    I cannot recommend it any more then I humanly can. So I shall godly recommend it to you if you ever have the chance.
  6. Picardo Buttwagon New Member

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    As much as I do like Assassin's Creed, I'm just going to rent it. From what I've heard Revelations was somewhat disappointing.
  7. Kalalification Guest

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  8. UnitRico Well-Known Member

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    Also, there are 4 games, just being picky here (Assassin's Creed, II, Brotherhood and Revelations)
  9. GeneralofCarthage Well-Known Member

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  10. thelastbeluga Member

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    Have the game, tons of fun. If you like the story so far than go for it and enjoy the awesome events that happen in the game, just be warned if you havent played at least (very least) brotherhood than I would not recommend it....interesting fact though, if you buy the ps3 version it comes with assassins creed
  11. Vendredi8 Member

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    Almost exactly what I was going to say. It's worth it for the story alone but they do add a few new game play elements and the new city is extremely interesting in itself.
  12. thelastbeluga Member

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    The den defence is garbage though, personally I hate it....they did make multiplayer more fun and there is also 99 prestiges for online...what the hell!
  13. ironchin Well-Known Member

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    I was always a fan of the Assassin's Creed games, but this one, while decent, falls very short of ACII. That game had an engaging story and made heaps of fantastic gameplay developments. In this one, Ezio seems just bored and angry all the time, and the gameplay has barely evolved. With another game set to come out by Decenber 2012, it really does seem like Ubisoft are going to do to this what Activision did to Call of Duty. It's very apparent that the main team behind this is a talented one, but a 11-12 month dev cycle isn't going to cut it, despite employing the resources of six, yes six studios. The hyped hook blade ended up just being a tool to make slightly further jumps and traverse the rather occasional zipline (and adds a few more combat animations), while bombs are novelty devices. Combat is as ridiculously easy as ever. Even the series' best feature, the freerunning in an open world, is very samey and flat - I kept thinking this is what I'd already been doing for 2 years now. I'm not saying this isn't a good game, just uninspired, tired, and really showing its age. I kinda had the idea that ACII and Brotherhood are to Revelations as COD 4 and MW2 are to MW3: it was hard to find major changes and additions, and with both series, some will be content and others will be disappointed. I happen to fall into the latter category.
  14. PineappleJoe Well-Known Member

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    I would but i used most of my spennding money on new ski boots, so now i can't afford it. maybe i will get it for christmas.
  15. Kalalification Guest

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    Okay, so I was under the impression that Revelations was actually AC III, which it is not. This is AC II Part 3.

    Ezio is a hardcore badass, so that works in this game's favor, and there's nothing actually wrong with the game. You can't knock it for not innovating, because it wasn't even supposed to. It is absolutely excellent at what it does do, though, as is expected of an Assassin's Creed game. Comparing it to COD is just unfair, as there is never a shortage of new and interesting things to do in this game.

    One thing that really struck me about the game is that it's reflected in the gameplay that this is indeed Assassin's Creed II: Part 3. The combat is fucking amazing now, and Ezio is no longer a novice of ANYTHING, so veterans of the series won't feel at all like you're starting over as a novice character. Probably the best part of all AC games is the fluidity and mobility you have, and with the addition of things like the hookblade it only becomes more evident. Even huge-ass puzzle dungeons are tolerable because of how quickly you can move things along. And about the hookblade: I thought at first that it was going to be a gimmicky thing that let you reach higher ledges and zipline; while it does do both of those things it also makes regular travel immensely more fluid as well. I think that it's kind of the embodiment of the game as a whole, some genuinely new things are added, but the focus is on refining the things that were already there.

    The story is a great conclusion to Ezio's (and to some extent Altair's) chapter, and I'm glad that such a cool character had such a well-done sendoff. And for ONCE in the series, it feels like the Templars aren't winning, not by virtue of their own incompetence or even by a powerful group of Assassins (though that's definitely present), but by Ezio himself. Right from the get go you're foiling their plots and Ezio's all like "lol nubz nice try." Especially cool are a number of completely kickass fights where the Assassins stop messing around and legitimately send in their army, which is something that up until this game we haven't really seen. I did think it was a bit odd that they pretty much negated the purpose of ever playing AC I by having all of Altair's story bits explained or directly showcased in the game, but even people who HAVE played the first one will not be bored going through his segments.

    The only part I didn't like about the game was the den defense stuff, which, apart from one instance, is entirely optional. Oh, and bomb-making, but not because it was useless or tedious. I just don't really use secondary weapons apart from the throwing knives (which receive an upgrade in badassery).

    If you like Assassin's Creed, get the game. If you are new to the series, I'd start off with AC II (primarily for plot reasons and that it serves as an introduction to the gameplay), but make your way to Revelations.
  16. The Shaw Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second

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    Where do you guys think Assassin's Creed III should be set? I think they could do something unique and make it in The French Revolution, or even the American Revolution. Imagine the sons of liberty being the Templars/Assassins, they could totally do it in Boston under occupation, and then travel to other cities, like New York, and then have a III part 2 where the same character(s) are in the French Revolution 20 years later, like Ezio's story. Or maybe in more ancient times, who knows, that could be awesome.

    The only thing that is restricting the series is Desmond's plotline, "the present". Surely they have something planned, but I dislike, it just seems to drag on. Actually, now that I think about it, if the apple is in Egypt, they could go there in the present, and they could totally be running around Cairo or Alexandria or something during the real life Egyptian Revolution, that would be pretty cool as well.
  17. UnitRico Well-Known Member

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    Didn't they say this would be the last AC game, or just the last AC game with Ezio?
  18. The Shaw Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second

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    Last one with Ezio.
  19. UnitRico Well-Known Member

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    Ah, ok, thanks for clearing that up.
  20. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    I think they might bring AC to WW2 Hitler was a master of the occult and Was probably a Templar.

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