So here is the game. We have picked different city states in historical locations. @darthdj31 will be mod when I'm gone. Every day in real life is a year in the game. The game starts in 450 BC. The Rules are: 1.) No Godmodding 2.) Both players must be involved in a battle or siege 3.) Only Classical age technology/buildings/monuments/etc Here is the map: General Mosh (me) is the Parisii (darkish Green) Population: 81,099 @slydessertfox is Athens (darkish blue) @Skyicewolf is the Levantine Kingdom (red) @GhostReven is Aarhus (orange) @UnitRico is Rotterdam (purple) @Shisno is London (light green) @Epiccheesegrater is Tyre (yellow) @Jack118 is Naffaron (violet) @Viking Socrates is Poznan (brown) @Romulus211 is Barcelona (turquoise) @Anwrise888 is Carthage (dark turquoise) @Thefatkid is Sparta (dark red) @Onyxja is Stockholm (dark yellow) @Surfusa is Swansea (black) @Karakoran is Scythia (hot pink) @Imperial1917 is Imperium of Man (light brown) @GeorgykZhukov is Dijon (baby bluish) @ddbb089 is Macedon (greyish blue) @DomoSunz is Sassari (purplish pink) @scottap25 is Danzig (light turquoise) Enjoy!
Current Population 45,000 Also can we colonize the location in the upper right hand corner of my land? The Welsh try to expand East to learn of the other ocean. The tribes are currently at peace.
Current population 28,000 Consul Victorio speaks to the senate: "Senators our city is grand and its areas prosperous we must control the sea land between our Provinces, I implore the senate to semd a colony fleet to colonize the baelaric Islands' Senate raises hands in approval. Victorio sends 12 ships Barcelona's standing fleet to the baeleris, the great trireme Catalonia holds 800 people it holds the Farm animals and main agricultural produce.
Kk. We could do a mix I guess, depends what Mosh wants. I don't prefer 50 pages of one text posts like a MUN game however. Oh yeah write your pop.
Victorio Looks at his now modern army, he remembers hearing how the great Romulus united the Barca Tribes, only 200 years ago. Our nation was once a rabble of tribes but Romulus showed us the way we built grand Barcelona, now our army uses swords shields and archers, the standing army stands at 1500 soldiers, Victorio makes his way to the harbor of Barcelona, be watches as carpenters work on the new trireme, he hails the carpenters for there work, Victorio remembers when he was a child Roaming the cobble streets. Watching the mighty Barca triremes, trading with tribes. Victorio goes to the senate building with his friend Austerix a senator, the senate composes of 18 senators and one consul so 19, they represent the population of Barcelona and the Several villages that dot the country side.
Population: 52,000 Supreme Leader Vermin Supreme addresses his scout commanders "Move your parties to the east, south, north and west. Find other states that we can cooperate with and places to colonize. I have already prepared a colonization party to move to the southeast and colonize that place." So the scout parties move in their intended directions, with the scout party that headed west meeting the city-state of Swansea. The scout commander asks to meet with Swansea's leader (@Surfusa) on matters of relations between London and Swansea.
The Welsh men see a native Southerner rambling on at the front gate. With no aid to communicate, the man just waits outside for ages... Then just gets up and leaves. Well that was odd
Supreme Leader Supreme then takes a walk down the Grand Plaza after his meeting with the scout commanders. The 4 scout commanders each led 200 auxiliary troops, wielding either bows and arrows or rock-throwers. As Supreme walks through the Plaza, on his way to the Royal Palace, he passes the Barracks of Heavy Infantry. Inside lay 2,000 professionally trained infantrymen, trained in the use of swords and spears, and each having their own bronze shield. As Supreme neared the Royal Palace, he passed the stables. A small amount of horses had been red in London, and 80% had been used for farming purposes. The remaining 20% of the horses, 200 horses, had been used in the military, either for pulling chariots with bowmen on it or for the cavalry to use. Supreme finally reached the Palace and soon walked into the throne room. His throne room had a splendid view of the harbor, where fishing boats fished, and a fleet of 5 triremes lay in anchor. Across the river lay a vast forest of trees. In there future, Supreme hoped to finish the massive stone bridge currently under construction across what was known as the Thames and to add the area South of the Thames into London's domain. After not being let in by the guards, the scout party moves doubles back toward London.
Imperium of Man Pop: 50,000 Military pop: 2,000 Loc: Situated around the Strait of Gibraltar @General Mosh
Scythia Pop: 65,000 Military Pop: 4,000 Loc: Modern Day Kiev @General Mosh I would prefer Hot Pink for my color.
Sparta Population: 80,000 Military pop: 10,000 active personnel Location: Southern Greece. Goal: Destroy Athens, unless a greater threat emerges. Sparta wishes to form Peloponnesian league. Sparta begins to colonize northward. Don't care where.
Gee, Greece is looking a bit crowded. Btw: I don't think that there is enough room in the Greek terrictories for all that population. I think you might have to downsize a bit. And I have a sneaking suspicion that it might be considered a bit much to ask for at the beginning of the game.
In the ancient world Athens was around 140,000 people Sparta 100,000. We aren't to far off for the time period. Help me out here Sly. @slydessertfox You just love to prove me wrong don't you Imperial. However Sly did say his pop is 90,000 so it is fair I drop mine to 70,000
Naffaron's Population is at 61,000 The Executor calls together the war and peace leaders. they unanimously agree that mobilization of the war party (Half of Naffaron's able-bodied men, about 18,000 strong) to march on the lands of the Cantabrii, directly to our west. @Romulus211 Our diplomats wish to inform you of our land claims in Iberia and would like to Have you both recognize these claims and join your basque brothers and sisters in an alliance for the greater good of Iberia.
Word it how you want. Just at least somewhat intellectual and make sure it includes the neccessary info but also have fun and role play as you are doing. Also, what is the province you want to colonize this year? Done Done @Surfusa, did I get the right province? @Romulus211, which province do you want? King Mosh declares Paris to be the capital of the known world, and further declares he will build an army to prove it! Expansion is to begin towards the North coast! The King has taken power, long live the king!
Victorio Sends Horsemen to Naffaron to speak of diplomacy and Trade. @Jack118 @Imperial1917 what part of the straight? Grenada or Morroco?