Remember that you do not necessarily need to have a ton of farmland to supply your troops. It is just assumed that each tile can support 10,000. So you don't have to worry about output for supplies. I mean, we didn't hand Iceland any population penalties for being a frozen ball of ice. But for other resources like iron and wood, you will need trade if you don't have it domestically. Oh, @Karakoran Just so you know, the Egyptian Horde is about to steam-roll your army in Egypt.
OOC: I will be away now until Friday, so @Epiccheesegrater controls Dalmatia for the time being. I have not sanctioned any wars other than against the Egyptian horde, see you all soon. Bye.
I'll try, though I won't be able to if the banning returns and I am chosen. Should I be banned, I want @Skyicewolf to take over Tyre.
If you are banned, your terrictory will become an NPC terrictory with all your force strengths/composition and a standard garrison.
Apparently Denmark does have a decent lumber supply as well as iron ore that whoever was before found and conquered
Alright I would like to train 15,000 soldiers - 7,000 swordsman - 5,000 axemen - 3,000 spearman Also I would like to build 10 ships My people are Vikings now so I guess the crew would consist of 9 members a ship
They're way over in Carthage cut off to the East by a massive Coalition army and cut off to the West by a massive IoM army and cut off by sea by a massive Coalition/IoM navy. Unless you mean the 100,000 untrained garrisons their Horde physically can't get into Egypt.
Ok. Remember to keep track of your own army. And with such small ships... I wouldn't put them in combat. I have no idea what you mean by IoM being all over the place. Can you clarify? Oh, and in that case, I suppose that Egypt is back in the hands of the Egyptian Horde. @darthdj31 Please update the map to reflect this.
Preemptively the 220,000 Scythian troops will be pulled back into a defensive arch around the Egyptian Delta Region. The Scythian navy will be docked as well in case evacuation must be undergone. Builders will start constructing walls and forts in key areas as fast as they can. Any catapults in the Siege Machine Corp will be modified for defensive purposes and stationed evenly along the wall. As well the 220,000 soldiers will be spread out evenly. Though they will be kept mobile in case they have to be moved somewhere else. The IoM is stationed in Morocco, west of the Egyptian Horde's position around Tunisia. The Coalition landed East of it in the Tunisian area. The Coalition navy (I assumed your's as well) is blockading the Horde to the North so a naval evacuation is impossible. The Horde simply can't reach Egypt. It's not in Horde hands until they can actually get to Egypt. Also if you do spawn in another Horde at least give us a bit of warning. We should be able to see half a million soldiers marching up towards us.
Well since all of the cool countries are doing it, I might aswell train some troops. Persia trains 10000 horseback archers, 10000 Immortals with chainmail and 5000 heavy archers.
@Karakoran MY Horde is bigger than YOUR Horde! The IoM contributed 10th and 11th Fleets to evacuate the Lybians. They have since returned to partolling IoM terrictory. And I did give warning. A couple of hours' warning. I created the second horde long before I moved it.