Iranians storm British compounds

Discussion in 'The Political/Current Events Coffee House' started by 4zac1, Dec 3, 2011.

  1. 4zac1 Member

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  2. Viking Socrates I am Mad Scientist

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    In a cave,watching shadows (Plato reference)
    Hey look more sanctions, well Iran is felling in a pretty good position right now so this is expected.
  3. SovietEmpireUSSR Well-Known Member

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    Relations have deteriorated even more after that incident at the British embassy in Iran. The secretary of state for foreign and commonwealth affairs (William Hague) has already ordered the Iranian embassy to leave the United Kingdom within the next 48 hours. It's been more then 48 hours now, so yes they did leave.

    As for the result of this, there's most likely going to be more sanctions on Iran, I mean there's been a few dozen sanctions on a few things in Iran, it's becoming increasingly worrying since this could provoke Iran into a war or something. Iran someday is going to retaliate back, but as it stands, Iran will not be surrendering down to the west so easily.

    I generally do believe the west is trying to develop some sort of casus-beli, or something relating to that line were the west will have an act of justification to go to war with Iran. You don't have to be ignorant to know that Iran is the third-top in exporting of oil and second-top in exporting gas, and just like other countries in the past that had oil or some top valuable resource, the United States or NATO have gone in under the UN act "Humanitarian event" and basically gave the green light to US/NATO to go in and kill tens of thousands of people and also inflict destruction on the country's infrastructure and social buildings.

    War with Iran is inevitable. We're just waiting for the United States or NATO to come up with some plausible excuse to go to war.
  4. Achtung Kommunisten! Well-Known Member

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    I can't believe we chucked out the diplomats. Interestingly this was second in the headlines, to the sudden suicide of a successful football manager.
    I personally cannot stand William Hague, although perhaps it's just his voice I don't like. Can't say he was much good as Conservative leader though. Definately not a man for the Foreign Office if you ask me, but maybe if you push him, he does has some redeeming features like say, Kenneth Clarke, who I thought was a total jerk until fairly recently.
    Anyway, one step further to breaking off relations with Iran. If they're such a threat, maybe we should try to not piss them off?
  5. LeonTrotsky Well-Known Member

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    Weirdly enough, on some levels, I agree. I do think that NATO would like nothing more than to remove Iran as a player in the Middle East. It is in their benefit (oil aside for the US, we get most of ours from good ol' Canada). However, the "killing tens of thousands" is a little off. One major feature about the Western nations after that participated in WW1 and WW2 is their severe lack of tolerance when it comes to open destruction by their armed forces. Should the US/NATO decide to bomb Iran into a parking lot, the people of said countries would call for the end of the war.

    Edit: What I mean is basically that NATO is looking for a confrontation, but I doubt that they will just slaughter tens of thousands of Iranians.
  6. Achtung Kommunisten! Well-Known Member

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    Collatoral damage will be kept to a minimum, if that's what you mean.

    What constitutes an acceptable minimum, we don't know of course.
  7. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    It's almost funny how stupid the Iranians are. NATO promises them tons of foreign aid and shit if they cancel their nuclear program, and tons of sanctions if they don't stop their bomb making. Instead of doing the logical thing and taking the foreign aid, they got all, "THE MEDITERRANEAN WILL RUN RED WITH THE BLOOD OF ISRAEL" on us.

    Their economy has been completely obliterated by these sanctions yet they're STILL apparently making "peacefully nuclear power".

    Hell, they're having a gas shortage because they never had the insight to built any refineries in their country.
  8. Byzantium's Revenge Well-Known Member

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    Sanctions won't hurt Iran as badly as most seem to think: most of their trade is done with Russia and Asia. Iran will be a nuclear power, given time.
  9. The Shaw Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second

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    As dangerous as a war or something might seem, as Byzantium has already pointed out, western sanctions won't hurt it as much as people think, certainly not enough for Iran(of all countries) to declare a collective war on the western nations most powerful nations in the world.
    Do you realize that they are the ones who attacked you? What the hell are you going on about?

    No doubt we're looking for one. But Iran seems to want a war as well. For what reason, I'm not sure. Maybe they are trying to be a Serbia and start a World War by drawing in Russia and China.
    The majority of this sentence made little grammatical sense. And you are making us look like terrorists hell bent on raiding the world of all it's oil(Which we have no problem acquiring anyway) and unnecessarily killing civilians for no reason in the process. Which is just absurd.


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