Medieval Lord game.

Discussion in 'Roleplaying Games' started by Romulus211, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    So thought of this game, while playing skyrim and watching adventure time.

    so heres the game, we are in a world called forumland, that looks exactly like medieval earth, it even has all of earths creature, and humans. Now you can take the position of, Baron and you can claim a town of your choosing(Make one up) A baron can have 1 town and 1 vassal, now you may be thinking I dont want to be stuck with one city and 1 vassal, I want to be huge and control a emperor, but like in regular medieval society you need 2 things, a city, and vassals to run them, you rise up in ranks as you go but every one starts as a baron vassal-less, Now you may be thinking how do I get vassels can I make them up? NO, vassals are other forum users who wish to serve another lord then become a baron themsleves, so example I am a baron, I rule nicely and support justice and freedom, Now that will surely please vassals who are kind and just, but vassals who want money and power above all else, will be upset, because we arent taxing hard enough, so the type of ruler you are, depends on the vassals you will attract, now we can have hundreds of barons, but thats no fun, am i right? So the way a baron upgrades his title is by gathering more vassals, and giving them quests and whatnot, so a baron has 1 vassal, when the baron gets 2 he becomes a count and claim another city aswell as another vassal.

    Now listen well because this is the most important part:

    Baron= o vassals 1 city

    count = 2 vassals 2 cities

    duke = 5 vassals 3 cities

    archduke = 10 vassals 4 cities

    king = 15 vassals 6 cities

    Emperor = 20 vassals 10 cities

    Now this may sound easy, but we warned other lords may try and steal, bribe, and persuade your vasslas to join them now you may be asking yourself how will i keep my vassals happy, well ask them, how should I know? They may want you to rule differently they may want you to tax harder or softer, they may hate other vassals for getting to much attention and quests, or they me loyal vassals who stay with you for life.

    Now the game begins, and remember to much attention on one vassal may draw the ire of your other vassals....
    (Side note: what you do to your vassals for there love is entirely up to you and your vassal, the vassal may want you to marry him and his wife, your vassal may want a new position like head of army development, use your imagination)

    (also although it was very rare for women to have power back then, they can claim the same titles as anyone else, like Baroness, countess, Duchess, etc. )
    Now play and remember Let's have some fun!!

    I will be the first baron, and I choose to rule with a just hand and tax the people fairly and all the people in my village of Divinitae are happy although this means that the peasants are free-er and the city itself is in bad shape because I don't want to tax them too hard.
  2. slydessertfox Total War Branch Head

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    I want to be roms vassal.
  3. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    Okay i Romulus baron of divinitae knight you lord of the barons armies and minister of defense!! Rise sir Fox i have many quests for you!!
  4. slydessertfox Total War Branch Head

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    What shall I do as minister of defense?
  5. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    (note you can use this as an example as what a lord should do)
    Sir Fox I have a quest for you, the areas around the city are teeming with barbarians and bandits, I wish to send you and a group of soldiers, to eliminate the bandits and try to assimilate the barbarians.
  6. slydessertfox Total War Branch Head

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    How many soldiers will I be granted? My spies tell me that there are a total of 700 barbarians. However, they are not unified and are estimated to be in 3 individual tribes of around 300 men each.

    edit: I tried to negotiate with them but my diplomat was assasinated.
  7. Bart (Moderator) NKVD Channel Maintainer

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    Nootdorp, The Netherlands
    I would like to become Your (capitalized, 'cuz it's so important!) right hand, as a Civil Servant in the Ministry of Defense, oh Lord. Will You accept my request?
  8. slydessertfox Total War Branch Head

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    Ask the baron.
  9. Bart (Moderator) NKVD Channel Maintainer

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    Nootdorp, The Netherlands
    Oh, Baron of Romville. May I become a High Civil Servant in the Ministry of Defense, under the wise rule of Sir Fox?
  10. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    These barbarians are tough lord fox, I grant you the entire defense force 400 men strong, that is all we can spare for the rest are militia and citizen guard numbering only 3oo men, I will try and institue new training laws!!

    Yes Lord feybart I knight the as lord of civil services and master of the citezen guard, your first quest will be to institute my training laws as you see fit. (Now I can become count but I need my vassals to finish there quests first)
  11. slydessertfox Total War Branch Head

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    Being the military genius I am, I attempt to send my men to sneak into the camp and raid and destroy one of the barbarian encampments before they can be unified. To me and my soldiers horror though, they were waiting for us. And there were more than 700. It looked as if a 1,000 unwashed barbarians were chargind down the hill upon us. Our men just dropped their weapons and ran. Only around 100 made it back alive. The barbarians charged onward and sacked the city of Diviniate. Now as our government and what remains of our forces lay just beyond the burning city, I ask Romulus if we should relocate or keep Diviniate as our capital.
  12. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    (Now that is what i call a random event of pure imaginary genius)

    We will make a new city on the Remains of divinitae!!

    We shall call it ROME named after me !!!
  13. slydessertfox Total War Branch Head

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    I will order my soldiers to start constructing walls for the city. What name shall we give our soldiers to make them sound more formiddable? Also can I reform the army to not make it a laughingstock?
  14. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    we shall call the new soldiers Legionaries, and they will carry a Fox pelt, so we now it will be your Legion!! I grant you to perform those Reforms!!
  15. Bart (Moderator) NKVD Channel Maintainer

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    I tried, but failed, to escape from the dirty hands of their leader, Rhaus. They ask You to pay 200 ducats, and as a threat they sent You my right middle finger. It's up to You to decide what to do.
  16. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    we are on the way I myself are participating in the attack on the barbarians!! Me and lord sly commanding legions of Romulons!! our army of 2000 strong will destroy the barbarians!!! and save you my loyal vassal!!!
  17. Bart (Moderator) NKVD Channel Maintainer

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    Nootdorp, The Netherlands
    OOC: 2000? We used to have 400, of which 300 was killed a quarter of an hour ago...
  18. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    Military reforms and we persuaded our people to fight in the army and our forces met and clashed on the frontier and Romulan Legions have hailed victorius!! you are now returned Lorf feybart.
  19. Bart (Moderator) NKVD Channel Maintainer

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    Nootdorp, The Netherlands
    Thank You, Lord Rom. I thank You with all my money and possessions, and I will serve You until my death has arrived! (READ: Thanks, and I request to be your personal assistant.)
  20. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    From the ashes of what used to be the proud barbarian warlords came chaos and destruction with the rise of Lord Romulus and his Romulan Legions. Most of the warlords died during the fighting, the few that remained abdicated and left their tribes like headless chickens.

    But where there is chaos there is opportunity. From those disorganized tribe rose a coalition. Fronted by Karakoran the Terrible, the Golden Horde was formed - a coalition of all barbarians to resist Rome. The Horde, although noble in cause, was not noble in action. Tribes that resisted often ceased to exist. Dissent grew, but was silenced by constant executions and arrests.

    Ultimately, it was the founding of Ulaanbaatar that started the Horde. Ultimately, all the hopes and dreams of the Horde would rest upon their capital's success. Wooden walls and a trench were created around the new city in the hopes that Rome would be too cowardly to attack a fortress.

    The Horde itself was almost feeble in strength, possessing a total of 800 soldiers to match their 1800 total population. In deed, ~80% of their society was in the military and the rest was mostly substance farmers.

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