Minecraft server news post

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Phyon, Nov 28, 2011.

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  1. Phyon Member

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    Hey guys this is just to let you know the mine craft server is down atm for a day or 2 having a bit of problems with the new 1.0.1 patch and the map working I might need to reset the server. Depending on the general opinion on doing that will allow some of the new things in as well since. It was created before 1.8 was released so you have to travel pretty far to find those new things. Also the majority of the plugins have not been updated so the ones we had before are going to take a little while to come back.

    I know a couple of those were still trying to update to 1.9 when this newest version came out. So every thing has been put back a little bit. But once the new server system is updated The Server will come back up I will post a update in here once it is back so just check here when it is updated.

    Sorry for the past few days downtime as it is. Back on the reset if I did I might be able to keep some of the things you have build the main Russian tower and the flag I plan on copy with a separate program to put back into the game. So specific buildings I might put back into the server if you want that way we have a new map generated with peoples buildings as well.

    Sort of a mixing it up as a possibility
  2. Surfusa Lost in space-time

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    I think it'ld be better without pre made villages but I kind of want dungeons and nether strongholds... Damn
  3. PineappleJoe Well-Known Member

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    we need to start the pvp server che had planned. I t sounded awesome.
  4. Phyon Member

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    I don't know much information about it what was trying to be done before. what kind of pvp server was trying to be set up? I have seen a few good pvp servers that have a sort of safe village and the surrounding area is a fight for survival type of places.
  5. PineappleJoe Well-Known Member

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    what we had planned was that we have two sides. The capitalists and the commies and they would build up respective to theire ideology. and fight eachother, with a few people being neautral and living here and there that can be hired. this requiers alor of players though.
    Duffman18 likes this.
  6. Phyon Member

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    That would require quite a few people so far just have not seen the numbers I think for that working well..

    On the server it is still down they are currently saying they are rebuilding the server code. So I am not sure when that is going to be done. I might need to look at their unstable build or go bukkit I would like to stick with canary but I suppose it depends on how much longer this is going to take.
  7. Duffman18 Active Member

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    How can I get on the server?
  8. Star Killer New Member

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    Up your ass to the left.
    hmm another idea could be that we bring in buckets and buckets of water and make it so that its all ocean. And each faction could have a base on the water. We could have a mod that sorta makes diffrent types of boats. And we could get a gun mod as well. So you could shoot on a boat or attach a gun on a boat. Also we could have a custom texture pack so the fortress look like there made of metal. And we could also have underwater secret passegeways. 1 or 2 problems. We wouldent have a place to get the recources.(We could make a big underwater mine). Also the texture pack would be hard to make. And im not sure they would want mods in the server. But all in all it would still be a good idea, all in all with a little work.
  9. pedro3131 Running the Show While the Big Guy's Gone

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    Not sure if this server is still up but most of us play on my server (info is in my sig).
    There's a bunch of threads in here ( http://www.josefvstalin.com/forums/minecraft/ ) about it so feel free to come check it out

    OP if you're still running this server shoot me a pm, but otherwise I'm locking this thread.
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