(Pentagon Senario) Modern Ice Age

Discussion in 'Roleplaying Games' started by Aloysius, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. Aloysius Well-Known Member

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    If i where to create a game based on an Ice Age to occur in modern times would anyone be interested?
    You would play as a country (any country). While you try and pull the goverment and its people through this tough time by securing resources involing conflicts with other countries over food, oil, etc. The goal is to be amongst the last surviving goverments. Through war or negociation your goverment must survive with a decent number of followers.
    It will take some time to create this.
    If enought people are interested I will create it.
    If youre interested please post.
    I am also open to ideas so PM me if you have any to share.
  2. ddbb089 Well-Known Member

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    I'd beinterested to play but I think characters would be better becouse then we could create our own nations.
  3. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    I want to play as Denmark.
  4. Vassilli1942 Well-Known Member

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    If you get this up and running I would like to be France.
  5. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    We could be allies.
  6. Vassilli1942 Well-Known Member

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    When and if the game get's going, I will allie with you.
  7. Aloysius Well-Known Member

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    Ok about the rpg that ddbb089 suggested. If we where to do that I feel it would work better a few days after a nuclear holocaust as people try to survive.

    So if a majority perfers that I will do that. If not we will continue on our original plan.
  8. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    Well the RPG will eventually turn into a Darkest Hour/ Vikky 2 Scenario as the game goes on. My prime example of this is the "After the Apocalypse" thread.
  9. Aloysius Well-Known Member

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    Though it would be similar there would be key differences. This senario would be a few days after the apocalypse and during nuclear winter. Goverments try to keep control as people form together for mutual protection against the new and every growing amount and type of mutants along with goverment. (A love child of fallout and Metro 2033 but not years after)
  10. ddbb089 Well-Known Member

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    The senerio is still intersting kinda like an after the apocalypse 2 :)

    Ok I'll start.
    After the world as we know it was destroyed thousands of millions died.The people that had the luck of surviving were introduced to a nuclear winter that is said to last for 50 or a 100 years.One of those people was Viktor A. Philinov a russian university studen tin Moscow.When the bombs hit the city he rushed into the Metro system with some of his supplies and belongings.

    The government has tried to take control in the metro but some people started to rebel and wander in the system as bandits.Viktor tried to help the governement maintain order but he knew they are to blame for the war.Some are spreading stories that some want to overthrow the governement and replace it with a communist "Neo-Soviet" council.
  11. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    OOC: Okay I'll go ahead then

    Everyone saw the bomb explode over Kiel. It was the first bomb dropped in Germany. Hundreds of thousands of people died. From a window in the Copenhagen University, Harald Gunhelm saw the bomb hit. The first thing he felt was amazement, the fear, then terror, then he started to run. Copenhagen went into full alert. All citizens were to go into the nuclear bunkers for their safety. Harald ran into the first bunker and went into the fetal position in the corner. He knew he was going to die. Time passed, he didn't hear any bombs go off, but that could be that the bunker was sound-proof. Minutes, hours, even a day passed, and he heard nothing. The bunkers opened and he saw that Copenhagen was intact. The military gave everyone gasmasks and iodine pill in case of radiation. Harald was so happy that he was alive, but he looked at the sky, and saw that clouds blotted out the sun, black clouds.

    Denmark wasn't hit by any bombs because it was a small nation in Europe. But the radiation from the bombs dropped was carried to Denmark by the wind,so radiation still had an effect here. Seems the Denmark was the only nation left intact from the bombs. No enemies, no friends, radiation carried by the wind, an unknown future for Denmark and an even more mysterious future for Harald.
  12. Aloysius Well-Known Member

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    Meanwhile in America


    Due to the U.S. spending in deffenses against nuclear arms many nuclear weapons had been stopped before they reached American soil. The U.S. is the only remaining country with the logistics to help Police the rest of the world. America has not been saved without cost for many missles still hit. Though not many in populated areas. The American goverment assures the world they will not be abandoned and asks that world leaders converge on D.C. to discuss what to do next.
  13. ddbb089 Well-Known Member

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    Viktor was drinking Vodka in one of the stations when a crowd started protesting against the government that wants to continue the war.He just looked at the protesters then the police and military started shooting in the crowd.Viktor ran to safety.Then people started shooting back.Viktor just looked at the bloodshed and realised that the government can't be trusted.

    When the shootout has stopped and the police and military has surrendered the station was declared the "Red station of the great soviet revoultion" with it's own governement that wanted to bring back the old soviet regime to russia starting with the Metro then Moscow.

    The people started to rebel in the news of the shootout in the Metro along with the rest of Moscow but have become small disorganised groups.

    The metro system has become nations of their's own like the Metro Union (Federal democratic stations), Neo-Soviets(Communist stations),Independent stations, and bandit hideouts.
  14. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    Denmark was sending radio signals left and right. First one went to Oslo, the Berlin, the London, then Moscow, then Paris, and last Stockholm. No response, every European power seemed to be "dead". Denmark was the last one standing. One last radio signal was sent to the USA. Denmark wasn't expecting a response since the USA recieved most of the nukes. But a response can back. It said "The US is intact, I assume your country is as well?"
  15. Aloysius Well-Known Member

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    Suavek Kuryluk was a school teacher in Krakow Poland. He was also in the army reserves and enjoyed hunting. It was summer and he was in the countryside hunting. It was later that day that a nuclear war was declared and humainty brought to the brink. The sky was dark, he decided to head back to Krakow to find what had become of his family. As he walked he worried. He thought of his wife Danielle. His two children Kresha and Victor. He became determined and set out at a brisk pace for Krakow. Ready to do whatever must be done to get to his family.
  16. ddbb089 Well-Known Member

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    Viktor was running out of money and thinked about becoming a Metro guard or something to get a paycheck but he rather became a scavanger.Some scavengers have already been roaming the metro system to trade and seek precious loot.

    There was a smaller conflict between the bandits and an independent station.So he got a ride from an old friend to the battlefield.When he arrvied he instantly picked up a few weapons and supplies that's when he heard some bandits coming towards him so he got into hiding reloading the weapons he saw with small amount of ammo.His hands were shaking and the bandits heard him an they said"Where are you? We'll spare you if you'll come out!"

    Viktor jumped out and shot one in the head then got into cover again.The others have started firing upon him.Viktor had his life replayed in his mind and he started firing at the bandits and killing them all.

    He snatche all their belongings money and others and ran back to the station.

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