
Discussion in 'Literature' started by Aloysius, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. Aloysius Well-Known Member

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    Long Island, New York
    Well this thread is for posting poetry. Post a poem you've made or a poem somebody else made that you like. I'll put one I made. (I'm not the best at poetry nor do I write them much but on rare occasions i get a decent one.)

    A Poem of Poland
    Whenever I hear her name, my mind drifts to dreams of her. Much of her I know about and I admire her in everyway. Yet this passionate love is not of that which is reserved for a woman. But for a motherland that’s been through riches and ruin. I dream and drift through time as I let my mind wander. From her high flying banners to her bloodied battlefields. Her history is rich, her peoples trials ever growing. Striving to make her stronger. Her people valorous and brave. Always on call wherever her banner waves.
    Struggling to survive for she is always locked in war. Her flag flying above the chaos to make men’s hearts soar. On her banner the eagle is on guard. Its talons sharp and beak steady. Much blood has been spilt in every war. To maintain her survival against the foreign horde. From Mongols to Russians, Swedish to Germans. All have fought and died on her soil. Yet the land still remains in hands of her people. It is Poland I speak of. She was bloodied and in turmoil. Yet with the sacrifice of her countrymen came a future better suited to her people and her soil.

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