Post your WOW moments in Skyrim

Discussion in 'Games' started by 4zac1, Dec 4, 2011.

  1. 4zac1 Member

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    The point of this thread is to post times in Skyrim where something just blew your mind, or when something hilarious happened. I'll post one of mine:

    Yesterday, I was on my way from Ivarstead to Riften. Just minding my own business, killing the usual wolves and some sabertooths that are along the roads. I then decided to take a shortcut through the woods. I see a ruin in the distance and as I get closer I see a humanoid figure that seems to glow in the dark and it starts to run, so I follow it. As i get closer I find out its a ghost and after a couple of seconds of chasing, he stops in front of a couple of bandits. He disappears, I kill the bandits and find a staircase leading to a bunch of loot. I guess he wanted me to avenge him :D
  2. noelsoong This machine does not require caffeine to operate.

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    It's amazing that i killed all the guards at markarth.
  3. ironchin Well-Known Member

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    Melbourne, Australia
    I got a glitch where a mammoth was glued to the terrain, and treated everything as though it was terrain. End result: it was walking straight up trees and bushes like it was nobody's business.
  4. 4zac1 Member

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    Just became a werewolf and its amazing!!!

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