Social Conformity and Popularity

Discussion in 'General Philosophy' started by Vamuke, Jan 13, 2012.

  1. Vamuke Member

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    So had a thought earlier, conformity dictates that a "popular" girl will screw around with alot of guys... Yet it is also conformity for a girl to gain a reputation as a slut and be talked about as if it's unconformist and wrong.

    Where is the line between Acted Conformity and Spoken Conformity and what is and isn't okay judging universal conformity practices?

    Just a thought been playing on my mind from recent troubles people I know are having... Yeah... I know one or two popular people, it's fucking amazing I know, apaprently i'm a good listener... So basicly i'm stuck in the friend zone with every girl I meet and oh for satan christ i've just ranted about my personal life... But back to the question, where is the line and what other social conformity contradictions are present in our day to day life... Or the day to day life of a mainstream conformist... See i'm just asking for a universal opinion on the matter because I can only talk of experiences of those around me in mine and neighbouring culture groups.

    What does everyone think the norm should be?
    Does anyone disagree and have viable facts to state there reasons for disagreeing?
    Does anyone have any other questions they'd like to see my small mind try and puzzle over for endless hours as I insert large words and fill alot of space with meaningless information... AKA ask me a question?
  2. The Shaw Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second

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    I'll be completely honest, I haven't read past this. You have no idea what you're talking about.
    PenguinNun and DukeofAwesome like this.
  3. Vamuke Member

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    I believe I also went on to mention that I can only speak for local conformity in my area, so maybe it would have helped if you read the whole thing, I also stated that if you have any objections to state an accurate reason

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