We Need a List of All Active Laws

Discussion in 'Archive' started by WarGamerRCNT, Nov 19, 2011.

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  1. WarGamerRCNT New Member

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    Nov 19, 2011
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    Now, maybe I am being neglectful or even lazy and if lazy is in fact the case I still don't see why that would be a legitimate case against this very simple proposal. As of yet, I have not been able to find any kind of comprehensive, easily obtainable and simple list of all the active laws of which we as members of this forum must adhere to. Now if such a list does exist and is both readily available and complete, please by all means write me off as a fool for posting here but before you do so please consider one more detail. I do not mean that this list should simply be. I am speaking more of a list that is always in the foregrounds of this forum, that is always seen and always known. I don't see how we can have a group of laws that are fair and just when people are not aware of their existance. If indeed this list does exist but buried somewhere deep into these ever growing forums than it might as well not exist and is still a major problem. Please compile this list that I've been speaking of otherwise I don't see how we could justly punish someone based on it's laws. It's a straight forward request from a humble member and so I don't see how anyone could possibly think it a bad idea.

    Thank you for considering my suggestion.

    PS: I know the constitution is available but I am speaking about laws that have been created since the tribune's inception and that these laws should be availabe in the same manner as the constitution. That is all.
  2. MayorEmanuel Do not weep, for salvation is coming.

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    We have a site rules thread. I can't find it.
  3. WarGamerRCNT New Member

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    I thought there would be one, but like I said in my proposal, the fact that it's hard to find is a major issue that must be addressed and would be just as terrible as if it had not existed at all.
  4. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    Los angeles, California, U.S.A.
    The site rules used to be linked in the Signatures of all the Mods, But I guess not anymore....
  5. WarGamerRCNT New Member

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  6. MayorEmanuel Do not weep, for salvation is coming.

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    Problem as been solved. Locking
  7. Unillogical Ex-Admin

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    Just to add there is if you look in the footer a "terms & rules" button which links you to the rules, there is also a section in "help" linking to the rules.
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