1. Uncle Joe
    damn that was intense
    Mar 7, 2012
  2. GreatGranpapy
    Your honor, I would like to cross-examin the witness' boobs more closely ;)
    Feb 26, 2012
  3. Vlad the Impaler
    If only authentic trials were so amusing. I blame society's moral degenerations
    Dec 22, 2011
  4. GeorgykZhukov
    OBJECTION! that was....Objectionable :P
    Dec 2, 2011
  5. Molotov's Breadbasket
    Edgeworth apparently did make actually justified objections which is funny I think.

    12:00 was one good objection, calls for speculation

    also apparently badgering a witness is also a real legal term, and a justified objection. counsel is antagonizing the witness in order to provoke a response

    from wiki

    Nov 29, 2011
  6. GRIM2.0
    the incompetence of the justice system in this game astounds me
    Nov 28, 2011
  7. Molotov's Breadbasket
    Lol I know, I should probably be like the prosecutor guy's voice actor or something, at least in the prosicutors office :D

    just something that I noticed. It's not that audio recordings are bad evidence, they can be quite good evidence in court but the recording didn't even represent any actual event, like a crime, it was just a simple telephone conversation, the truth value inherent in it would still have to be determined if it's going to be used as evidence to support something else in court.

    even if the phone recording would be examined by audio recording experts and would be judged as genuine conversation, it would still tell nothing about the reality wether the statue was missing the clockwork. It's just the dead victim's recorded word vs. a live eye-witness word.

    In reality though, a police officer, responsible for investigating and handling the case, revealed to be utterly incompetent at his job including being bribed by the prosicution, would make a poor expert witness for the prosicution in a murder trial
    Nov 28, 2011
  8. FattyZ
    who's side are you on man?
    Nov 28, 2011
  9. Molotov's Breadbasket
    even though the issue of an illegal wiretap allegedly by ms. Fey was brought to the court's attention. The illegally tapped audio copy of the recorded phone conversation would be illegally obtained evidence (phoenix wright stole it from the house)
    Nov 28, 2011
  10. Molotov's Breadbasket
    technically speaking, the phone recording wouldn't totally disqualify the argument that the clockwork was removed after the murder?

    Wouldn't they have to get the watchmaker who removed the clockworkd, testify on this trial that the clockwork was indeed separated? Also find the missing clockwork if possible. The victim could have "easily"just lied or misspoken there on the phone.

    The recording is not hard evidence that contradicts Edgeworth's argument but it's circumstantial, and requires verification.
    Nov 28, 2011
  11. Ingvar
    rabble rabble rabble )
    Nov 28, 2011
  12. ivantheterrible60
    that was the most epic court session in the freaking world. rushing backrounds with people scream at another. objections being thrown around. that is how being a lawyer is supposed to be
    Nov 27, 2011
  13. Sokol-1
    I love the puns in this game; Sahwit = saw it, Gatewater = Watergate
    Nov 27, 2011
  14. Cubsy101
    i love the rabble rabble rabble rabble bit in court :)
    Nov 26, 2011
  15. Calico117
    OBJECTIONS! are full of win. There needs to be more of them.
    Nov 26, 2011