1. allenater
    why didn't he pick up the pages in the beginning
    Jan 22, 2013
  2. Russian Red
    Yeah, that game pretty much is my worst nightmare. I'm a very nervous person naturally, so I would probably shit my pants within the first minute of this game. I almost did just watching it.
    Oct 9, 2012
  3. Achtung Faschisten!
    @Yarpen , the Falklands will always be ours.
    Oct 9, 2012
  4. Uncle Joe
    @Yarpen be chill man. There's nothing wrong with someone doing something that's been done before. If it's a legit good and scary game and Stalin likes playing it, why shouldn't he LP it?
    Oct 8, 2012
  5. mattbenz99
    am i the only one who finds Stalin's wall paper hilarious
    Oct 7, 2012
  6. Acepilot666
    "Play it again Sam!"
    Oct 7, 2012
  7. OldFanNamedAlex
    I love the number one keyword XD
    Oct 6, 2012
  8. P4 explosive
    Screaming at Stalin
    Oct 6, 2012
  9. Achtung Kommunisten!
    Congratulations on finding four pages! I think another video is in order just to redress the balance.
    Oct 6, 2012
  10. Kalashnikov
    Stalin going mainstream, that's new. Wait, I think I've found a paradox.
    Oct 6, 2012
  11. Yarpen
    I'm not complaining because I'm a hipster, and since Slender is so popular right now, I'm obliged to. I'm complaining because this, instead of a real game, would be awful if it becomes a regular thing.
    Oct 6, 2012
  12. trots 20-20
    "Hipster-Definitions are to mainstream" Source urban dictionary. You are acting rather hipsterish.
    Oct 6, 2012
  13. Yarpen
    You don't know what a hipster is, right? In fact, this kind of LPs are for a childish audience who is entertained by seeing the person playing it gets "scared".
    Oct 5, 2012
  14. trots 20-20
    Continue this. Also yarpen shut up don't try and be hipster and say that Stalin has fallen in quality because he is recording a popular game that's is childish.
    Oct 5, 2012
  15. Gaudthebesterd29
    "look at me RREEEEALLYYY NERVOUS" sure I am!!
    Oct 5, 2012