1. Diego Wilson
    Yes, let's compare abortion to slavery and slaughter of millions of people. They're just so equal to one another!
    Mar 16, 2012
  2. kubamakar22
    those random territories are polish , liberate poland .
    Jan 13, 2012
  3. thedootsman
    its ok stalin you would have been raped if you went anyway so be thankful.
    Nov 27, 2011
  4. StephenColbert27
    It's an expression, when i say it's torn limb from limb. I do mean however that the baby is torn apart.
    Nov 24, 2011
  5. Seraphim727
    Abortion is not a divisive issue. The fascists want to be lazy and force the government to ban abortions so they don't have to work as hard. Abortions should be legalized but not funded. The religious nuts should begin education campaigns using propagandist ads and soapbox preaching if they don't want people to have abortions. Like smoking pot, people will just keep on having them when they need to.
    Nov 24, 2011
  6. kennythenotsogreat
    I bet my Jewish friend would actually find that offensive with abortion being the same as the holocaust but you are right it is absurd
    Nov 23, 2011
  7. Nov 22, 2011
  8. Seleukos1209
    I would consider myself 'pro-life' in the abortion debate, but to say it is comparable to the Holocaust? That is just incredulous!
    Nov 22, 2011
  9. Sacae
    Meh... Skyrim is average in my eyes. I will wait for the next Fallout game
    Nov 21, 2011
  10. DesOmega
    In regards to Skyrim: I'm slightly disappointed that i have yet to find many spells in the game. Those that are there are quit satisfying, but there aren't that many. Though the healthy supply of Shouts is nice. And I've experienced some odd things on the 360 version. Things such as a bridge that is needed to enter a certain College not being...tangible. It was there, it's just that people walk through it, instead of on it, and end up walking off a cliff that the bridge is over and dying. It was fixed by a reload, but it was very odd. Overall though, an amazing game. Not better than sex, imo, but better than a blowjob.
    Nov 21, 2011
  11. Vulcan200x
    you right stalin...wtf these people smoking holacaust=abortion............wtf?
    Nov 21, 2011
  12. FattyZ
    the baby doesnt even have limbs at the legal stages of abortion
    Nov 21, 2011
  13. StephenColbert27
    Hmmmm.... I guess I agree with what some of you guys are saying below me. However, you must be ignorent to say that there is no suffering involved for a baby being killed in an abortion. The baby is literally torn apart, limb from limb.
    Nov 21, 2011
  14. Watari
    You should have jumped up and yelled `objection`.
    Nov 21, 2011
  15. FattyZ
    how can abortion be the same as holacaust? I get some see abortion as murder but there is hardly any suffering involed. Especially compared to being dragged from your home, stripped naked, beaten, enslaved and then being shot or gassed. there are some very... special... people out there
    Nov 21, 2011