Let's Play Vietnam's Call of Duty (7554) Demo

Let's Play Vietnam's Call of Duty (7554) Demo
  1. Bombre
    I love how they just fade out instead of animating...
    Feb 8, 2012
  2. Vulcan200x
    I can read this easy stuff ;/
    Feb 7, 2012
  3. Vulcan200x
    For the people of Asia...fight againist westerners
    Feb 7, 2012
  4. skillithead
    the superbowl is really fun to watch and the reason you watch it is for entertainment. Like playing video games is for entertainment plus some of the commercials are really funny, but i dont think most people from other countries give 2 shits about american football lol
    Feb 7, 2012
  5. Vassilli1942
    I think its a pretty cool idea, you get to see the war from the other perspective in Vietnam.
    Feb 7, 2012
  6. Lighthouse
    I... I have to agree with ALOT of work it could be a major comperator with COD and Battlefield.
    Feb 7, 2012
  7. ddbb089
    It's kinda like CoD World at War in Vietnam.
    Feb 7, 2012
  8. crocve
    Nice! But still, the graphics are a bit old.
    Feb 7, 2012
  9. obiwan11198
    Well Stalin, the only reason to even turn on the 'handball' game is to watch the commercials that companies spend so much money on. Except this time they were lame-sauce.
    Feb 7, 2012
  10. Benerfe
    Out of the way comrade *boom* NOOOOOOOOO!
    Feb 7, 2012
  11. Airchicken50
    So... its available in Canada?
    Feb 7, 2012
  12. BattalionOfRed
    This looks better than America's Call of Duty, hahah!

    Anyway, I'd rather play this than MW3, I wanted more WW2 or post-WW2 shooters, but no...
    Feb 7, 2012
  13. UnitRico
    Well, at least the translation isn't as bad as in the Vietnamese version of Pokemon...
    Feb 7, 2012
  14. Hon Lam Wan
    stalin get too excited
    Feb 7, 2012
  15. The Evil Major
    Never overestimate the French...
    Feb 7, 2012