Comments on Profile Post by Romulus211

  1. D3adtrap
    Well I've been to China, you know..
    May 29, 2012
  2. Romulus211
    Just China? Not really the world... I would suggest Canada, USA, France, and UK, there are loads there, why don't you do research on "Chinatowns" to see if they exist.
    May 29, 2012
  3. D3adtrap
    China, Russia, Estonia, Greece, Ukraine & going to Spain this year. Oh and I acknowlage the exisistance of China towns, but not them being a legit neighbor hood.
    May 29, 2012
  4. Romulus211
    There cultural enclaves, they are recognized as neighborhoods, look it up.
    May 29, 2012