Comments on Profile Post by Byzantium's Revenge

  1. BattalionOfRed
    You're joking, right? :P all Fallout games were awesome, I played FO3 for damned near 2 years on one character.
    Dec 31, 2011
  2. Byzantium's Revenge
    Byzantium's Revenge
    That's true, but I thought the same thing about Civ games until #5 came out.
    Dec 31, 2011
  3. BattalionOfRed
    Well, I've never had the honor of owning any of the Civ games except Revolution, which is the only one available on Xbox, so I can't argue with that.
    Dec 31, 2011
  4. Viking Socrates
    Viking Socrates
    Join the Legion or House.

    Also Intelligence and Agility are your best friends. (place one in preceptian and luck, lower your charisma to 1 and place the rest in intell and agil and or edurance)
    Dec 31, 2011
  5. Byzantium's Revenge
    Byzantium's Revenge
    I always liked to put a few points into charisma, it helped get those elusive Nuka Grenade schematics sooner rather than later.
    Dec 31, 2011
  6. Viking Socrates
    Viking Socrates
    its pretty useless in FNV, also I recomend if your doing a legion playthrough do all the NCR quest (like boones) before entering New vegas.
    Dec 31, 2011