Comments on Profile Post by Aloysius

  1. Vassilli1942
    What side of the debate were you on? Pro or Con?
    Jan 11, 2012
  2. Aloysius
    actually we had to discuss the peace terms. I got France so my goal wasnt hard. but most of my group was completley usless so i beat germany along with a few other smart kids.
    Jan 11, 2012
  3. Vassilli1942
    OK I see what you mean as France you wanted to punish Germany and make sure that Germany would never be powerfull enofe to attack France again. (and we know how that turned out)
    Jan 11, 2012
  4. Aloysius
    yup almost made germany a puppet state to but that didnt pass.
    Jan 11, 2012
  5. Vassilli1942
    Haha. Damn, only if that really happened lol.
    Jan 11, 2012