Introducing social programs in a post-cold war america

Discussion in 'The Political/Current Events Coffee House' started by potatopatriarch, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. Chives Newest Member

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    Since the Great War, people have cried foul on anything that could be considered leftist that's taken place since then because they saw it as the communists trying to take control of the country.
    And they're absolutely right.
    The Communist Party was involved in anti-war protests during every war since then.
    They were a big part of the AFL-CIO in the twenties and thirties.
    They had friends in the still radicalized Soviet Union (In the twenties, I'm referring to here).
    They did draw up manifestos that pretty much called for the obliteration of American culture.
    And of course there's Saul fuckin' Alinsky.
    Old school communists were some real tough shit.
    Of course people were going to respond poorly to them.
    It's still a better love story than Twilight.
    Since you made that thread bitching about how you're not rich, I'm going to assume that at some point, you or a member of your family has, is, or will rely on those horrific social programs that are destroying everything decent in our nation.
    The ones like Medicare, Social Security, Unenployment, Worker's Comp.
    You know, the usual Maoist bullshit Obama is raping your children with.
    It's because of something called the Boston Police Strike.
    And it's exactly what it sounds like.
    And exactly what you think happened happened with the police striked.
    And the National Guard was sent in to restore order to the city.
    I don't like the fact that this exists, but I can't deny the importance of not letting police and firefighters strike.
    A city can burn to the ground if they do.
    You live in Colorado.
    Have you guys even heard that we landed on the moon yet?
    Can you please cite where McCarthyism is "running rampant" in the US?
    If you're referring to that guy in Florida, I'd like to remind you that it's Florida.
    The state that got to decide that the person with the most votes doesn't win an election.
    And also enacts laws that more or less make it illegal for the poor to vote.
    Regardless of whether that article was a joke or not, Florida stands out as a state, not like other states.
    So what you're saying is throw all of the juice into the Red Sea?
    Please, do us a favor.
    Cut both sides of your torso open as part of a Satanic ritual (@TheRedHeadGamer can give you tips)
    Then go the hospital.
    Do you go to school in Florida?
    Or I guess anywhere in the south.
    Or was your teacher Huey Long, himself, come to save America with his goon squad again?
    We've prefer to call it a "Democratic People's Republic", thank you.
    lol, the British think they know how to teach people.
    Or course teachers have to be bias.
    Or else we'd just turn out like British school children.
    Who are posh and don't need no education.
    Tell me again how your County Commissioner is qualified, or capable of doling out your share of the social wealth?
    That money Obama is stealing from your parents?
    And I mean your parents, not you because you're 16 and smoke weed all day.
    But that money?
    It's probably what's keeping Grandma Shaw alive, or kept her alive as long as she was (whichever the case may be).
    Unless you're telling people about their own history.
    Because their own history isn't flawed.
    oh cool.
    A couple years ago a kid at my school wore a "Change" t-shirt one day, so when he went to history class, the teacher called him to the front of the room and pretty much mocked him for about ten minutes in front of the class.
    Aren't unbiased people awesome?
    Wow dude, is that a Jersey thing?
    Because it's not like that anywhere else in the country.
    Well, except maybe Florida.
    With the whole, "One of these states is not like the others, one of these states isn't democratic" thing going on.
    How exactly are Alaska, Hawaii, California, Wyoming, and South Carolina all equally capable of providing decent healthcare to the people of their state again?
    Anther awesome story, my geography teacher liked to teach us about the Hindu culture because of how "stupid as shit" it was.
    And nobody will.
    And they won't wipe your ass with gold foil either.
    Because you're 16 years old.
    Actually it's a Constitutional Republic of Fifty States.
    You can even look that shit up if you were so inclined.
    Wow, I used to think you were nothing but Xenos Scum.
    But you're a reasonably intelligent human being after all.
    Unlike some ducks.
    Right now you're working your way through 13 years of free, world class education.
    Your parents both earn more in a year at their jobs than 95% of the world population, possibly even more.
    And if they don't have a job, they take out from those bastard social programs.
    Get off you high horse and feed it to an Ethiopian, you ungrateful prick.
    If a two percent tax increase means that my grandson will someday take me to a hospital as I'm dying and I won't be waiting in a queue when i get their, I say, "Shut up and take my money, America!".
    The cost of living was too high this quarter, the only option we have is to sell Florida to China.
    I'm sure there's something worth replying to here, but I'm sorry dude, I've got four pages of this shit to catch up on, so tl;dr :/

    Not to be a douche, but I really do want to hear about the cobs of communism.
  2. Jingles Well-Known Member

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    Well yeah I get that. It's why in the UK, police, firefighters and air traffic controllers are barred from striking, for obvious reasons. But unless I'm wrong, (and I may well be since I don't keep up with this stuff and it's probably different depending on which state) in America, ALL public sector workers are barred from striking.
  3. Chives Newest Member

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    I'm pretty sure you're right, but look at the reasoning like this.
    If the people in city hall who sign the paychecks of the police and firefighters are striking, the police and firefighters have no contractual obligation to fulfill their civic duties since they aren't being compensated.
    It's a means of preventing anarchy if a community is being overwhelmed by disorder.
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  4. DukeofAwesome Well-Known Member

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    @Chives, why can't people who want health insurance, similar to medicare and medicaid and all that stuff just buy it themselves? Why does the government need to take money from people like me or Shaw that don't want it? People are perfectly capable of buying their own insurance. Rather, they would be if the government didn't tax all their money away.
  5. Demondaze Xenos Scum

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    You have absolutely no idea what those two programs are for do you? All you know is that they're state provided and therefore evil.
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  6. Chives Newest Member

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    Medicare and Medicaid as they are, are designed for people who can't get or afford private insurance.

    Private insurance companies tell my mother they won't cover her because of her Type 1 Diabetes.
    Medicare and Medicaid don't care if you smoke from a fucking smoke stack, which is how it should universally be.
    slydessertfox and General Mosh like this.
  7. DukeofAwesome Well-Known Member

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    Yes, I do. Thank you for this baseless insult that contributed nothing to the debate. You have wowed me with your rhetoric. Please, fly to other forums and spread your message of peace.

    Lot's of people would be able to afford private alternatives if the government didn't tax our income away.

    I'm sorry to hear that. My grandmother has diabetes as well, although I'm not sure which type. I think she has the child version.

    If you're stupid enough to smoke from a fucking smoke stack, then you probably don't deserve insurance to begin with.
  8. ComradeLer Proud Anti-Patriot

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  9. Demondaze Xenos Scum

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    Then you should be fully aware how ridiculous that statement was. What you said was absolutely no different than saying "lol why don't they just buy more money?".

  10. Chives Newest Member

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    That income they "tax away" goes to the your school.
    It subsidizes your college education.
    It built the road you drive on.
    It saved the company that built your car on that's on the road.
    It builds your parks.
    It builds low income housing.
    It keeps your gas in your car on the road below $5.00/gallon.
    It pays for the fireworks show you're going to watch next month.
    It keeps private companies from developing on wetlands.
    It pays the soldiers that help you sleep better at night.
    It built the satellites that our digital infrastructure is based on.
    It helps fight the cartels south of the border.
    It keeps the Canadians north of the border.
    It cut the flow of heroin and meth going from Detroit to Chicago into a fraction of what it was just a few years ago.
    It helps keep farms from going under so that they can keep growing crops and raising animals for slaughter so that domestic food prices don't surpass your monthly income.
    Do you want me to continue?
  11. Demondaze Xenos Scum

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    "Help! All this relative abundance and luxury is crushing me!"
  12. DukeofAwesome Well-Known Member

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    Can be privatized.
    Can be privatized.
    Not necessary.
    Not necessary and can be privatized.
    Can be privatized.
    Not necessary.
    Not necessary at all.
    Not necessary.
    Way too many soldiers and can be privatized.
    Can be privatized.
    Can be privatized.
    Canadians can come, but only if they bring syrup. Also, can be privatized.
    Can be privatized. (Police force, not heroin. Though I guess that can be as well.)
    Government subsidies for farms lead to overproduction of corn so that companies can buy that corn cheap to produce high fructose corn syrup because the government taxes foreign sugar to hell and American sugar is really expensive.

    EDIT: Also, stop being an apologist for the state.
  13. Chives Newest Member

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    I'm not Catholic, and I will never send my children to a private Catholic school.
    That is, unless you can point out another group that has private schools set up throughout the country?

    Show me the student who didn't have a student loan in addition to their scholarships.

    I don't want to spend $20 so that I can drive down the road to the gas station.

    Without a domestic market to compete with, the price of foreign cars would triple.

    No private entity would waste their money on a public park without the intention of whoring it out.

    It defies the point of being low-income housing when the rent triples.

    Let's see you say that when gas reaches $9.00/gallon.

    I certainly hope you don't enjoy them next month then.

    I refuse to respect a person who would willingly let wetlands be destroyed for a parking lot to a restroom.

    You want to privatize the U.S. Military?
    Because that's the solution.
    Take the most powerful army in the world out of the hands of an accountable government and hand it to private corporations and mercenary organizations.
    That will ensure peace and stability.
    Do you think about what you blabber?

    What is it with you and giving money to private corporations instead of an accountable government?

    And how exactly are these private corporations going to fight the cartels?
    Does this tie into your hairbrain private army plan?

    I really don't care about the Canadian issue enough to keep going on with it.

    Again, removing the public accountability.

    Beats the hell out of queuing for food.

    And I'm an apologist of nothing.

    I defend those who defend me.
    slydessertfox and General Mosh like this.
  14. ComradeLer Proud Anti-Patriot

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    Capitalism isn't working.
    Must be socialism's fault.
  15. Jingles Well-Known Member

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    As I've pointed out before, having a state run healthcare system is actually cheaper for the user and the government than private health insurance is. In fact Britain spends less as a percentage of GDP on healthcare than the US does - and we are supposedly the ones with the unaffordable system. I get that you don't like the idea of having to pay for it out of your taxes, but it's actually a very tiny amount, relatively speaking. The average UK citizen actually uses more in care provided to them than they actually pay back in tax for their entire life. Double that if you have an operation or two. Plus there's nothing stopping you going private (I myself have private dental coverage), and since most private healthcare providers in Britain are affiliated in some way with the NHS, your taxes are still basically paying for your own coverage anyway, so there's no need to feel like you're being made to give to charity at gunpoint or something ridiculous like that.
  16. Warburg Well-Known Member

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    That's why I said should and not do...
    Your teachers are seemingly all indoctrinated ideological bastards according to your experiences, but I don't really think that's the right picture of teachers in the US.
  17. Chives Newest Member

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    You've never received an education in the US.

    I just got done receiving the best in the nation, as far as public schools are concerned, and I certainly am no Confucius now.
    slydessertfox and General Mosh like this.
  18. Warburg Well-Known Member

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    I don't really see your argument here...
  19. Chives Newest Member

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    Why do you need to argue with me?
  20. Warburg Well-Known Member

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    I really don't but this is the Coffee House so you should expect people to argue with you when you quote them in a post...

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