Medieval Lord game.

Discussion in 'Roleplaying Games' started by Romulus211, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    It seems the barbarians have formed a Barondom I hope lords will join me rather then the barbarian warlord...
  2. Skyicewolf City States Godmod Patrol

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    Near the new Barony of the Golden Horde, a small city, of roughly 1000 people, including the small villages around it, broke off from Rome.

    There constant fighting and confidence by naming themself 'Rome' led the people of this small city, a different ethnic group, a whole different tribe, to break away, and form a new Barony. The city immediately started to erect a small wall of sharpened stakes, and tied together with tough rope. The army, a total of 120 men, were charged with defending the city, and with carrying back the things from the villages that had pledged allegiance to the new Barony.

    The city is named Fulgur, led by King Fel. The new military is named the Fulguard, colloquially named 'The Guard'.

    A diplomat is sent out to the Golden Horde, with a small escort of 5 Fulguard, to broker a Military alliance.

  3. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    Well it seems the upstart rulers of our frontier have risen against us, (I dont remember owning a city named felger however...)So i guess they will be no problem against my army of 2000 Romulan legions, However it is of no consequence that you have left my rule, I have been nothing but a just ruler and protect my people.
  4. Skyicewolf City States Godmod Patrol

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    "A Just ruler?" Quoted Lord Fel.

    "He's a Just enough ruler when he isn't putting down ethnic groups and different tribes when they try to live there life." He yelled again, echoing through the newly built keep, in the middle of town, made of a sturdy oak and cobblestone.

    A few of his advisors, along the table he headed, spoke up, in particular, Sir Pierson.

    "Sir, this may be an affront against our recent seccesion. This may be a beginning of a war."

    "No way would he do that," Yelled another advisor, Charles Eyle. "He understand that he was just recently destroyed, and that his army is in no way, shape, or form able to attack us. It would take a military genius, just to do raids on some of our leftover villages. And with possible support coming from the Kingdom from the west, he wouldn't be stupid enough to put himself in this position."

    "Perhaps," said Lord Fel, "But he has been prone to take huge risks. Not to mention a few of his vassals have small militias themselves, and could viably hold off offensives from one nation, while the main army goes the other. We wouldn't have the military capable. We need to pull in some people from the North. Send out a few slavers to gather a few people. We need good, healthy men to work inthe fields while our army does maneuvers down by the border."

    The advisors nodded. A total of around 40 men were going to be needed as slaves. The population could support that, and it wouldn't make the neighbors to the north too angry, as long as the slaves were from small outlying villages.

    "Remember to also bring in all babes younger then 5, so that we can assimilate them into the populus." Said Fel, with some signs of disgust registering on faces.

    "Fine then, we take the mothers and families of the men and babes as well. We need all the population we can get, as long as the babes are reeducated."

    Many advisors saw this as at least a somewhat alright measure, and 40 slavers were sent out, hired from the South, near Rome. 20 Soldiers, as well as 5 Veteran Archers went along with the slavers to add Firepower, if any resistance was seen.

    In total, they would round up 300 people as slaves. 60 of which would be babes, to be given to different families, who would raise them as there own, to add to the population in a few years.

    "Meeting dismissed."

    The Fulguard army at home is now 90 men, and 50 of them are going south for maneuvers, near Rome's border. They were to be led by Sir Pier.

    OOC: I am going to implement that every vassal brings along an army of 20 men. Each vassal is worth 20 men, therefore.
  5. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    Captain of the guard: My Count the Upstarts from the Felgun frontier have revolted, our army stands at 400 Legionarries, they are trained well, what are your orders my lord

    Count Romulus: its fine Captain Triste, I dont understand why my people have left I am sure my tax breaks on the Romulan people were enough.

    Triste: Mi'lord they are assimilated barbarians not pure romulan blood.

    Count Romulus: Then that is the problem, My tax is falling on the assimilated barbarians. I must do something, i know now Triste, I was ignorant of the minorities in my kingdom, everyone will be taxed equally and we shall no longer call the barbarians, Barbarians, We shall call them Barbarus, the barbarus people will be first class citizens like us Romulans and they will be recruited into the army not as Auxilia but as Legionarries.

    Triste: there are nobles in Rome, who will not like this.

    Count Romulus: that is why we will send colonist to our new village in the frontier of rome send half of them to the city of Secunda, there our culture will unite, free any Barbarus slaves and with the Tax money that we got from them, build a School for children of Romulan descent to learn with the barborum's to learn about our ways, let them now they can be independent in spirit.

    I as count of Rome, hereby claim my second city of Secunda, my influence grows and my rule is just!!
  6. Surfusa Lost in space-time

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    "Run Servius, run! And don't look back!"

    The town blazed on fire behind him as the people were taken with chains... Servius was only twelve, running as far as his legs would take him. With his father's hunting bow on his back, he ran into the woods and hid in a bush. He rested and waited for the yelling to stop... Tears fell down his eyes, for he knew he wouldn't see his family again.

    It was not until the snap of a branch did he look back up. It was one of the men who set the town on fire. Servius drew an arrow prepared to strike, yet he paused. A second one came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder, telling him to head back to the group. The two left, and Servius was completly alone. He waited for night and headed deeper North, to the kingdom of Geats up North...
  7. Skyicewolf City States Godmod Patrol

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    "Eyle, how did our slaving operation go?"

    "Well, Lord Fel. Not a single life lost. We gained roughly 350 slaves. 70 babes between the ages of 5 and just born. They were all sent to foster families, and we are recieving reports that they all seem to have taken the change well. the 5 year olds are a bit resistant, but within a few years they will have forgotten other memories of before the taking. There were 150 men, they are currently being taken to the fields, and are working dilegently. We have promised that if they meet there quotas for the next 3 months, they can see there wives and children if they are above the age of 5. The children from 5 to 18 have been taken to work either in the fields, or as butlers, maids, cleaners, etc. Girls from age 15 to 30 have been put into the soldiers brothel, a total of roughly 20 girls. These were the girls who were the most trouble. The ones who were wives, or did not put up trouble, were put into field labor. So far, there have been no flareups of violence."

    "Good. Bring my the most beautiful woman in the brothel, from the slaves. She will be part of my personal harem."

    "Yes, Lord Fel."

    Lord Fel looked back to his map, noting that they had taken a few villages in the north. Those villages were the ones where they had diplomatically given a small tribute of 5 men each, to donate to the army. This added roughly 35 men to the military. These were all hunters, and were excellent marksmen.

    The slavers had been bought off with a few ducats, and threat of death.

    The population had risen to 1500. 1200 free people, and 300 slaves, including the women in the soldiers brothels.

    The taxes had been lowered recently, because the slaves were bringing in a higher profit.
  8. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    OOC:dont forget you need Vassals to upgrade in titles...

    Triste: My lord the barbarians, er I mean Barborum are taking slaves to build up there numbers.

    Count Romulus: Triste order my lords to enact a new citizenship policy, Service Guaranteeing citizenship, with this warriors of all races and tribes will flock to Romulan lands and our population will swell!!

    Triste: excelent propisiton my lord, but wont this cause Dissent in our Home armies?

    Count romulus: Nonsense Triste, our captains will see the valor the barbarians have and teach them Romulan discipline!!
  9. Bart (Moderator) NKVD Channel Maintainer

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    High Civil Servant in the Ministry of Defense, Lord Fey, sat on his horse, with 20 men riding after him. They were patrolling the woods of Neutenberg, in the north, a neutral area where all of the nations patrolled. This caused plenty of small scale battles, and sometimes a larger one.

    The men stopped to rest in their tents, and Lord Fey climbed on his horse. The old man couldn't sleep again, and a night ride always worked. He heard a little rustling, and he stepped of his horse. The rustle immediately stopped. He knew that this meant someone was hiding, as an animal would just run away. He pulled out his bow. It had a poisoned arrow. He aimed at the bushes. A little boy came out of the bushes. Startled. The boy was no more than the age of twelve.

    Lord Fey was amazed by the weeping child coming out of the bushes. This kid was out all alone with his hunting bow in the dangerous woods. At night! Didn't he know there were Shanghaïers out there?! The Lord asked: "What in the name of the Holy Jupiter are you doing out here?! Go home, to your parents and family!"
  10. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    "What?! They want an alliance? Those savage dogs shall not waste one man of my Horde. In fact, I believe it is time the Horde taught these barbaric tribals some manors. We shall spread the will of the Flying Spaghetti Monster to them! We shall deliver it to them - at the end of a sword!

    The Horde shall flood into the enemy's new villages and start mass recruitment there! When that is done, we move South and grind these savages into the dirt."
  11. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    Since mapping and borders were not as efficient and accurate as they are now today one nation developed almost unnoticed. This nation was from the far north, a place less mountainous and more flat than Rom's County. This nation had vast tracks of land stretching from the netherlands the the barbaric danish lands. The barbaric tribes united to form a nation that could provide the people their every need, (food,water,shelter,etc.). They recognized that in order to do this, they needed to unite.

    As far as cities they only have one major city named Bremen placed as close to the center of the nation as possible.
    the city is slowly building up to be a large city. So far the population in the city is 1000 people, but we expect it to grow 3 times larger in the next year.

    The nation recognized its first need, food, so they used up most of the nations land as farms to grow said food.
    The nation recognized its second need, water, so they built all the villages and Bremen along a river or stream.
    The nation recognized its third need, shelter, so they built large houses in the villages and Bremen so many families have somewhere to sleep without taking a lot of room.
    The nation recognized its fourth and final need, protection, so they formed border guards called "Rangers" to protect the nation from raiders and alert the main army of invading armies. They also formed the powerful "Berserkers". These warriors were trained from the age of 14 to learn the ways of offense and defense and were armed with large axes made of danish steel and large round shields. To make up the bulk of the army were spearman armed with saxon shortspears. Mostly made up of untrained peasants, they made up 50% of the army. And finally, they formed an elite spy agency in Bremen call "the Bremen Underground". These spies were mainly cartographers who would go into an area and spend months gathering information and drawing accurate maps of the area.

    Most of the population were farmers, miners were second biggest, soldiers was third, artisans was fourth, and last was the nobility. The nation finally saw all needs were completed but they had no leader, so they selected a few rich nobles, artisans, and diplomats from all across the nation and they finally decide who would rule. They chose a poor poet to lead the nation. How this happened was long and confusing story that people are still trying to find out. But the poet, named Wolfgang, decided to name the nation, and the nation was called Greenland for the nation's agriculture.
  12. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    At Bremen castle

    Spymaster: Baron Wolfgang.
    Wolfgang: Come in, Daniel.
    Daniel:Baron, one of our spies came back from his mission to the Far South. You have to look at this, its very important.
    Wolfgang: Another city?! but Bremen is the only city!
    Daniel: Well looks like other people made nations of their own. What should we do sir?
    Wolfgang: Send a diplomat, I want to contact the leader of this other city.
    Daniel: I'll get right on it sir!
  13. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    OOC: You guys need vassals, try and see if you can convince someone to play.
  14. TheKoreanPoet Well-Known Member

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    OOC:Well we have 4 baronies so far and Romulus is the only one with a vassal. How can we attract people to this game? Maybe we can tell it on the War Room or go to other forums and spread the word.
  15. Skyicewolf City States Godmod Patrol

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    The population numbers were up, due to a recent slaving raid in the north, taking around 50 new slaves, as well as 15 new babes, to be put into the population.

    The free population itself also grew, going from 1200 people to 1400, due to a recent set of migrations from the east, where the Golden Horde was. Fulgur as a city did not care why, it just made headlines in a newspaper.

    Recently, efforts had been made to expand the wall on the outskirts of the city. What the plan was, was to simply build another wall around 6-7 feet in front of the last one, and then fill in the area between them with 3 structural levels, the floors/roofs made out of wood. The bottom level was filled with dirt and gravel from the quarry just outside of town. Because of this, infantrymen would have to climb up 6 feet just to get to the level with people on it. There were slits for archers defending the city cut out of the side of the wall at a pace of every 15 feet. The top of the wall, was going to have an overhang, as a way of defending them further still from arrows and javelins that, instead of raining at the small archer holes, would try and shoot over the wall, hitting the defenders from the top. The Overhang was simple, just a flat surface a few feet above the top the wall's barrier. This made a small slit, at about eye level, around 2 feet tall, but it went around the entire city, at the outskirts. Of course, 4 gates, one in each cardinal direction, jutted equally around the wall. They were a structural level high, and were made for war and trade wagons to get through.

    This was the plan at least, and the outer wall was only halfway finished.

    The military had recently been expanded. The Felguard's numbers had swelled to up to 400, as all males were currently part of the military, in addition to there normal daytime jobs. This meant that other then the core of the army, the career ones, 250 people in the military only had an hour of practice a day. This did not limit the other jobs, though, and many of the students were making swift progress in there chosen fields, such as Home Guard, Archer, Infantrymen, or, if they were good enough, a Knight as the Elite. All of them were currently inside of the city, or out on patrol, in the areas surrounding the city

    Meanwhile, Lord Fel recieved a report that up north another nation was thriving. He thought that perhaps a road should be extended to them, and immediately ordered for this to be done. Before this happened though, he recieved a report that the nation wanted to be in an alliance. He ordered for a courier and 5 Knights on horseback should go up north. They were to ask to bring the Northerners down to the south, so they could see the fine cultural devolopment of Fulgur. Recently, art had begun springing up all over the city, and it was in vogue to paint your house in vibrant and good looking colors, making the entire city look festive, and well kept. The Market district was doing well, as recently grain harvests had been splendid, and so had barley, filling up the stores of the 4 taverns inhabiting different parts of the city.

    The keep in the hill at the center of the city had also started upgrading, with another building attached and made taller, and covered in cobblestone, while the roads were also becoming paved, and dirt roads were becoming less and less common.
  16. Bart (Moderator) NKVD Channel Maintainer

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    Nootdorp, The Netherlands
    "Are you sure, Fey?"
    "Of course, Lord Fox. My spies have guaranteed me that Felgur will only have one little wall!"
    "And how many men did you say?"
    "No more than 300, and 100 of them are mostly out patrolling."
    "Fine. You will get 600 men under your command, and 4 big onagers. However, you should be careful, as I do not wish to bury your corps tomorrow morning!"
    "Haha, of course not, Lord. We will succeed in our task. Tomorrow morning, you will have the city in your hands."

    There he was now. Laying in the dirt, with 400 men behind him, waiting to siege that fucking city. 'Only one little wall' turned out to be two high walls with towers and archers. And those historians said the Berlin wall was big. His assistant crawled forward, and stopped right next to Fey. Fey looked at him.
    "Sir, shall we cancel the attack?"
    "And make me look like a complete fool? Of course not. Besides, we have those bad-ass onagers, and if we storm the walls with 600 men, their 200 men will never be able to stop us. We will just order our catapults to fire at one specific point."

    An hour later, when they were sure most of the men were asleep, Fey ordered the men to get up. Between them and the city there was 900 feet of grassland. They used that so the towers would have a clear sight, just like the Romans did. The men waited for another signal. He gave it, the men prepared the onagers and attached the horses to them. When the horses were attached, the men started to run forward. Archers of both sides started shooting their arrows at the other side, while the men stormed for the wall. The onagers shot their big stones at the wall, which did some serious damage.

    Two hours later.
    The grasslands were filled with corpses, while some Romans were still running on the field. Some knights following them, eventually turned around to get back to the city.
    Overall loss: 400 men and 4 onagers. Loss on the other side: 12 men.
  17. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    Count Romulus:Lord fey, Give me back my Legions.
  18. Bart (Moderator) NKVD Channel Maintainer

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    Err... Ehm... Lord Rom... I regret to inform you of the fact that... ehm... the siege was lost... Please don't execute me! Please!
  19. Romulus211 Proconsul

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    very well, I will give you one last chance if you fail me then you will head to the Block!!, now I need you to manage Secunda for 2 months, if you turn the place around and promote unity between the barborum and the Romulan citizens, then you will have earned my favor, now get out of my sight.
  20. Bart (Moderator) NKVD Channel Maintainer

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    Nootdorp, The Netherlands
    Thank you Master! Oh, thank you! You will not regret this, you really won't! Thank God!

    Lord Fey walked in the big building on the Church's square in Secunda. His face showed relief, but also worrying. His new assistant saw the man walking in.
    "The great Lord Fey? I'm very pleased to meet you! Excuse me for letting myself go. My name is George."
    "Things are going to change in this fucking wasteland." was all the response George got.
    "What do you wish?"
    "Kill all those retard barbarians."
    "The Barborum? But why? Lord Rom told us that they will be unified with the Romulans!"
    "Because I told you so, that's why! Lord Rom told me what to do! I'm just here temporarily, to manage this thing. Now, I need a radical ethnic cleansing, and fast."
    "As you wish."

    The next day, after some organization, most Barbora in the city were gathered on the square. Their hands and feet were chained to each other. The executor started pulling them along. Some fell, and were dragged over the ground. The Barbora who did not walk fast enough, would get hit with a stick or a whip. The Barbora were going to be taken to the fields. Suddenly, the executors heard a sound. Shouting. Horse feet. They realized what was going on. Some pulled their weapons, but most fled. In their houses, to the walls, to the gates. Lord Fey didn't realize the Barbora were going to intervene. In the middle of cheering and shouting chained Barbora, he jumped on his horse, and ran for the gates. He barely passed the horde of wild Barbora.

    Lord Fey realized he fucked up. Again. What do I do now? He knew what he had to do. He had to swallow his pride, and face that Lord Rom. He had respect for Rom, and he knew a good leader like him would be a forgiving guy. Rom was a noble leader, and an example for Fey, Fey had respect for him, and knew that it was a two-way respect. But on the other hand, Fey fucked up too many times, which he was ashamed of. He wanted his Lord to be proud of him, not mad at him. He wanted his sympathy, not his disgust. Well, disgust may be the wrong word. Maybe antipathy would be a better word.

    Fey jumped off his horse and walked in the palace in one line. Without knocking, he opened the door of the study room, because he knew there was nobody in. He left a note:
    "Lord, I'm sorry. I know I got my last chance, and I wasted it. But I want you to take a look at the other side. Look at where I did not fail. Look at my success. May I point out the fact, that, when the barbarian encampment was attacked just after I was appointed, I managed to save over a hundred men. When I failed at my attack at Felgur, it was not my fault. The spies had informed me wrong. This latest mistake, however, was my fault. But hasn't Jesus learnt us to be forgiving? Didn't our Lord in heaven tell us we should not blame each other for our mistakes, but praise each other for our successes? I hope you will speak from your heart, not from your anger. Please give the executors a day off tomorrow."
    Lord Fey put the letter in a envelope, waited for the tallow to melt, and pressed it on with the seal in his pocket. It was a coincidence he had it with him, but it was always useful on unexpected moments.

    He walked outside the room, into the lobby, and sat down on a wooden chair. He waited for Rom to return, read the letter, and he tried not to cry. A wise man told him once that the only time you can cry is when it's all over (yes, that is a reference to JVS' signature). He tried really hard, but he failed. Two teardrops fell on the ground. "Dammit, I can't even do that right!" He whispered inaudible.

    He couldn't even hold himself from crying.

    ((OOC: I'm sorry for this enormous post, I let myself go for a moment, there. :p))

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