skyrim advice

Discussion in 'Current and past videos' started by mattbenz99, Dec 19, 2011.

  • by mattbenz99, Dec 19, 2011 at 9:15 PM
  • mattbenz99 Well-Known Member

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    skyrim is a big game and stalin will obviously miss stuff or make mistakes this is where you post advice for him or hints but please dont just go and spoil the game for anyone


Discussion in 'Current and past videos' started by mattbenz99, Dec 19, 2011.

  1. mattbenz99
    they do tell you what you did to be executed at the beginning of the game it was the second of third sentence in the game he said you were trying to sneak past the border
  2. Chelsea366
    Don't double post. It's against the rules.
  3. yuri2045
    there is a 14 day delay on his posts, so maybe for bringing the topic up again?
    slydessertfox likes this.
  4. Chelsea366
    Bumping is not an exception to the double posting rule.
  5. yuri2045
    Fair enough. I shall take this knowledge with me for the future.
  6. MayorEmanuel
    We have a promote thread button, that does something. I'm not sure what but it is there.
  7. yuri2045
    Well, apparently it sends the thread to the main page, awesome!!!
  8. Bart
    Now everyone: Remember, you got to stay off topic, or else this promote thread thing will work! So, any opinions on the discovery of the Maya's?
  9. Frederik Von Stebun
    It was recently discovered that the mayan civilization was wiped out by a cat shouting FUS RO DAH
    slydessertfox likes this.
  10. Jack118
    I would prefer that this get removed from the front page as it is not media or important.

    That and it's Skyrim related.....
  11. Bart
    This was only put on the front page as a joke, really, and I doubt it's going to be removed.

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