The greatest Military ever in History?

Discussion in 'Historical Events Coffee House' started by SovietEmpireUSSR, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. Pharaoh Roman New Member

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    everyone here is skipping a seriously important era: Classical. The epics of Greece, the mighty Persians under Darius, the unshakable Egyptians, all being skipped over
  2. D3adtrap | Mr. Choc: Coco Fruits

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    Ottoman empire for medieval, seriosly? Industrial is defenetly British. Modern its USA and you wont even see second on horizon. 2nd would be russia though
  3. TheWelshWonder New Member

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    People can debate about these kinds of things, and many of the worlds militaries have their strong points, but this is a near impossible question to answer.

    Firstly, each of the suggested candidates were from completely different eras, meaning they were facing very different opponents. You can hardly compare the Roman Legions to Napoleon's revolutionaries becasue the Romans were facing a load of undisicplined Barbarians who only wanted to charge at the enemy and kill kill kill, but Napoleon's forces were taking on 4 of the world's superpowers of the time; Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria. By the same token, Napoleon came into power with thousands of men willing to fight for him and a whole load of weapons and supplies from the French Royal Arsenal at the ready, while the Romans built their power from the ground up. However, Rome developed over many centuries, while Napoleon's rule lasted no more than 20 years. There are all of these points to take into account, and many different nations to compare. So I believe that the question shouldn't be -
    "What was the greatest military in history?"
    Rather - "What was the era most difficult to be a military leader, and what military was the most successful from said era?"
    If I did have to answer your question however, I would probably have to say the American army of the modern era, due to the strike power and speed at which they can strike if needed.
  4. xXxLKxXx Well-Known Member

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    I chose the Ottoman's because of the the amount they achieved in the medieval ages not because of their failing in the gunpowder era. If I had to choose someone other than Germany I would choose the US because of the prospierity they achieved because of it. Do you realize that by 2020 the chinese military is expect to rocket past us in every way.
  5. D3adtrap | Mr. Choc: Coco Fruits

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    Ottomans achived alot, but would you look at others and say that they are (clearly) supreme to them? I wouldnt. In industrial era US military is a joke if you compare it to european ones. The reason they got in power at the first place was bechose they sold everything to UK in WW1 and in WW2 with Lend lease program (It was no donation, people had to pay for it) But thats only economic growth, not military.

    2020 is nine years from now, how can you possibly say China if you rely only for "is expect" as your justification? And if we look at current statistics, its no way near US.
  6. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    China wont "rocket past us" by 9 years. If anything it could take 15 or 20 years for them to get a noticeable head-way beyond sheer size.
  7. Recoil New Member

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    To me it will always be Ancient Rome. Ever since fourth grade when my teacher wrote "Veni, Vidi, Vici" on the blackboard Julius Caesar has been my favorite general of all time, eventually I started reading books about him, and then the Roman Empire. And it's just awesome.
  8. CheFlegel New Member

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    The Korean Peoples Army, It is the worlds largest special forces.
  9. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    To bad "the Korean Peoples' Army" is only still around because China saved their asses from America/South Korea.
  10. CheFlegel New Member

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    Seoul could be taken in 3 days at most.
  11. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    The South Korean army is stronger, has higher moral, American support, and with America's air and sea supremacy they could easily cut off North Korean supply lines.
  12. CheFlegel New Member

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    The South Korean army does not have higher moral, even if you believe the south korean army is stronger (which is not) you can not deny that the KPA is willing to die for the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and Juche, they would fight to the very last soldier.
  13. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    The KPA would break at first sight of trouble and what few didn't would be chocked out with crippled supply lines.

    In reality, North Korea has already lost. South Korea just has to wait for it to collapse on its own. I mean, it's standing on eggshells as it is.
  14. CheFlegel New Member

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    Apparently you have not learned of Son'gun.
  15. Link NO SWAG

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    Gotta agree with Che for once. The NK military is extremely powerful in comparison to SK.
  16. Eza08 Well-Known Member

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    The North Korean People's army is the best ever military in history
  17. CheFlegel New Member

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    The power, The Unity and Solidarity.
  18. Link NO SWAG

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    Koprulu Sector
    Did you not read the video subscription?
    "Here's something you don't see every day. This is a mashup of adorable propaganda videos I found via URL hacking on the web site of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in November 2004. These videos were removed from the site (perhaps, I speculate, because of the translation errors in the narration, particularly involving Kim Jong-Il's title). You can see plenty of Soviet and Chinese cultural and politcal influence, overlaid on Korea's basically conservative, Confucian, authoritarian mind-set. "
    Thats utterly pathetic. The NK government is too incompetent to have correct translations, and some random guy on yt was able to hack their website. North Korea is such an epic failure.
  19. BurGroBro Well-Known Member

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    Ancient: Roman Empire, (From the defeat of Hanibal to the point that Barbarian mercinaries became involved heavily with the Roman army. Hight points, they have supreme tactics and infantry, low points is limited cavalary and political infighting.) Macedonian Empire/Greek city states (Sparta/Athens during Persian invasions from 500 BCE to the Peloponesian wars and to the end of the Hellenistic age with the death of Mark Antony and Cleopatera and the Fall of Egypt, the last Macedonian Queen and province. Hight points, Spartan Infantry, Macedonian Cavalary and tactics, Athenian invention of supreme naval ships, the tririme. Low point is the serious lack of political unity in both the Clasical and Hellenistic age)

    Medieval: Mongols (During the reign of Gengis Kahn, Hight points is political unity and supreme cavalary tactics and skill, early form of the Blitzkrig. No significant disadvantage at the time, they dominated all in their path.)

    Industrial: Germany(WW I and WW II, Infiltration tactics at the end of WW I almost won them the war in 1918 but American troops arriving en mass prevented their victory. WW II had them use supreme tank and air tactics combined. It was soo effective that they inflicted 30 million Russian casualties. Contrary to popular beleif, I beleive that the Soviets almost lost because they were actually running low on manpower and narrowly lost. Disadvantage is an inferior navy, and limited manpower reserves and logistical issues which may have caused their narrow defeat on all fronts), British Empire (Until 1956, the Suez crisis. A navy seccond to none and a small but elite infantry army allows for the conquest of entire contanents with weapons beyond their imaginations. Industrial power allows them to build an army of millions if needed. However, the navy allows for the policing of global trade. Also, her vast empire and the dominions allows for even more support during times of war. However, long wars seem to greatly deminish their power as their population on the home islands can easily be isolated.)

    Modern: USA, (From 1945-Present. With a defence spending beyond what any 10 nations could muster and vast wealth and diplomatic influence, the United States can finish a war within weaks. Their air power is seccond to none, they have more Aircraft carriors than any other nations, and her Alies also provide very powerfull navies in support. They also have a very powerfull ground force. The United States can strike anywhere in the world within a short period of time. However, despite their overwhelming dominence over conventional armies, the USA can barely stand up to Gurila warfare politically as they are long affairs, despite not actually having a significant impact on the military itself. Psychology is a powerfull weapon.) Israel (Though it has a very small army and its population is also considerably low, they have been invaded by everyone sourounding her and won, from the day it became independent and it was attacked by nabours, where it could have fallen to the 6 day war. Israel has the finnest troops and equipment in the modern era. A nation capable of holding off an attack from every single one of her nabours at once deserves notice. However, its great weakness lies in her small population as it cannot withstand a long war, like the war in 1973. Also, diplomacy is also their great weekness as constantly taking away land from the Palestinians only enrages their people. A lesson to be lerned, to secure peace, even with a descisive victory, one must sometimes make concessions with the defeated.)
  20. Karakoran Well-Known Member

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    Simply placing your military first does not mean that they could beat both the Americans and the South Koreans in just three days. American air/naval superiority is to great. They would cut off North Korean supply lines and cripple the KPA. Thus the KPA would begin to waver, and ultimitly be broken by a South Korean/American force.

    North Korea would at best create mutual destruction by nuking South Korea and getting nuked themselves.

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