Let’s Play Modern Warfare 3 (Drunk) – Part. 5

Let’s Play Modern Warfare 3 (Drunk) – Part. 5
  1. KarbinCry
    War in Afghanistan was not because they were asked to go there by people of Afghanistan, but because their communist leader did not acted like Breznev and his "friends" wanted him to, so they invaded the country and first thing they did was specnaz/kgb attack on the palace of the afghani president, where they killed him and replaced him with some puppet.

    So yeah, that, along many others, was totally defensive war...

    You cannot say that this nation is defensive and this offensive. And you can t ignore soviet plans on "world revolution", idea that Moscow - Third Rome (and Russia third roman empire who is supposed to rule everyone).
    Feb 27, 2012
  2. Schlak
    When a man can play your game drunk, including when he hates it and can still play amazingly then you sure made a pretty damn easy AND bad game.
    Feb 23, 2012
  3. Zuikov45132
    Its funny that child in Mass Effect 3 is the first child Shepard has ever seen and ever seen in the Mass Effect universe, I personally thought those scenes with the Child in both games were unnecessary.
    Feb 23, 2012
  4. detriotlionsfan
    putin might be considering that
    Feb 23, 2012
  5. Ney
    We all remenber WW2 when Russia/Soviet Union invade Poland,Latvia,Estonia,Lithuania and Finland.
    Feb 23, 2012
  6. Achtung Kommunisten!
    Stalin's right, Russians don't dream about invading Europe as their 'manifest destiny' every day.
    They dream of invading Europe to get one over on the USA of course! What else would commies do?
    Feb 23, 2012
  7. Dreagon
    DISASTER! Stalin dropped the cap!
    Feb 23, 2012
  8. Oshawott
    What about the Russian-Georgia war then. The Russians were in that war not defensive at all. They were the ones who attacked.
    Feb 23, 2012
  9. The Evil Major
    Didn't the Soviet war in Afganistan start with the Soviets trying to poison the Afgani president, who was then saved by his Russian doctor who hadn't heard of the plan?
    Feb 23, 2012