Comments on Profile Post by Thefatkid

  1. Cave Johnson
    Cave Johnson
    For Science!
    Jul 5, 2012
  2. Cave Johnson
    Cave Johnson
    Though of course that science isn't really Science.
    Jul 5, 2012
  3. Thefatkid
    Science says science is always science. No matter what the science! Aperture science said so about science.
    Jul 5, 2012
  4. Cave Johnson
    Cave Johnson
    Yes but Science is different from science especially from Aperture Science. And Science says thats science is not Science because science said that Science isn't science, so science is science but it is not says Cave Johnson; sponsor of Matt Davis' rebellion...for Science!
    Jul 5, 2012
  5. Thefatkid
    But the science that is not science is science. The science that is science is not science because the science does not allow for science to be science of aperture science in the scientific science.The new science is the current science which represents science, and they promote both sciences meaning that aperture science isn't science.
    Jul 5, 2012
  6. Cave Johnson
    Cave Johnson
    Yeah I know, it's Science.
    Jul 5, 2012