Topic and date: January

Discussion in 'NKVD Newsletter' started by Bart, Dec 18, 2011.

  • by Bart, Dec 18, 2011 at 12:43 PM
  • Bart (Moderator) NKVD Channel Maintainer

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    Nootdorp, The Netherlands
    We are pleased to announce the first official NKVD newsletter! The newsletter will be comprised solely from user submissions (while being members of the site is preferred, it is not required to submit) and edited and selected by the newsletter staff. The topic for the January issue is going to be the "Arab Spring" and how it is effecting democracy in the Middle East. Additionally we welcome any well written interesting articles that you guys feel passionate enough to submit.

    The final date for submission is going to be January 24th and then you can look forward to us releasing the newsletter by the first week of February

    Submissions should be sent to, preferably in .doc or .pdf format

    Please reference the rules thread (, or pm FeyBart, or Pedro3131 with any general questions regarding submissions

    Thanks for your time, and we look forward to reading your submissions!


Discussion in 'NKVD Newsletter' started by Bart, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. Kalalification
    English note: sentence fragments don't end with punctuation, so this topic should be titled "Topic and date: January" or have some similar form.

    EDIT: Also, it's January 31st, not 31th. Any ordinal number that has a one on the end should end with -st, while any ordinal number that ends with two should end with -nd, any ordinal number ending with three should have the suffix -rd, and any ordinal number ending with four through nine (and zero) should end with -th.
  2. Bart
    Okay. Thanks, I'll change it.
  3. Viking Socrates
    So say someone wants to do the Arab spring, can he do a broad range of the Arab spring or does he have to focus just on the impacts of democracy?
  4. pedro3131
    The idea is talking about the events of this past winter/spring, but you're always welcome to submit any thoughts in an open topic essay.
  5. Viking Socrates
    O.k sweet mine will be more Open but it won't be totally random. Instead of Focusing on just the democratization i'll try to cover more aspects and the causes of the Arab spring. I hope to have it written as soon as I can.
  6. pedro3131
    cool cool. Take your time, and feel free to pm me or Feybart with any more specific questions or if you wanted to bounce some ideas off someone
  7. CoExIsTeNcE
    To clarify, anything we write will have to have some basis in the Arab Spring correct?
  8. TheEmperorAugustus
    Based on the first thread in this section I don't think it has to. But, it would be more inkeeping with the politics/philosphical journal type idea that I think was the idea they were going for. Sounds good. I shall get writing after my last exam.
  9. pedro3131
    You can always submit an open topic, but we're more amenable to the actual topic. We're most likely accepting 2-3 on topic articles and 1 off topic articles
  10. slydessertfox
    I will get to writing about the Arab Spring now!.
  11. Bart
    Woops! Forgot to give you the final submittion date: January 24th.
  12. GeneralofCarthage
    To Clarify is this for all of the Middle East or just a certain part?
  13. Viking Socrates
    Now question i have, can i submit a newsletter that i have already just submitted to the forums and or about to post? or is there no restrictions against this.
  14. Lighthouse
    Question: How can I be a beta person on the forum?

    Ansrew that in the newsletter BTW.
  15. pedro3131
    The topic is the middle east in general, so you can either talk about it systematically or just a specific country.
  16. GeneralofCarthage
    Well I don't have time because of Science Fair. Once this damn experiment is done I can give an essay/article.
  17. slydessertfox
    Scratch the Arab Spring, I will do Iran. It might not be that good though because I really dont have that much time available.
  18. Bart
    You have time until January 24th. If you can make it, that would be awesome.

    What do you mean?

    What ever you want. It's your choice. You could also just do a completely unrelated topic.

    We haven't spoken about this, but if you have posted it already, we'll look into it and decide. If you haven't, I suggest you just mail us at, and submit it there.
  19. Viking Socrates
    Thanks for answering, however its not about about the Middle east so its invalid.

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